Jesus' Coming Back

Report: More Millennials Putting Off Moving Out Of Parents’ Bed

U.S.—A new report published by Pew Research Center confirmed Thursday that more and more millennials are putting off important life milestones, such as moving out of their parents’ beds.

The study looked at thousands of millennials across the country and found that while previous generations tended to stop sleeping with their parents at a very young age, millennials often put the big step off until they’re 30.

“With the shrinking middle class and entitlement programs overloaded with boomers, it’s no wonder more millennials are taking their time before they decide to strike out into the basement and sleep on their own,” social scientist Dr. Ryan Antony said of the study’s findings. “It’s a scary world out there, especially if you don’t have a nightlight.”

The study also found that once millennials do decide to move out of their parents’ bed, they are more likely to go to a “starter bed,” such as a bunk bed or race car model, rather than a full-size bed right away. Often, several friends will split the cost of a larger bed from Ikea together to make sure they can make the payments.

“It’s also not uncommon for millennials to head out on their own and move into a nice little bed, only for them to fall on hard times—such as a scary nightmare—in the middle of the night and move back into their parents’ nice comfy king-size for a while,” Dr. Antony added.

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