Jesus' Coming Back

Islamic Terrorists Attack And Displace Three Thousand Christians In Just The Month Of June Alone

The violence being directed against Christians in Nigeria by Islamic terrorists is approaching the levels of genocide.

In just the month of June alone, three thousand Christians were displaced from their homes and villages due to attacks from Muslim terrorists. This does not include the approximately six thousand Christians who have been murdered since the beginning of the year, making Nigeria along with Mexico and Iraq one of the most violent places on Earth:

Nigerian Christians were have been displaced by the thousands due to mass slaughter in the villages surrounding Jos in Plateau state are in a “living hell” and agony, a watchdog group assisting the victims said.

“The displaced Christians were in a pathetic situation,” an Open Doors USA worker, identified as Kerrie, said on Tuesday.

“Life has become a living hell for them. They have lost loved ones, houses, and all they labored for in the twinkling of an eye. The agony they are going through is hard to describe.

“We saw people who were still in a haze over what they have just gone through. Children were crying hysterically, perhaps because of hunger or perhaps because of hunger and the trauma.”

Open Doors, which along with some indigenous churches is helping bring aid to the people in the area, estimates that at least 3,000 believers were displaced by the slaughter of over 200 people in a series of raids at the end of June.

Christian leaders in Nigeria have said that as many as 6,000 people, mostly women and children, have been killed by Muslim Fulani herdsmen since the start of the year.

“What is happening in Plateau state and other select states in Nigeria is pure genocide and must be stopped immediately,” said the Christian Association of Nigeria and church denominational heads in Plateau State last week.

“We are particularly worried at the widespread insecurity in the country where wanton attacks and killings by armed Fulani herdsmen, bandits and terrorists have been taking place on a daily basis in our communities unchallenged despite huge investments in the security agencies,” the organization added, accusing the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari of failing in its duties.

In its update earlier this week, Open Doors revealed that its team was able to bring relief in the form of food necessities to the two camps where the displaced Christians have found shelter.

“When they saw the van, they shouted for joy. Some just burst into tears,” Kerrie said.

“Immediately, the women in the camps started cooking for the families and sharing the food among them.”

Some of the displaced Christians, including Mary Dun of the local government area of Barkin Ladi, gave their thanks to the watchdog group.

“We never believed that God will keep us alive to see today. I thank God that some of us could escape, and we have now found ourselves here in this camp. I want to thank you Open Doors. I remembered a day ago you came and visited us to see the situation we are in. We told you that there is severe hunger, no shelter and no clothing. Everything was destroyed, and in the camp, there is no food to eat,” the woman said.

“But we thank God for using Open Doors to bring help to us. In just an interval of a day, you responded to our cry. Even the government has not done what you did to us. You have brought food items and toiletries for us. We are indeed grateful.”

Meanwhile, the attacks on Christians near Jos continue. According to Morning Star News, two pastors and a mother of eight where shot to death last week when returning from visiting relatives.

The Rev. Ayuba Ahmadu of the Evangelical Church Winning All in Miango said that Fulani herdsmen killed the Rev. Micah Wujit, who served as an associate pastor of the ECWA congregation in Miango, his wife Ruth Wujit, and pastor Emmanuel Tingo, who led the church’s English-speaking congregation. (source)

Most of these terrorist attacks are coming from Boko Haram or groups associated with Boko Haram.It is well-known that the US government has supported Boko Haram in the past, most likely due to geopolitical reasons as Nigeria, the most pro-China nation on Earth (outside of China) and whose economy is based heavily on petroleum, has pledged to sell oil to China using the Yuan instead of the Dollar.

When America invaded Iraq and deposed her former ally of Saddam Hussein before murdering him, Christians and Christianity were not dominant but neither were they being aggressively persecuted. Hussein, for all of the bad things one can say about him, protected the Christians because they were not a threat to Iraq in the same way that President Asad of Syria protected the Christians of Syria for the same reason.

What the USA did was to find the Islamic terrorist groups that existed in Iraq and who Saddam was destroying and suppressing, arm them, give them military training with US Special Forces Operators, and supply them with a continual supply of advanced weaponry, tactical, and logistical support. The USA did the same in Syria. The result was the creation of ISIS, which then proceeded to systematically commit genocide against the Christians of Iraq and Syria.

ISIS and many of the Islamic terrorist groups of the Middle East today are creations of the US Government. Just look through the Shoebat archives and you can read about them. Or, if you are pressed for time, look up “Operation Cyclone” or watch the 2007 Tom Hanks film Charlie Wilson’s War, which is about Operation Cyclone.

Iraq was majority Christian when it was conquered by Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas in 636. Since the days of the early Islamic expansion, Iraq’s Christians have seen many of the horrible wars that followed over the last fourteen centuries. They survived the fall of the Umayyads and the rise of the Abbasids, the Seljuk migrations, the Mongol hordes of Hulagu Khan, the scourge of Tamerlane, the Mamluk Bahris, the Ottomans, the European interference mostly from England and France, and of course, Saddam Hussein.

None of those were able to, if they so desired, wipe out Christianity from Iraq.

It was the Americans, in the name of the red, white, and blue, who did it.

On the eve of the Iraq war in 2003, there were over 1 million Christians living in Iraq, and Christians served in Saddam’s government. Fifteen years after freedom, justice, and apple pie marched into Iraq to deliver the ways of democracy and the American way to the cradle of civilization, over 90% of those people either died or have fled and are not coming back.

The USA committed genocide against the Christians of Iraq.

Where are the “Christians” of America? Where is their indignation against this? Nearly, if not more than a million fellow Christians are either dead or have fled, their civilization, which is not only ancient, but were some of the earliest Christians as the presence of Christianity in Iraq dates to St. Thomas the Apostle- has been wiped from the earth in a decade and a half in the pursuit of a cheap oil and geopolitical power-wrangling.

There is little to no feeling of remorse, or remembrance of what happened. For enough, there is indignation at being “against the military” for daring to criticize US policy decisions in Iraq.

So, returning to the question of Nigeria, one must be vigilant concerning the persecution of Christians in that nation, especially since Boko Haram is so closely tied to the USA.

The USA exterminated Christianity from Iraq in the name of pursuing power. One must not think that she will not do the same to the Nigerians if she believes to do thus would serve her financial and geopolitical agenda best.

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