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Nolte: USA Today’s Cheri Jacobus Attacks Trump Campaign Staffer’s Children with Rape Fantasy

USA Today columnist Cheri Jacobus launched into a series of ugly Twitter attacks against former Trump campaign staffer Michael Caputo’s young daughters, including a rape fantasy.

Jacobus, a long-time Never Trumper, who is probably most famous for losing her bizarre $4 million lawsuit against President Trump after he called her a “real dummy” on Twitter, had no problem saying much worse things about Caputo’s young daughters.

Jacobus also appeared to have instigated the back and forth. A good faith effort on my part (and Twitchy’s) found no instance where Caputo provoked Jacobus. She just came screaming out of the dark to attack him.

After Caputo snarked at a left-wing Politico journalist, Jacobus lashed out at Caputo, attacking him as a “pig” who is “headed for prison.”

“Caputo’s one of the most lacking in self-awareness pigs of our time. And headed for prison while remaining an unimportant loser,” Jacobus wrote:

When Caputo responded with a tweet calling her “bitter,” Jacobus called Caputo’s daughter “ugly” and went right into her vicious rape fantasy.

“[A]re your daughters ugly like you?” the USA Today columnist asked. “Or can Trump use them at the Epstein parties so they can survive when you’re broke, bitter, alon[e] and in prison for treason?”:

“Epstein” refers to Jeffrey Epstein, the financier who pleaded guilty in 2008 to soliciting prostitutes as young as 14.

Jacobus was not done. The USA Today columnist then attacked Caputo’s daughter as “illegitimate” and appeared to revel in the idea of her committing suicide.

“[Y]our illegitimate daughter contemplating the pavement because her loser dad is a traitor? Keep it up #BadDad,” she tweeted:

After someone suggested she was going too far, Jacobus doubled down by accusing Caputo of “whoring out” his daughters.

“Then ask him why he drags his daughters into the public stage and uses them to help him beg for money so he can afford his vacation home. He’s whoring out his own daughters,” the USA Today columnist tweeted:

This is not the first time Jacobus has lashed out with this kind of unhinged hate. In 2016, the USA Today columnist told a black Trump supporter, “I hope you get caught by the KKK”:

Like many of her other Never Trump confederates, whose anger at President Trump’s success (without their help) led them to lash out at powerless voters, Jacobus, who once worked as a Republican campaign consultant, repeatedly attacked everyday Republican voters as “stupid” and “racist” during the 2016 presidential election.  

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