Liberals Remind Nation Satire Only OK When Mocking Conservatives

U.S.—After an obviously satirical video interview by a popular young conservative went viral, liberals across the nation took to the internet Wednesday to stress that satire is only ever acceptable when it is used to mock conservatives.
“SNL? Perfect. Daily Show? Love it! The Onion? So good! But satire aimed at liberals or liberal beliefs? TIME OUT!” one enraged progressive tweeted. “I KNOW SATIRE, and by it’s [sic] definition, satire is ONLY OK when being used to ruthlessly skewer Republicans and conservative ideals. Once it’s used to criticize progressives, a line has been CROSSED, and it is COMPLETELY unacceptable. Period!”
“Do better!” she added.
Another liberal raged on Facebook: “When Democrats like me use satire, it’s funny, sharp, edgy, smart, and relevant. When conservatives use satire, it’s mean-spirited, low-brow, contrived, intentionally misleading fake news. IT IS LITERAL VIOLENCE. GOT IT??”
Both social media users added GIFs of an incredulous-looking Jon Stewart to their commentary.
At publishing time, sources were able to confirm that not one single person complaining about the previously mentioned satirical video had ever produced a published piece of satire in their entire lives.
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