WaPo’s Rubin: Threaten Maine’s LL Bean If Susan Collins Doesn’t Vote Against Trump’s SCOTUS Pick

Friday on HBO’s “Real Time,” Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin responded to liberal documentary filmmaker Michael Moore’s call to take a million people to the U.S. Capitol to oppose President Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy.
According to Rubin, it would be better to apply economic pressure to Maine’s LL Bean and Alaska’s Alaskan Cruises to convince Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) to oppose Trump’s picks.
“Instead of circling the capitol with a million people, take the million people to Maine and go to LL Bean and tell them in Maine, ‘You need to leave Maine,’ unless Susan Collins votes the right way,” she said. “That’s how you play hardball. You do it smart. You go to Alaska, you say, ‘You know what, we’re going to start boycotting Alaskan Cruises until your senator votes Trump’s way.’”
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