Jesus' Coming Back

Russian Summit Fallout: Trump Facing Criticism

Russian Summit Fallout: Trump Facing Criticism

President Trump is facing criticism from several outlets following his press conference with Vladimir Putin this week, particularly when Trump said of damaged relations “I hold both countries responsible” (Fox News). This did not go over well (National Review). The media blasted the event (Washington Examiner), with Ben Sasse commenting, “When the President plays these moral equivalence games, he gives Putin a propaganda win he desperately needs” (The Hill). Later, on with Sean Hannity, Trump went after the Mueller probe again (Fox News). And the Wall Street Journal editorial board is efforting to “navigate between the critics who predict the end of world order and the cheerleaders who see only genius, and try to offer a realistic assessment of the fallout from a troubling week” (WSJ).

Other reactions include: 

A look at why Trump didn’t admit Russian election interference (Washington Examiner); 

A Michael Medved commentary about Jon Huntsman: Without question, @JonHuntsman is a patriotic public servant. Unless @POTUS can walk back current message of trusting #Putin more than US Intelligence, #Huntsman should resign as Ambassador to Russia. The Senate fight over confirming a successor would be clarifying & important (Twitter).

Andrew McCarthy examines the politics of the indictments (National Review). 

And Marco Rubio comments: “Putin made a point of saying, ‘I wanted him to win.’ He clearly understood how that would be perceived in American politics. He knows that at least 50 percent of the country would hear him say that and say, ‘We told you so, there was collusion,’ and the like. That was not by accident” (Washington Examiner).

For more on this story, see Tom Cotton’s reaction on Twitter,  and GOP responses at Business Insider

Publication Date: July 17, 2018

Photo Courtesy: The Nation/Facebook

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