Jesus' Coming Back

Evangelical Men Join Evangelical Women in Call to Hit Pause on Culture War

Evangelical Men Join Evangelical Women in Call to Hit Pause on Culture War

In light of the current abortion situation in the U.S., a rising chorus of leading Evangelical women called the Senate to stop its rush to confirm a replacement for Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court and put a “Pause on the Culture Wars”. A significant core of leading Evangelical men has now joined the women’s call.

It may at first sound counterintuitive, but this growing segment of the Evangelical church is warning that the conservative Evangelical strategy to dominate the Supreme Court will not reduce, but will in fact increase abortion rates—particularly in poor communities, especially communities of color. What’s more, a Conservative majority Court poses an existential threat to the civil rights and protections gained through the Civil Rights movement.

The evangelical Culture Wars have effectively brought the nation to this turning point with the balance of the Supreme Court poised to tip in favor of a conservative agenda for generations.

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