More Protective MAGA Helmets Now Available For Trump Supporters Brave Enough To Go Out In Public

U.S.—While President Trump’s official website has long sold Make America Great Again hats, a recent uptick in calls for public pushback against Trump supporters has led to the website replacing the hats with MAGA helmets for anyone brave enough to go out in public wearing them.
“Want to go to the store in your MAGA hat, but afraid of being assaulted, having water thrown on you, or getting smacked with a baseball bat?” Trump says in a promo video on the website. “The MAGA helmet is for you. I’ve gotta say, I’ve seen lots of tactical helmets in my day. This one’s the best. Tremendous stuff.”
The helmets are said to be “almost guaranteed” to protect any Trump supporter from mobs at the local Whole Foods market, Starbucks, or other place generally considered to be unsafe for conservatives. As a disclaimer on the website reads, “While no helmet can protect you from injuries 100%, wearing our MAGA helmet will greatly increase your chances of surviving a violent encounter.”
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