Jesus' Coming Back

Man Larping As A Woman Walks Into A Convenience Store And Hacks Two Random People With An Axe For No Reason

A man who is pretending to be a woman walked into a convenience store and hacked to random customers with an axe, leaving a bloody mess before trying to flee the scene. In court, the man said it was not his fault and attempted to plead insanity because he said he was on drugs and felt depressed:

A jury has been shown the moment a swinging axe is used to strike a man and a woman leaving a bloody scene at a 7-Eleven convenience store in Sydney.

The dramatic CCTV footage was shown yesterday during the trial of Evie Amati, who is accused of the axe attack at the Enmore store in January last year.

Amati put her head in her hands and wiped away tears as she sat in the NSW District Court dock when the footage was played.

The 26-year-old has pleaded not guilty to wounding with intent to murder two customers and attempting to wound a pedestrian with intent to murder.

Her barrister said the jury would have to consider the state of mind and intent of Amati, a transgender woman affected by drugs and depression, and whether a defence of mental illness could be made.

The footage begins with Amati strolling into the store carrying an axe before standing close to Benjamin Rimmer who is behind another customer, Sharon Hacker.

Amati swings the axe with both hands and brings it down on Mr Rimmer’s face before he falls to the ground.

She swings it again and strikes the back of Ms Hacker who also falls to the ground.

Blood is seen on the floor and gushing from Mr Rimmer, who takes off his t-shirt to stem the flow.

Mr Rimmer was in the service station buying a pie, and Mrs Hacker was purchasing a carton of milk.

In evidence given via audio visual link from the UK, Shane Redwood said he was across the road when he saw a woman hit another woman with what he thought was a baseball bat.

But he realised it was an axe when she crossed the road towards him.

“I knew at that point she was going to try and hit me with the axe,” he said.

He took off his backpack and used it to stop getting hit when she swung the axe at him.

She tried again, hitting the pack so hard that it flew out of his hands.

He ran across the road but fell flat on his face.

“I was expecting an axe on my head,” he said.

He had believed the woman “was going to kill me with the axe”.

Nathan Wood said he was walking home when he saw a person in a 7-Eleven store raising an object over their head and swinging it hard.

“I saw a body on the floor and blood splatter,” he said.

He then saw a second body collapsed on the floor and a woman leave the building “with a dripping axe”.

“She has locked eyes with me and crossed the street towards myself,” Mr Wood said.

“I realised she was intending to do harm so I made a mad dash to the end of the block.”

The trial before Judge Mark Williams continues. (source)

Until June 20, 2018, psychologists classified transgenderism as a form of mental illness, but that classification has since been removed from the Diagnostic Statistical Manual.

While the LGBT has been trying to push the idea that gender dysphoria is genetic, there is no evidence at all to support this, and what is offered as evidence is at best a theory that has yet to be proven. What is provable is that there is a clear link between sexual abuse, especially as children, and gender dysphoria going back decades even to today:

Psychiatric diagnoses related to transgenderism span a wide range of terms, theories, and treatments. Similarly, intersexuality is coming increasingly under the psychiatric gaze, being incorporated into the gender dysphoria criteria as with or without a disorder of sex development (APA, 2013). Despite the diagnostic link between these two groups, histories of childhood sexual abuse within psychiatric theorizing are particularly visible within gender dysphoria, but markedly invisible within medical discourse on disorders of sex development. While sexual abuse has been problematically argued by psychiatry to play a role in the development of gender dysphoria, the potentially abusive touching of intersex childrens bodies in distressing or painful ways is legitimized and standardized. Thus pathological accounts of transgenderism and intersexuality are given prominence, whereas non-consensual touching is marginalized. The focus in both accounts is the pathologized body, rather than the normalization of sexualized violence or the experience of such touching as non-consensual and abusive. Ultimately, such discourses function to detract attention from the sexualized violence experienced by those who do not fit into the societally imposed gender binary and continue psychiatrys framing of gender nonconformity, rather than sexual violence, as pathological. (source)

Now this is not to take a way from the seriousness of homosexuality, because with all sins, they are chosen by the person. What it does say is that sexual abuse as children, of which homosexuals are statistically speaking disproportionate abusers, is connected in some way to the confusion in some children and adults over what should be a simple matter, and that is their sexuality.

LGBT activists promote the idea that to refuse to support homosexuality is a form of abuse, especially if children say they have such inclinations. However, given the direct, long-established facts of gender dysphoria as a form of mental disorder and that there is a relationship between gender dysphoria and sexual abuse as children, what emerges is a cycle of abuse leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy that promotes and spreads homosexuality and transgenderism.

This is why in spite of the “fighting” between the “left” and the “right” over the issue of transgenderism, both will eventually and wholly support it because transgenderism is a natural extension of homosexuality. There is nothing “genetic” about this, and everything with sin being placed upon sin and encouraged with more sin leading to worse and worse forms of unnatural behavior. If one opposes transgenderism, one must also opposed homosexuality because it is a natural extension of the philosophy of Sodom.

Regarding the man from Australia, drug usage and claims of depression do not make an excuse for attempting to axe murder two random people in a convenience store. One would consider that it may make the charges more severe because the man was clearly under influence, just as a driver who is caught under the influence of alcohol or drugs receives a harsher sentence than one who was not.

However, a law is as only as good as the will of the people to enforce it. In a time when calling out sin or sickness in society is a punishable offense and lauding it gives a man social respect, it is not impossible that this man may be given a pass for his crimes out of fear of appearing to be against the LGBT.

Jesus Christ is King

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