Jesus' Coming Back

Vagina beer, stag semen & space yeast: Outrageous ingredients used to market craft booze (POLL)

In the crowded craft beer market, you have to have a USP to stay ahead of the competition. But one Polish brewery may have gone too far, after offering beer brewed with bacteria from the vaginas of two female models.

Thanks to a successful crowdfunding campaign, the brewery, based in the southern Polish town of Katowice, The Order of Yoni (the Sanskrit word for vagina and the origin of life in Hinduism) now offers two 8% beers that promise to capture the “woman of your dreams” that is “enclosed in a bottle of beer.”

The brewery’s owner Wojciech Mann has assured RT’s video agency Ruptly that bacteria from the vaginas of two specific women, Paulina and Monika, are exclusively being used in the production: “We got in a car, went to a very good laboratory in the city of Poznan, which isolated these bacteria, examined and multiplied them so that there were only these bacteria.”

But, while the Polish startup might have taken the old marketing trope of “sex sells” quite literally to heart, they are not the first brewery to use outrageous ideas in order to peddle their booze.

Getting political

While the Donald Trump-Vladimir Putin summit in Helsinki earlier this month may have ruffled a few feathers in the West, one Finnish brewery saw it as an opportunity to make a name for themselves (as well as a fist full of cash). Speaking to RT ahead of the meet, the Rock Paper Scissors Brewery said their limited-edition lager, featuring a depiction of the US and Russian leaders and dubbed Let’s Settle This Like Adults, was their “helping hand to world peace.”

Out of this world

While not the first to brew beer with ingredients first sent to space (that honor goes to a Japan’s Sapporo in 2009), Oregon’s Ninkasi Brewing Company were the first to sell such beer to the general public. In 2015 a batch of its limited 10% “Ground Control” Imperial Stout used yeast that had been first shot into space on a UP Aerospace SL9 rocket before brewing.

READ MORE: Space age: Japanese whisky heading for orbit experiment on ISS

Green stuff

While this beer hasn’t been to space, its contents certainly promised to get one high. Riding the wave of cannabis legalization, Providence Beers in Canada is developing a beer brewed with actual cannabis plants, stalks, stems and all. While the alcohol has been removed, a 6.5mg THC content is expected to get the drinkers buzzing.

READ MORE: Many hoppy returns: German beer producers running out of bottles as heatwave fuels demand

Milking it

Perhaps the weirdest of the lot; one New Zealand pub offered a Milk Stout that incorporates the semen from a stag called Lagoon. The Green Man pub in Wellington said the protein-packed brew needed special care, with co-owner Steve Drummond telling Kiwi press that the only way to serve the creamy stout was by “hand-pulling it.”

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