Jesus' Coming Back

CrossFitter Sets Fitness Goal To One Day Lift Own Ego

MADISON, WI—Longtime CrossFit member and self-described “fitness freak” Jake Williams can already lift an impressive amount of weight as the man constantly pushes himself to go harder than ever before during his daily workouts.

But it’s not enough for Williams. He’s set an impressive goal: to one day be fit enough to lift his own ego.

“I know it seems like a pipe dream, but when you push yourself to the limit, it’s unbelievable what you’re capable of,” he told reporters while doing a set of burpees at his box. “Since I do CrossFit, I’m a fitness machine and can do anything I set my mind to.”

“Did I mention that I do CrossFit?” he added.

At publishing time, Williams had gotten even fitter, but was disappointed to discover that the incredible weight of his ego was growing at an even faster rate.

Jesus Christ is King

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