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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tells Dearborn Voters She Needs ‘Posse’ to ‘Throw Down’ in Congress

New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Sunday urged Michigan voters to elect a “posse” of progressive candidates to help the democratic socialist “throw down” in Congress.

Appearing alongside Women’s March co-founder Linda Sarsour and Democrat Michigan gubernatorial candidate Abdul El-Sayed, Ocasio-Cortez urged attendees of the “My Muslim Vote” rally in Dearborn, Michigan, to send ex-Democrat State Rep. Rashida Tlaib and community organizer Fayrouz Saad to Congress.

“Just fighting against hate is not good enough. We have to [inaudible] and move forward. We have to move in an affirmative direction. I can’t do it alone,” Ocasio-Cortez began. “Just one seat out of 435 isn’t what’s going to get us there.”

“I need you to send Fayrouz with me. I need you to send Rashida with me. I need you to lock those doors and send us all. 2018 is the year we get our first Muslim woman to Congress, it’s that we get our first class of Muslims women to Congress,” she added. “I need you to send them with me because when we roll through as a posse, we can throw down. We can get it done. That’s how we do it in the Bronx. ‘Roll deep,’ as they say.”

“This is a movement,” said Ocasio-Cortez . “This is a progressive movement. I see his success as my success and vise versa. That’s what we’re here to show people. That politics isn’t a zero-sum game, that we can all win together.”

Sarsour introduced Ocasio-Cortez to the crowd, lauding her as “the best and brightest” of the far-left progressive movement, citing her defeat of “ten-term incumbent” Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) as an inspiration for the crowd.

Organized by Mpower Change Action, #MyMuslimVote bills itself as a “non-partisan voter education and civic engagement campaign,” aimed at registering and mobilizing American Muslim voters. Earlier Sunday, Ocasio-Cortez and Sarsour appeared at the 16th Annual Universal Muslim Association of America (UMAA) to speak about how communities “guided by a moral company” can bring “power change” to America’s political process.

Following her primary victory, Ocasio-Cortez has been crisscrossing the country in support of progressive Democrat candidates. Ocasio-Cortez recently appeared alongside Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in Kansas City to rally for Brent Welder, a progressive political operative running against running again Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-KS).

Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez recently lavished praised on Ocasio-Cortez in an interview with progressive radio host Bill Press, dubbing her “the future of our party.” The Bronx native-turned-Westchester political upstart is a dues-paying member of Democratic Socialists of America’s New York City chapter. The far-left group recently called for both prisons and profit to be abolished.

As Breitbart News previously reported, “The candidate has not endorsed or disavowed on those far-left goals, but her campaign platform does call for abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), establishing universal guaranteed employment, and single-payer healthcare — i.e., ‘Medicare for all.’”

A study released Monday estimated that the cost of a “Medicare for all” program, such as one submitted by Sen. Sanders, would exceed $32 trillion over ten years.

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