Jesus' Coming Back

Top 7 Moments From This Year’s San Diego Comic-Con

San Diego Comic-Con is in full swing. The convention is estimated to be one of the nation’s largest religious gatherings, with worshipers of pop culture from all over the world traveling hundreds of miles to make their annual pilgrimage. From exciting panels to cosplay to free swag, Comic-Con transforms the San Diego Convention Center and the surrounding streets into a dizzying display of nerd culture, video games, and movie properties. Oh, and also some comics.

Here are the top 7 moments from this year’s Comic-Con:

1.) John Piper wins the cosplay contest with his homemade Jonathan Edwards costume. Piper’s Puritan cosplay is always a highlight of the con, and this year was no exception, with the Pipester taking home the Best in Show award for his awe-inspiring Edwards getup.

2.) Thousands come forward to accept Stan Lee as lord and savior at Friday night’s moving altar call. As the keyboardist played the Avengers theme softly and tenderly, thousands of costumed nerds went forward to accept Stan Lee as lord of their life. Several hundred also rededicated their lives after backsliding into the DC cinematic universe for a while.

3.) DC Comics announces an edgy new film that just shows the F-word written in blood for 2 hours. Does DC know how to do edge or what?

4.) Ray Comfort is converted to a Marvel fan by MCU street preachers outside the venue. Comfort attempted to convert the crowds pouring into the San Diego Convention Center to Christ, but was confronted by a disciple of Marvel dressed up like the Hulk and eventually gave in to his unassailable arguments in support of the MCU.

5.) Marvel announces an exciting new crossover with Chick Publications with exciting runs like “Spider-Man Becomes Catholic And Burns In Hell Forever” and “Deadpool Plays Dungeons & Dragons, DIES.” This was one of the biggest moments of the con, where Marvel confirmed the major crossover with Chick tracts. Now you can try to convert your friends to Christ with fun comics featuring major Marvel characters and also lots of drawings of hell and stuff.

6.) The X-Men are renamed “X-Them” to be more inclusive. Way to go, Marvel and Fox! We’re glad that the outdated “Men” label has been done away with forever!

7.) A confused fan of actual comic books asks a Con staffer where he can find some trade paperbacks in the mess of movie and TV show booths and panels, but is asked to leave the venue for disturbing the peace. Seriously, what was this dude’s problem? We’re glad security stopped him before he could make a big scene!

All in all, this was one of the Con’s best years!

Jesus Christ is King

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