Jesus' Coming Back

NOW FOR SOME GOOD NEWS: AG Sessions’ Asylum Reform is Blocking Many Migrants, Say Lawyers

A large percentage of migrants are being turned away at the border because of the new asylum policy set by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, say immigration lawyers.

“Every single case has been denied by the asylum office,” said a tweet from one immigration lawyer:

Met with over twenty people today … Went to court for two hearings & told I had no role and should be quiet. Told mental health of the parent doesn’t matter. Each case was denied by the judge.

The change is caused by new asylum policy from Attorney General Jeff Sessions, which is designed to complement his policy of prosecuting all migrants who try to sneak through the border.

His July 11 asylum reform raises the bar by denying asylum to migrants who claim persecution from spouses and criminal gangs. Once rejected, the migrants cannot use the catch-and-release loopholes to get jobs in U.S. cities.

Under President Barack Obama, 80 percent of migrants passed the initial test, —>

Read the rest from Neil Munro HERE.

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