Donald Trump Rallies in Fargo: Republican Senate ‘Critical’ for Supreme Court

President Donald Trump stressed the importance of nominating a constitutional originalist judge to the Supreme Court.
“The travel ban ruling underscores just how critical it is to confirm judges who will support our great Constitution,” he said.
The president campaigned in Fargo, North Dakota for Republican Senate candidate Kevin Cramer, who is challenging North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp.
Trump thanked Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy for his service to his country, noting his retirement announcement earlier Wednesday.
“I’m very honored he chose to do it during my term in office, because he felt confident in me to make the right choice and carry on his great legacy,” Trump said.
Trump said that he wanted to nominate a judge who could serve on the court for 40-45 years.
The president appeared very pleased with his choice of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, noting that he was a former clerk for Justice Kennedy.
“He’s doing great, he’s a star,” he said.
Trump said that the Supreme Court pick was a crucial reminder that Republicans have to hold the majority in the Senate. He warned Republican voters that their support in the midterms was critical for the country, noting that Heitkamp would likely vote against any Supreme Court nominee he chose.
“Democrats want judges who will rewrite the Constitution any way they want to do it, and take away your second amendment, erace your borders, throw open the jailhouse doors,” Trump said.
Trump again signaled optimism that Republicans would do well in the midterms, despite historical precedence of the party in power losing seats.
“They keep talking about this blue wave. Their blue wave is sputtering pretty badly,” Trump said. “The red wave is happening.”
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