Jesus' Coming Back

Indonesian Christian Sentenced to Four Years in Prison for Facebook Post

Photo Credit: Gunawan Kartapranata

(International Christian Concern) International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on July 24, the Medan District Court in Indonesia sentenced Martinus Gulo to four years in prison and a fine of 1 billion Rupiah (approximately 68,914 USD) for religious defamation. He may also choose to serve an additional six months in jail if he cannot afford to pay the fine.

The 21-year-old Christian was found guilty of blasphemy due to a Facebook post that insulted the prophet Muhammad under the country’s Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) law, which many find controversial. His arrest came in March after the hardline group Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) reported his online post to the police.

Rappler reported, “Gulo, who is Christian, told authorities that he made the post because he was upset that his own religion was criticized online.”

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