Jesus' Coming Back

Dem Rep Moulton on Pelosi: Dems Need a ‘New Generation of Leadership’

Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) said while he is not planning to challenge House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for party leadership, the Democratic Party needs “a new generation of leadership.”

Moulton said, “This is bigger than one person. What we need is a new generation of leadership, to be honest about the problems we face. A lot of Americans are hurting. A lot of Americans are working two or three jobs to make ends meat. We need a leader who will talk about the future and not bring us back to the past, to be honest about the fact that a lot of Americans are losing jobs, not to immigrants but automation, be willing to be strong on national security, to create a country that’s strong and safe. Someone who’s willing to reform government and someone who has a vision for the future. We need an uniter in our party. We can continue to have these narrow and divisive politics with our current leaders, or we can find leaders who are going to really bring us together.”

He added, “I’ve said very clearly I’m not challenging leader Pelosi. But I am going to talk about the kind of leadership we need.”

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