Stephen King Pens ‘Horrifying’ New Novel In Which Conservatives Get Supreme Court Majority

BANGOR, ME—Prolific author Stephen King has been as busy as ever, with an upsurge in film and television adaptations of the bestselling writer’s works and at least two full-length novels coming out this year.
But King may have saved his most important release of 2018 for last: a chilling new novel that explores a horrifying dystopian future in which conservatives get a majority on the Supreme Court. While the author has typically reserved his liberal political commentary for his impassioned Twitter rants, he stated it was “high time” for him to use his skills as a horror writer to fight back against Trump.
Simply titled The Court, the chilling book has been called his “best yet” by King himself.
“Pennywise, Jack Torrance, Barlow, Randall Flagg—there are so many classic villains that I’ve loved writing,” King said in an interview. “But you know who’s more evil than any of them? Brett Kavanaugh. My work has always focused on the evil humanity is capable of—as well as the strength of the human spirit—and I can’t think of any better way to test the fortitude of my characters than to put them in the dark shadow of a Supreme Court that leans to the right.”
“This one will keep you up at night,” he added.
The book will center on the characters of a small town in Maine who are forced to confront the growing evil in the nation as conservatives institute a reign of terror from the Supreme Court bench. “Millions will die,” King said.
King also confirmed he wrote the 1,700 page book at a relaxing pace in “about three days.”
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