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Dem Sen Hirono: ‘The Noose Is Closing’ on Trump

Monday on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) said President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani was arguing collusion is not a crime because “the noose is closing.”

Partial transcript as follows:

BLITZER: You know President Trump has repeatedly claimed there was no collusion, now his lawyer Rudy Giuliani is arguing collusion isn’t even a crime necessarily, so what does that signal to you?

HIRONO: I think that the noose is closing. You know Giuliani is like a loose cannon, so is the president frankly. Conspiracy is a crime and obstruction of justice is a crime. And it all points to how important it is for the Mueller investigation to continue.

BLITZER:  Donald Trump Jr.’s lawyer, you just heard says they are fully confident the accuracy and reliability of the information that has been provided by Donald Trump Jr. and various investigations. Based on what we’ve learned, do you think that reflects the information he provided to your committee during his Q and A session?

HIRONO: I know that during his sessions with us, not just with our Judiciary Committee but the entire Trump family as far as I’m concerned has not been forthcoming and so at this point everybody’s credibility in my view is questionable. Clearly Giuliani’s credibility is shot, even as he goes ahead and attacks Michael Cohen who he said was a great guy not too long ago.

(h/t Grabien)

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