Jesus' Coming Back

‘Modern Family’s’ Danny Zuker Admits Acts of Homophobia Help Him Deal with Trump Anxiety

Danny Zuker, executive producer of ABC’s Modern Family, admitted Thursday that acts of homophobia help him deal with his “Trump anxiety.”

In a guest column for the far-left Hollywood Reporter titled “10 Ways to Deal With Your Trump Anxiety,” Zuker confesses that childish acts of homophobia are his number two choice to help him deal with Donald Trump as president. [emphasis added]

2. Create art.

Whether you’re drawing simple pencil sketches of a bloated naked Trump engaging in humiliating sex play with Putin or flying a large Baby Trump in a diaper blimp over London, nothing soothes the soul like artistic expression.

The use of homosexuality as a tool of humiliation, as a pejorative, is textbook homophobia.

What’s more, Zuker is not the only leftist using homophobia to attack  President Trump these days:

Earlier this week, the far-left New York Times appeared to take Zuker’s advice with homophobic cartoons depicting Trump and Putin:

Danny Zuker also appears to fight his Trump anxiety by misleading the public. His verified Twitter feed shows that Zuker lives in Los Angeles, but for number seven on his list, he writes “Leave a positive and coded review for The Red Hen.” Included is what appears to be a screen grab of an actual Red Hen review written by Zuker, where poses as a repeat customer at the Alexandria, VA, restaurant.

“This is one of my favorite places in the Lexington area,” he writes. “The truth is it’s always one of my first stops when I’m in the area.”

Red Hen, of course, is the restaurant that harassed Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family last month. Moreover, after refusing Sanders service, the restaurant owner then formed a mob to harass the family at a restaurant that did serve them. 


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