Jesus' Coming Back

Pornography Is Being Used To Stir Up The Political Left And Right To Push Nationalism, Racism, And Eugenics

In a recent online discussion forum on 4Chan, somebody pointed out that National Socialism was being promoted by subliminal messaging in a porn film. We found the film, and took note of the conspicuously placed book “The Nazis and the Occult” in the set:

Also, notice there are two more books. A Book about Salvador Dali, and a book called Wild Skin by Carlos Batts, which is about integrating anime and goth fetishwear into Daliean cubism in photography. Dali, as many know, was a famous Catalonian painter known for his odd themes who also supported Hitler in the Second World War.

The video clip is about a student who asks her teacher for help with playing her “rusty trombone,” which is urban slang for a traditionally homosexual sex act (see here for definition) that has become popular enough that Cosmopolitan magazine has a piece about how to perform it.

This video was posted on XVideos, one of the world’s largest porn websites whose owners remain shrouded in mystery.

Upon further research into the clip, it appears to have been extracted from a video entitled “Big Tits Like Big Dicks 9” and was produced in 2013. The male “actor,” Tad Nolen (stage name Billy Glide) died in 2014 following what appears to be a combination of intoxication from alcohol and a snakebite. The female “actor” Stacie Jaxxx, whose name does not appear to be easily found, has since vanished into obscurity but who apparently has made videos with herself having sex with Japanese men and who also supposedly refuses to have sex with “minorities.”

The video itself appears to have been produced by a joint effort between as “Colossus Media Group” and The former is again, obscure, while the latter only gives a legal notice connecting it to a shell company in the Seychelles Islands off the coast of Africa. However, a little more digging reveals the company is linked to a “David Koonar,” also known as “David Singh” who lives in Canada and has had multiple lawsuits filed against him for copyright infringement by stealing porn clips in US court. You can read the case in Arizona courts here, and one was recently settled in May 2018.

Koonar is also the creator of “Wankzvr”, a website that attempts to link pornography, VR, and a verzion of blockchain/Bitcoin, but oriented towards pornography.

20 more anonymous people are named in the lawsuit with Koonar. Their identities are yet to be known, but would surely be of interest.

Who was Stacie Jaxxx? It is curious how she came and disappeared, and that her pornography career seemed to revolved around having sex with whites and only race mixing with Japanese men, and that at least one video of hers explicitly promoted National Socialism even if only in a discreet manner.

But how much are porn websites really focused on National Socialism?

We decided to go to, one of the world’s largest pornsites who keeps detailed statistics on their work and also of which is confirmed to be run by the company MindGeek and is tied to Vivid video CEO Stephen Hirsch. The results for a simple search of “nazi” returned not just some cheesy “nazi porn” videos, but many videos showing speeches of Hitler, major Nazi songs such as the Horst Wessel Lied, and all kinds of promotional material for National Socialism:

Curiously, when searches are done for “nazi” on XNXX and XVideos (who seem to be owned by the same company) and Xhamster, all competitors of Pornhub, there are no actual nazi videos that come up- just porn with nazi cosplay.

Interesting. has also been a major promoter of interracial pornography, specifically of whites and blacks, both men and women, having sex as well as cartoon porn and incest. This has been demonstrated by their statistics.

One of the biggest porn websites being pushed on Pornhub is Blacked, which is constantly pushed on 4Chan, sometimes on the /pol/ board where there are a lot of people with National Socialist leanings, but also on /b/, the “Random” board (and not safe for work), as well as in the porn boards.

Blacked is the creation of Greg Lansky, a Jewish pornographer from France who is creating “cultured” pornography but which specifically promotes white-woman-on-black-man porn and sodomy in his sister sites and He has won many awards in the “Adult” industry and himself said in a 2017 interview that his purpose was to create a “revolution” in porn:

The adult industry is a vehicle of social policy, for the most intimate tastes and feelings are found in the decisions of what people choose to watch. Likewise, while people watch that which interests them, personal tastes can also be modified through repeated exposure to materials, especially if it is presented in a palatable manner. 

While there is nothing wrong with interracial marriage, it is a known fact that interracial pornography is one of the most disliked genres by all people because most people do not find it attractive. Like attracts like, and even pornographers admit that interracial porn invites either disgust and revulsion, or an attraction similar to that which people looking at a car accident or execution videos experience– a sense of attraction based on curiosity similar to what one gets from looking at something that is abnormal. Porn does not elevate people. It is sinful and therefore inherently reductionist in its approach, bringing out the most animalistic desires in a man and encouraging those feelings.

From a political view, porn can also be used to stir up feelings that can be associated with policies to drive people to war and support eugenics, not because these people believe in eugenics per se, but because their feelings of revulsion or attraction generated by the porn act as vehicles to translate emotions to action just as a machine can change mechanical energy to electrical energy.

On the “left,” you have obvious forms of social degeneracy, which is the support of porn itself against moral and family values of more and more extreme forms, and of which interracial porn is traditionally considered a part of. Most of the interracial porn is white woman-black man, and many of the videos are classified as “humiliation” porn, and as many of the videos being produced in recent years show, involved “humiliating” a white man by having black men have sex with the woman in front of her. The people on “the left” have been cheering this as “stopping white racism” and “my body my choice” or other racialist epithets. Such pornography promotes promiscuous sex, and also leads to women, especially white women since they are the main focus, to want to experiment with sex with black men, and to encourage black men to do the same with white women.

On the “right,” you have the people talking about family values but also watching pornography, and when they see many become angry. This can be witnessed in the comments section on 4Chan- just search for the term “blacked” on /pol/ or /b/ and there will be usually at any given time multiple threads with language such as “U MAD WHITE BOI”, and somebody will respond angrily to these threads. As many people do not respond to these threads, they reinforce anger and create racial division because, truly, these threads do insult white men and teach white women as well as many black men to insult the personal dignity of white men. In turn, the “answer” to the problem, is also presented on sites such as 4Chan, and even in some of the porn videos, which is that “Hitler was right” and that eugenics is “necessary” to exterminate “undesirables” in order to “purify” society.

For many men, the perception created by such pornography in combination with other social factors in the dating market has lead many men to withdraw from marriage and even dating all together. This pool of single men with no families, wives, or commitments and plenty of free time is also an ideal pool from which to draw military recruits for a war.

This is not a war between “right and wrong,” but rather the wrong of pornography being used to advance another wrong by encouraging black and white, the sons of Ham and Japheth, to fight each other. Ham is being told that the daughters of Japheth spend their days thinking about sex with him, and that in combination with fantasies of getting domination over Japheth just as Nimrod did in the Bible, that he is “entitled” to whatever he wants and can hurt or steal with impunity from Japheth. Japheth has been suppressed by laws passed against him and harassed by his own daughters through the laws, and to add insult to injury, Japheth is now being told that his wife and daughters are Ham’s sex toys. Japheth is now angry and, given that Noah said he has a position of authority over his brother Ham, he feels increasingly justified in his wrath and is building tools to enslave, torture, and conduct bizarre experiments on Ham.

Meanwhile, Shem seems to be sitting in the background, encouraging both Ham and Japheth, playing both against each other.

The way to win this “fight” is, as before, to stop partaking in sin because to partake in sin leads one to the possibility of being manipulated to commit more and greater sins and to seek truth at all costs.

Shem, Ham, and Japheth are brothers. Instead of fighting with each other, one must focus that we are sons of Noah, to do what we can for each other, knowing we are all made in God’s image and likeness, and that as with pornography and all sin, the agenda is something far more sinister than what is presented, which here is clearly to encourage, racism, hatred, and eventually eugenics.

Jesus Christ is King

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