Democrats Slam Trump For Booming Economy

U.S.—Reacting with disgust to the 4.1% second-quarter GDP growth figure released Friday, the nation’s Democrats united to slam President Donald Trump for America’s booming economy.
“The U.S. economy is on fire. This is totally unacceptable and, wouldn’t you know, typical of Republican policy,” Nancy Pelosi said at a press conference. “What happened to the good ol’ days, when decent Americans couldn’t find a job for the life of them? Drive down Main Street in small-town America these days and all you see are ‘Now Hiring’ signs. I’ve got one word for you, Donald Trump: despicable.” Pelosi’s staff also confirmed the dangerous booming economy would likely result in millions of deaths.
Another thought leader of the left, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, tweeted her disdain in response to the GDP figure, and reminded her followers of the perilously low unemployment at present. “3.9% unemployment and record-low joblessness across several minority demographics is dangerous, dangerous territory,” she warned. “What’s next? Upward mobility? Fewer people relying on the government for their well-being? We simply can’t let that happen.”
“Besides, unemployment is only low because people are working two jobs. They’re working 60, 70, 80 hours a week. This makes sense if you think about long enough. #ShameOnTrump,” she added in a second tweet.
At publishing time, Democrats were deeply engaged in planning their 2020 challenge to Trump, desperately hoping to get someone in the White House who could turn the prosperous economy around.
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