Jesus' Coming Back

Trump says discussed Middle East with Putin, made progress on conflicts

US President Donald Trump has said that he discussed the Middle East conflicts with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and said he hoped that at some point Iran would call him and say “let’s make a deal”.

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Russian military ‘ready to work with US’ after Trump & Putin talk Syria, nuclear arms in Helsinki

Speaking from the White House a day after meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Trump said that US-Russia relations have never been in a worse place, but that relations had “gotten substantially better” and could improve more in the future.

Trump also said he accepts the US intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election, but said that Russia’s actions had no impact on the election outcome.

He also said that he discussed with Putin the prospect of reducing nuclear weapons worldwide.

Trump faced tough criticism from the media and politicians on both sides of the political divide yesterday for appearing to back up Putin’s claim that Russia did not interfere in the election and his latest comments seem to mark an effort to backtrack on that claim.

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