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South Africa On Genocide Watch Right Now As ANC Threatens To Wipe Out All European People From The Nation

South Africa has been in the world news right now as the African National Congress has been threatening genocide of here Euro-African population:

Step 8 is Persecution and Step 9 is Genocide. Step 10 is Denial of Genocide, an almost certain indication of further genocidal acts to come. South Africa’s 55 million population is just over 80 percent black, and the endangered group is the white minority of approximately 8.4 percent of the current population.

Before World War I, whites made up 22% of the population, but it had dropped to 11 percent by 1994, following the end of Apartheid and white political rule.

Moreover, on February 2018, The South African National Assembly voted 241 to 83 to amend the country’s constitution to allow confiscation of white-owned land without compensation. There may be other property confiscations of homes, businesses, and even art coming soon.

Former President Jacob Zuma had been threatening the move for some time, but a coalition of the ruling ANC (African National Congress with 249 seats) led by new President Cyril Ramaphosa) and the relatively new (2013) and even more radical EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters with 25 seats) led by Julius Malema pushed the confiscation without compensation bill through. Apparently 76 members of the total of 400 did not vote. Ramaphosa had previously promised to pursue “radical economic transformation.”

Ominously, Malema, the most violent and hateful in speaking of the white population, was allowed to introduce the legislation.Genocide Watch is concerned with the high murder rates in South Africa, especially the disproportionate number of white farmers killed. South Africa also has the highest rape crime rate in the world. There is also growing hate speech against whites in South Africa, much of it coming from powerful politicians. South Africa’s economy has been on a strong down-trend. The unemployment rate for 2016 was 26.6 percent. There have been many anti-white laws passed and more proposed. In desirable job categories, whites are limited to eight percent of the total. (source)

The violence in South Africa is real, as well as the racial tensions and potential for genocide. However, one must ask, is there a deeper agenda which this crisis is being used for?

Recall that Lauren Simonsen (known by her celebrity name of Lauren Southern), Brittany PettiboneEzra Levant’s Rebel Media, and Katie Hopkins are among others talking about this, and these people on the “right” have been pushing nationalism leading to militarism and are tied to major funders in the military-industrial complex and the support of eugenics such as Robert Shillman and the Horowitz clan. Given how these individuals have been such prominent voices in the movement to bring “awareness” to the situation in South Africa, one must naturally suspect there motives are deeper then a genuine altruistic concern for the people.

The same statement extends to government. As recently as Russia announced it may accept thousands of Boer farmers from South Africa, it is also true that the areas in Russia which these Boers want to migrate to are some of the most violent parts of Russia which also were historical areas fought over by Germany and Turkey against Russia in the First and Second World Wars. Considering that in both wars the Boers allied with Germany and Turkey, and National Socialism had a strong following in South Africa,  one must suspect that with the conditions brewing for yet another major World War with Germany and Turkey against Russia, and how past behavior is the best indication of future actions, this “migration” is but another attempt to prepare for the rise of the Fourth Reich and the resurrection of the Ottoman Empire.

The rise of political instability within South Africa naturally translates to possible economic instability, for while politics is an outgrowth of economics and political violence does not mean it will damage the economy of the country, it has the potential to. A case in point is Zimbabwe, where President Robert Mugabe’s racism towards non-African Zimbabweans resulted in a massacre of the people and their fleeing from that nation. Since the majority of the European people were farmers, even though the farms were given to African Zimbabweans, they did not know how to farm. The result was a hyperinflation and massive starvation, followed by Mugabe restoring to begging the people he expelled to return just to feed the people.

South Africa has the potential to be in a similar situation, as the demographic and economic situation is similar. However, destabilization in South Africa would not be rooted per se in mere racist violence, but out of political manipulation, since South Africa possesses great wealth in her mines of which some are necessary for war.

The most important commodity is arguable the metal Platinum, of which South Africa produces the unquestioned majority of at least 2/3’s for the world, and Russia being the next largest at a mere 15%:

Platinum is the third largest traded metal in the world and is central to industrial processes and chemicals as both a direct ingredient and a catalyst for chemical reactions. It is used in the production of nitric acid, which makes all chemicals used in modern explosive including gunpowder, in the manufacture of high-grade silicone and plastic products for heat-intensive use in heavy industry, microcomputer processing and nanotechnology, and in certain types of engines for military and industrial use. Because only small amounts are needed, the metal is difficult to recover and sometimes is not, leading to issues of depletion that threaten its use for future generations.

In addition to Platinum, the mining process also produces five other metals that are in the same family as the metals are byproducts of Platinum mining. Iridium, Osmium, Palladium, Rhodium, and Ruthenium are investment commodities but more importantly they have value in heavy industry, electronics, and weapons manufacture. Like Platinum, they are also consumed in said processes, difficult to find, and owing to their being mined as byproduct of Platinum mining, they are very expensive.

The fact that South Africa is the world’s largest producer of the metal and that it is critical to use in supercomputing and weapons makes it a strategic military commodity. Nations will fight and kill each other over it.

While Russia operates platinum mines in South Africa and Zimbabwe through Norilsk and Russian Platinum PLC, most of their energy is focused within Russia because Russia holds 15% of the world’s platinum mines and potentially more. Siberia, particularly the “Far East” near Sakha, the Jewish Autonomous Republic, and Magadan as well as Krasnoyarsk (not in the far east but still in Siberia) have vast mines which are still in operation from the GULAG system and possess a wealth of natural resources yet to be exploited. While it is said that Russia is moving into Mozambique, which is near South Africa, it is more out of political than economic maneuvering because of her conflicts with the USA and the European Union.

It is in the interest of the USA, who holds approximately 2% of the world’s platinum to secure resources in South Africa. It is an even bigger interest for China, who aspiring to become a world power has been imitating the USA in going around the world seeking out countries rich in natural resources to establish partnerships with in order to open mines and begin to exploit the resources there. Since Chinese platinum resources are almost nonexistent or their mining processes so inefficient they cannot exploit what resources they already possess, the Chinese have made platinum investment in South Africa a national priority and have been working to establish a presence in that nation:

As older and less profitable shafts face closure, Chinese money is bank rolling one of a handful of new platinum mines being built in South Africa, which sits on about 80 percent of known global resources of the white metal.

Wesizwe Platinum’s Bakubung mine, which aims to start production in 2018 and churn out 350,000 ounces of platinum group metals a year by 2023, is China’s first direct investment in the sector and it likely won’t be the last.

A Chinese consortium headed by mining giant Jinchuan has a 45 percent stake in Wesizwe and the China Development Bank (CDB) last week provided a $650 million loan, providing the project with the capital needed to complete the mine. (source)

The South Africans, while inviting Chinese investment into South Africa, have also been resistant to further expansions. However, this has not stopped the Chinese, especially since 65% of chromium imports to China, another metal critical to industrial processes, come from South Africa.

The price of Platinum has been dropping for a while, with the current price at $832 per ounce as platinum production from South Africa has increased even while other industries have shown decline. The lowest it ever reached was $97 USD per ounce, or about $583 USD. The highest it has ever been was just over $2200 USD an ounce. Forecasts say that platinum should read over $1500 USD per ounce by 2020.

In addition to the political tensions in SA over the racial issues as well as Chinese investment is that South Africa has been having a “spat” with Israel. In response to a bout of violence in Israel regarding clashes with Palestinians, the government of SA has pulled their ambassador from Israel and does not plan to reinstate him. This also comes at a time when a representative from the World Likud Organization in South Africa, was shot and killed in the nation.

Was the violence against him genuine and not a setup? One does not want to assume, but it is likely that his murder, like those of the many other people in South Africa, was a reflection of the disorder and violence already found in the society. From what information is available, it does appear he really was innocent and another casualty of South African violence.

Louis Theroux of the BBC interviewing criminals on the streets of South Africa. The violence of South Africa is savage and affects all people. However, one must also pay attention to these actions because in the name of stopping such people a man seeking power could exploit it to commit even worse crimes.

But just like the persecution of the Boer people, in the mind of a man greedy for power, it also could represent an opportunity for bringing and expansion of American power and that of her allies. Israel has yet to respond, but it would be interesting to watch the Israeli response to South Africa in the coming months, especially since she and the USA operate in alignment with each other on many issues.

On July 12th, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced he would visit South Africa along with four other nations- Mauritius, Rwanda, Senegal, and the United Arab Emirates. While all of these nations are priorities for Chinese economic development, South Africa is arguably the most critical because of her ability to supply China with materials. This comes at a time when the trade war between the USA and China started by Trump is threatening to directly affect South African commodity prices, especially those used for components that go into technological goods:

Hardware products such as PC components and TVs could see a price increase in South Africa, due to an escalating trade conflict between the United States and China.

The United States and China are engaged in a trade war, with both countries hiking tariffs on goods imported from the other.

Some of the hardest-hit companies have been Chinese display and electronics manufacturers, which export components used in the production of TVs, smartphones, and other devices.

The US has proposed tariffs on $200-billion worth of Chinese goods, which would greatly affect prices across a number of industries.

China has fired back against US threats of punitive tariffs with 25% tariffs on US food and energy exports – such as coal, crude oil, beef, and whiskey.

And while this trade war may be beyond our borders, it could have a notable effect on the prices paid to import products into South Africa.

The increased cost of manufacturing and importing tech products could trickle down to local consumers, who would end up paying more for their favourite devices.

Trade war

According to a recent report by Bloomberg, the share prices of major display manufacturers have plummeted following the imposition of import tariffs targeting them.

The tariff hikes may also affect major brands which use components built in China, including Hisense, Samsung, and TCL.

While major smartphone manufacturers remain relatively safe from the tariff increases, many companies with large production bases in China could suffer.

In turn, this could have a major effect on local technology prices – as South Africa imports a large amount of its technology products from Europe and the United States.

If the trade war escalates further, and more tariffs are proposed, then an increasing number of products may see price increases across the world. (source)

China’s announcement comes almost immediately after Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Salman met with South Africa, saying that she would invest in building up oil refineries among her promises equaling $10 billion USD.

Saudi Arabia, regardless of what people say about her, is a reliable ally of the USA because without the USA she would not survive. She imports 100% of her wheat and most of her food from the USA, and all of her income goes through ARAMCO, or the Arab-American Oil Company. She may give the impression of turning against the USA, but in a practical sense she will NOT because the USA is her only line of practical defense. She knows this, and she is also deathly scared of Turkey and Iran, and is the reason why she is trying to build closer military relations with Pakistan. If the USA goes, she is a sitting duck on a platter for Erdogan and his Aryan ally to consume after Friday juma.

Saudi Arabia has also been used by the Americans as a conduit for conducting military operations. This was seen in the 1980s with Operation Cyclone in which the USA, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan worked together to run weapons and supplies into Afghanistan for the mujahideen, creating an army of Islamic terrorists to fight the Russians in what became known as the Taliban and the Russo-Afghan war. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan were both critical to procuring and transporting the weapons while giving the appearance that the Americans were not involved except tangentially.

Is this what Saudi Arabia is doing again? One is yet to see, but as past actions are the best indicator of future behavior, and given that her meeting comes so close to China’s announced visit to South Africa, one must pay attention.

Could there be terrorist attacks in South Africa? That is something one must also watch for as well because terrorism, especially in Africa, is tied to US foreign policy as the groups function as armies for proxy wars. This does not necessarily mean Islamic terrorists, but simply the despotism being found in the African National Congress. Certainly their open racism, outlandish statements, and threats of genocide, which there is increasing concern they may attempt to follow through on, would be ideal to use as excuses for “international intervention” by the US or her allies, when the reality is they are simply seeking to make a business investment for their own interests.

In other words, just like the Boers who want to migrate to Russia, the question is, is this being done for helping rescue people from true persecution, or are there potentially ulterior motives here? This is not to say that the Boers are not being persecuted, but to emphasize that there are people who are willing to use very good intentions and actions to commit the most savage of evils.

It is to be seen.

As far as the individual is concerned, Platinum has little relevance to him other than as a means for investment. However, one may want to watch the prices of platinum, since the metal is very low and continues to drop but is forecasted to rise, and given that the pieces for a major war are coming together, that major foreign powers need platinum to drive their industrial machines of war, and that the metal is mostly found in South Africa and in limited supply.

One cannot stop a major war from coming, but one can take steps to prepare oneself and make the best of what is an awful situation over which one has little control of major decisions. Indeed, as financial stability, especially in an increasingly unstable Western world, is so needed, perhaps for the prudent investor who reads the signs of the times, seeing the link between the political and economic struggle between major powers, might use what knowledge he has to make strategic, long-term investments in commodities that will be sought after in the future and use said gains to help oneself, one’s family, and one’s community as the impending darkness of war descends upon the world.

Look beyond the issue of race. This is an issue of money and power with race as one of many covers for deeper activity.

The final scene of the movie “Trading Places,” in which Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd outwith Ralph Bellamy and Don Ameche by using insider information to trick Bellamy and Aykroyd into overpurchasing on the commodities market for Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice while selling contract on their end, and once the report comes in to buy back the contracts and a discount price and profit handsomely.

The scene illustrates very well the concept of “buy low, sell high,” and how if one understands the economic, social, political, and historical contexts of the current time well, one may be able to profit well.

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