Progressive Immediately Attacked By Online Mob After Suggesting Liberals Should Be More Civil

U.S.—After progressive filmmaker Mark Duplass took to Twitter to suggest being more civil in discussions with those of differing political viewpoints, the man was almost immediately assaulted by mobs of liberals on the internet for his “offensive, problematic” tweet.
The offending tweet is reproduced in its entirety below (trigger warning for those uncomfortable with friendly, civil discourse).
“Fellow liberals: If you are interested at all in ‘crossing the aisle’ you should consider following @benshapiro. I don’t agree with him on much but he’s a genuine person who once helped me for no other reason than to be nice. He doesn’t bend the truth. His intentions are good.”
After posting the “wildly inappropriate” call for listening to one another and maintaining good relationships with people holding diverse viewpoints, fellow progressives nearly lynched Duplass alive, with several people on Twitter calling for “his head on a platter.”
“Duplass better not be saying we need to be more polite to people. Or else I’ll kill him,” said one of his followers. “No mercy to those fraternizing with the enemy!”
A frightened Duplass then came forward to publicly apologize for his calls to be civil, acknowledging that the outraged mob had proven that liberals are fine just the way they are, with no need to examine their manner of interaction with alternate points of view.
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