Couple Spends Relaxing Sixteen Hours Browsing Netflix For Something To Watch

ATLANTA, GA—Saying they were in desperate need of some alone time together, local married couple Mark and Jen Patterson spent a relaxing evening last weekend browsing Netflix for something to watch for over sixteen hours.
The couple popped popcorn, snuggled into one another, and proceeded to flip through every single show and movie Netflix offers for streaming, with neither spouse able to take the initiative and just pick something.
“There’s that new Thor movie. I heard that was good,” Mark said at one point, to which Jen shrugged indecisively. “Or what about Dr. Strange? It’s got Benedict Cumberbatch. We liked him in the Sherlock trailer we watched before deciding not to watch Sherlock.” Jen reportedly just looked up at him and said, “I don’t care. You pick,” a phrase Mark interpreted to mean “I really don’t want to watch one of your weird movies with wizards punching each other and if you pick it I will be brooding the rest of the night.”
Several hours in, the man told his wife she could choose whatever she wanted, but when she suggested a Gilmore Girls marathon, Patterson used one of his vetoes, causing them to continue browsing for another thirteen hours.
At publishing time, sources had confirmed the Pattersons had simply decided to watch the third season of The Office for the fourteenth time.
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