Jesus' Coming Back

Evil Drug Cartel That Dismembers People Alive And Eats Their Remains Puts Out Video Saying ‘We Are Here And We Are Coming To Get You’

Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generaction (CJNG) is one of the most infamous drug cartels in Mexico, committing some of the worst atrocities one can imagine. They have dismembered people alive on camera while mocking them, dissolved people in acid while still alive, and ordered that all new members have to kill a man and cannibalize their remains to show their alliegance to the cartel.

The group released a video saying that they are coming for the Mexican authorities and they are already here to support the criminals:

Members of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) addressed a video to citizens of Oaxaca de Juarez, its agencies and surrounding municipalities on Thursday : they warn that “they are already here”, and also threaten porros and other people.

In the recording you can hear the voice of a subject, perhaps the spokesperson of the group, say the following:

“This is a message for all the people of Oaxaca and in general for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel: villages of Xoxo, Santa Rosa, Viguera, Pueblo Nuevo, Santa Lucia, San Martin, San Dionisio, Ejutla and Miahuatlán: we come for all The ball of kidnappers, extortionists and thieves We are here and we do not leave here, do not be afraid, we are here to protect and support you Your Oaxacan, Christian Cebollón, Chemo , Chava Taquero, Michoacán Chava, Max Pharaoh, Pata Chi Engineer and Chucky , we are here for you, Sincerely, Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. ”

In the message, which is 47 seconds long and was apparently recorded in a house in the country, at least 23 people are seen wearing hats and bandanas covering their faces, while carrying weapons and high-powered rifles, perhaps AR-15s. (source)

Videos like this and others which the group have released are similar in their violence and horror to those which ISIS used to release years ago.

ISIS has for the most part seemed to have stopped issuing videos. However, the drug cartels continue to do what ISIS does, except the difference with them is that while ISIS is the entire expanse of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea and over the deserts of the Middle East away, the drug cartels are literally on the US border.

People say they are concerned about ISIS terrorists in the USA, and while there is cause to be concerned, ISIS exists due to the funding and creation of the group by the US Government for political purposes in the same way that the Taliban was formed for such a reason.

The drug cartels, while there is collusion from the outside, are a genuine threat throughout Mexico and the USA. They are present in many cities and rural areas, and given the physical proximity to the USA are far more dangerous.

For millions of people, as Ted’s documentary notes, life is Hell Across the Border for them. Their plight must not be forgotten, because not only does one have a moral duty to help them, but the threats they face can and are spreading into the USA.

Jesus Christ is King

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