Jesus' Coming Back

Governments, Scientists, And Billionaires Around The World Are Preparing To Wage A Massive World War With The Muslims Against Christianity To Destroy The World Economy, Massacre Christians And Enslave The Survivors While They Merge With Computers And Biotechnology To Become An “Interplanetary Species”

All of history is directed towards the fulfillment of Revelation in scripture. The progress of technology, communications, logistics, and all inventions, however beneficial they may be, bring man closer to the return of Christ and the final Judgment which all men will have to face. In modern times this is of grave concern, since not only has Christ promised such would happen in the future, but that inventions and the life of today that continues to develop has reached over the last century a point of exponential growth without comparison in history before. This acceleration of forces, from the Christian view, naturally will hasten the same end foretold in Scripture.

Christ calls man to be not “of the world,” and yet man necessarily lives “in the world” and is subject to its laws and instability. That said, it is through examining the events of the world that those who are not “of the world” can begin to realize and see the fulfilment, however, fast or slow, of scripture around them and to choose to stand with God against the coming destruction.

While the exact events are known to God alone, one can witness that with the course of changes happening throughout the world and in combination with the rise of new super technologies as well as the re-emergence of eugenic philosophies that destroyed and defined the 20th century except this time with more refined tools, that the human race is on the edge of something major that will define life for future generations. Just as in the days before the Deluge when Noah saw the wickedness of the world and God chose him and his family to save the world was drinking and in merry when the waters of the earth rose up, so is the human race preparing for yet another deluge, which Our Lady of Akita warned would take place by fire:

“As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests.”

“The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres…churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.

“The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them” (source)

Through a series of economic changes brought about by technology, the runaway growth of erroneous philosophies that have already existed but are becoming popular again in combination with new forms of old sins, events are coming together which will precipitate a mass persecution of Christians and a total war on the Faith itself in the name of progress and the creation of an earthly utopia.

Top (L-R) Peter Diamandis, Ray Kurzweil, Jeff Bezos

Bottom (L-R) Andrew Hessel, Steven Pinker, Stewart Russel

They are just a few of the names in a notorious plan of worldwide technocratic darwinism.

Economics and the progress to society from relationships of men with women

Family, economy, policy, and culture are four interlocking points that mutually influence each other and through them direct the course of a people.

All societies begin with the family, which is a stable unit for normalizing relations between men and women that places a check on the natural tendency towards hypergamy found in both genders. As men are attracted to women on account of their youth, beauty, and fertility and women are attracted to men on account of their perceived power, wealth, and status, when left in a “natural” state the majority of women will actively seek out the top 20% or smaller percentile of men to reproduce with, providing them with an excess of access to reproduction and sex while the bottom 80% of men or higher will be almost cut off completely. Large numbers of single men with average or below average economic means cut off from reproductive access leads to frustration, anger, and rebellion, where men gather into groups and being to use collective violence to assert a position in society against the powerful. Such tribalism leads to conflict with other “tribes” of men in addition to their already existing conflict with the powerful, and established conditions for continual war and violence. Sexual marketplace regulation through marriage allows the wealthiest men of society access still to the most “desired” women while obstructing them from taking or large numbers of women from pursuing such men, forcing them to seek out men in the majority 80% of society, which in turn allows the average man a reasonable attempt to have access to a woman. Marriage likewise places a obstruction to men and women so that they cannot readily leave each other. This applies more to women than men as due to hypergamous impulses and the value placed on power, they are most likely to leave a relationship in search of something perceived to be better. It also reduces the chance of men to leave a woman, which is critical when children are involved, since a father who abandons his wife to the status of a single mother forces her to assume the role of mother and father, which results in children being raised without the balance offered by both genders’ perspectives and roles, resulting in unbalanced children prone to antisocial and dangerous behaviors in greater proportion to the rest of the population.

Once the normalization of male-female relations is established, social relations become easier because the ever present tendency to fight over sexual access to women between men is controlled by an established rule. At this point men can speak with each other about issues other than women, from which comes economy, which is simply the interchange of goods and services between people. No man can do every task for himself because all men vary in their talents, strengths, weaknesses, and life situations. What is possible or reasonable for one many may be impossible or unreasonable for another. Whether established by barter or a monetary system, economic exchange permits men to benefit from collaborative work with different rewards. To use a simple example, a man owns a large farm filled with apple trees. He cannot tend to the farm and harvest the apples because there is not enough time in a day for him to fulfill both tasks, let alone to the level of completion they require. If he tends to his farm, the apples will rot and he will not be able to profit from them. If he tends to the apples, the farm will go into disarray and he will not be able to grow apples in the future. In order to solve this problem, he pays a worker to go to his farm and harvest his apples for him. It costs the farmer a part of his personal value in the form of monies spent to pay the worker, but it is money well spent because by hiring the worker, the farmer has been able to divide the time that he would have needed to spend picking apples and delegate that portion to the worker while he can work on his farm. At the close of the day, the farmer pays the laborer his wages and maybe a portion of the fruit harvested, allowing him to still profit off a majority of his harvest still while being able to complete his daily tasks. The worker earns money that increases his economic standing and with it, a bit of food to feed himself and his family. Everybody benefits from this.

The establishment of economic interchange between peoples is not without problems. Rules arise due to questions, conflicts, or simple attempts to regularize what is normal business in a way that is deemed just. Politics answers this question as it formulates, maintains, and modifies said rules in proportion to what they are needed in a society. To use the example of the farmer and the laborer, the farmer might ask the laborer to work more hours than what one considers reasonable, or the laborer may simply not want to work as hard as the farmer desires him to. Either one or both may have accurate points, but none can be expected to agree completely on all points. The establishment of policies concerning in this case work establishes standards that both theoretically can agree on even if one does not fully accept them. The farmer may believe that the laborer should work more hours, and the worker may believe that his say is still longer than it should be. However, by establishing an agreed medium, the farmer gets a portion of what he wants and the laborer too while both make equivalent sacrifices for the other.

Having established rules for family, economics, and policy, culture is then allowed to develop as it fills the society with meaning, a way to distinguish between the days, month, years, times of season, and meaning for what one does. This in turn affects how the common people interface, returning to the family in a seamless cycle that endures throughout time, being subject to changes and modifications but always present.

Any one of these four points can be manipulated or abused in order to spread negative effects into the entire system. Historically speaking, economics is the easiest to manipulate because the exchange of value is always a matter of perception. Family is established by natural law and is made evident in the physical constitutions of men and women. Politics is a reflection of order, and while order is subject to human will, one can argue that if there is such a thing as absolute truth, which there is, then law must reflect said order rather than exist apart from it. Culture likewise is a growth of the natural that encourages self-development in the context of law and society. It is easily manipulated, but the abuse of culture is also easily and obviously identified because owing to the fact that it is a public expression to be shared with others, it cannot easily cover deviant behavior, and it cannot do so without such behavior being revealed.

Economics, as noted, is subject to the will of the parties involved. What one man may value another man may not, and no matter how well intentioned a man may be, even if both strive in truth for a genuine compromise, and even if such an agreement is reached, there is still no absolute standard to which one may say is objectively true. Economics is also a vehicle to power in order to craft policy, as through the acquisition of money one may commoditize loyalty by paying a man to support a particular idea. It is the “golden rule,” for he who has the most gold is the one who has the ability to make the “rules” of a society. The lure of power attracts men to riches for this reason, and as such men with no desire for morality, truth, or righteousness but only to impose their will on others without resistance seduces men into the business of exchange for value.

The acquisition of power also works in the opposite manner, for if one man seeks to dominate others by dominating the supply of monies, he can use his power to force money out of others to their detriment for his own gain. This becomes a serious issue when politics are tied to it, because it allows for the legalization of robbery and criminalizes morality or moral attempts to rectify injustice.

This struggle regarding money between the rulers and the rules, those who have means and those who do not, characterizes much of the social struggles throughout history. It is why trade wars lead to hot wars, because economics precedes politics and is the most easily manipulated of the four support pillar of society.

Having established the importance of economy, it is now to consider the structure of economy in a society in terms of both gender and division of labor.


In the hunter-gatherer society, men traditionally hunted while women gathered. This arose due to the natural differences in strengths and weaknesses. Men have physical strength and aggressiveness more so than women, and so would be more suited to fight off large animal as well as hunt and pursue animals for food. Women are the child-bearers of society and have less strength and aggressive qualities, which suits them better for domestic tasks and the gathering of food from plants around them. However, women are vital to the survival of the tribe because it is through them that the tribe is able to continue.

The man and the woman, while occupying two diverse roles that are different in their natures do not lack difference in their values, as they are aligned to fulfill necessary but varying needs. Men provide for their societies, and women draw off of the value which men bring to generate families while providing little more than supplementary income in most situations. Women provide men with an outlet for their natural impulses, and through which allows them to propagate the species, and in addition women maintain the domestic environment while the men are working. It is a harmonious relationship where one helps the other.

Divisions of Economy

There are three basic levels of economic division in order of emergence out of need. The first level is horticulture and agriculture, as the production of food is necessary for man’s sustenance. While historically man in a tribal sense may have been hunters and gatherers, a nomadic population is not conducive to long-term stability or the building of a large, contiguous civilization in a defined area. Likewise, a hunter and gatherer based society is subject to the abundance of nature for its success, and can mean the difference between prosperity and starvation. The settling of a people in any area, often desired by women in order to raise children in a stable environment, necessitates that man work with nature to cultivate his food source that it would be measurable, accessible, and storeable so that hunting and gathering become a supplement and not a primary source of food.

The next stage of economic development are tools, first for farming and after which lead to other types of tools. This is the stage of industrial production, where a man bases his income not from the land, but from the tools used to work the land and eventually run daily life. Since there is only so much time in a day, and one cannot farm and produce tools in significant quantity, this leads to said division of labor and the emergence of an industrial class out of agricultural production.

In the last stage there is the transactional aspect that appears. A farmer may produce foods, a blacksmith tools for the farmer and other people to use (hammers for the construction builder, axes for the woodsman, daggers for the soldier, etc.), but these things do not have value unless they are traded. This is where the service industry enters in, because while a service itself is intangible, it provides the means for communicating the value of agriculture and industry between different parties in society. `It is not limited to just those two fields and may cross with other services, such as a translator working for the court system helping to translate the words of defendants brought to trial. However, all services are characterized by their relative intangible nature in that they do not actually produce anything tangible. One cannot touch “marketing” and one cannot eat “sales,” and one can use a service to do a physical task but the service itself in not tangible, such as washing a car.

The value of an economic task generally increases in proportion to its intangible nature. While agriculture is the most tangible of all tasks, it also pays the lowest. Industry occupies a middle point, that while it could not exist without food in society, commands more value than the food itself. Services are likewise the highest value commodity, for while having no value in themselves, they draw off of the value of the other two and by extension the production and labor placed into them in order to extract value. Services, while necessary, attract the greatest number of people who desire power and the great acquisition of wealth quickly because by the nature of the service industry itself, it seeks to extract as much as is possible from these two groups in the name of business.

Economic Revolution

This three-tier division of labor is one of the problems in the western world today because of the imbalances that have been engineered into it by choice or cost-savings means. The first major change began with the Industrial Revolution, which attacked all three facets of economics by opening the way to mass production that while lowering prices forced individual and small collectives, which were normal throughout Europe and the USA, out of business as they were unable to compete with the reduced prices. This forced many people into poverty and to have to leave their homes as the primary locale of business to travel to a place in order to perform their work under a set of ruled dictated by a series of bureaucrats in a business structure, acting as a service role that imposed conditions on the workers while at the same time providing no tangible benefits to the industrial process. Farmers were also affected because the changing economics also provided for larger scale farms that forced many into poverty and in order to survive, to go into one of these factories and work actively in competition with others facing the same dire situation. The ones who benefitted the most were the service industry, who disproportionately were able to profit off the labor of those under them while doing less work than before.

The process initiated by the Industrial Revolution has not stopped, but changed form to more insidious shapes even in spite of periods of prosperity unparalleled in human history. The Second Industrial Revolution, which happened at the end of the 19th and start of the 20th century, took the factory production of the early 19th century and brought it to the advent of modern mass manufacturing with the production line and standardization in combination with the reorganization of distribution routes in order to again maximize productivity. During this time many jobs were lost and still the pattern for future economic decline was set, but the damage was overshadowed by the two great wars at the start of the 20th century that in light of these changes employed many people throughout the world in production for the war efforts, after which both wars finished there was a period of brief prosperity before a subsequent economic decline. The situation of the USA in particular after World War II was very unique because the USA was and has been able to prolong decline by using its position as the world’s reserve currency in a fiat based monetary system to manipulate the currency of other nations to ensure her own prosperity at the expense of another nation.

The Third Industrial Revolution is the advent of the Internet and the concept of “lean” manufacturing along with globalization, the latter of which is an extension of the previous industrial revolution but on a larger scale and with better tools. The Internet has been the defining factor in reshaping the economy because it has facilitated global competition by connecting people around the world to compete for the same goods and services. However, just like the previous two “revolutions”, it has only expanded the service class within the economic base to exert more dominance, extract more wealth, further drive down prices, and while providing benefits, also lead to the general decline of wages and wealth in society and across the world.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is already being professed by major economists and philosophers around the world, and this time it will involve the use of Artificial Intelligence, or superintelligent computers that can “learn” from human interaction and is also known as A.I.

A.I. systems are being developed extensively by governments around the world, and it is easy to see why. A.I. systems, while just big calculators, have the ability to perform tasks that a human can increasingly to the same accuracy that a human has the capacity to do which a computer or machine could not previously do. A.I. systems, when placed in combination with robotics, have the potential to serve as a surrogate human with all the abilities of a man but without the humanity that a man has. A combination of circuits and chemicals theoretically does not need to take breaks, ask for pay, do labor protests, go to the bathroom, ask for insurance benefits, sue an employer in court, fall asleep while at work, violate sexual harassment policies, drink alcohol or do drugs on the job, get arrested, complain about working conditions, or have to go home. It is simply a machine, and it can perform the same task over and over with a higher degree of accuracy that a human ever could, and it only stops when the machine malfunctions or breaks, at which point it is for the owner to ask whether to repair the machine or scrap it and buy a new one. The only barrier to the employer is cost of investment versus the return he can estimate he will be able to pull from what he spent.

Given the above benefits and in consideration of the fact that in the western world there are extensive labor regulations that while beneficial have also facilitated the outsourcing of jobs and hastened the decline of the labor force, an employer has every perceived benefit to invest in an A.I. system to reduce his personal liability and increase his profits. An A.I. system is akin to owning something lower than a legal slave, for as a slave still is a person even if forced to work in abusive conditions, and A.I. system is not a human and can be put into even more abject conditions than a man’s body would even naturally allow him to tolerate before dying of exhaustion or stress. The efficiency of an A.I. system because it is a computer will also attract employers because the purpose of business is ultimately to make money.

The threat of A.I. is not to be underestimated. In a 2013 study from the University of Oxford, it found that 47% of American jobs in the next 20 years, so until the year 2033, were at a significant risk and likely going to be automated into some form of A.I., saying that the transportation and logistics industry will be impacted early and in a significant way:

probability of computerisation (thresholding at probabilities of 0.7 and 0.3). According to our estimate, 47 percent of total US employment is in the high risk category, meaning that associated occupations are potentially automatable over some unspecified number of years, perhaps a decade or two. It shall be noted that the probability axis can be seen as a rough timeline, where high probability occupations are likely to be substituted by computer capital relatively soon. Over the next decades, the extent of computerisation will be determined by the pace at which the above described engineering bottlenecks to automation can be overcome. probability of computerisation (thresholding at probabilities of 0.7 and 0.3). According to our estimate, 47 percent of total US employment is in the high risk category, meaning that associated occupations are potentially automatable over some unspecified number of years, perhaps a decade or two. It shall be noted that the probability axis can be seen as a rough timeline, where high probability occupations are likely to be substituted by computer capital relatively soon. Over the next decades, the extent of computerisation will be determined by the pace at which the above described engineering bottlenecks to automation can be overcome. Seen from this perspective, our findings could be interpreted as two waves of computerisation, separated by a “technological plateau”. In the first wave, we find that most workers in transportation and logistics occupations, together with the bulk of office and administrative support workers, and labour in production occupations, are likely to be substituted by computer capital. As computerised cars are already being developed and the declining cost of sensors makes augmenting vehicles with advanced sensors increasingly
cost-effective, the automation of transportation and logistics occupations is in line with the technological developments documented in the literature. Furthermore, algorithms for big data are already rapidly entering domains reliant upon storing or accessing information, making it equally intuitive that office and administrative support occupations will be subject to computerisation. The computerisation of production occupations simply suggests a continuation of a trend that has been observed over the past decades, with industrial robots taking on the routine tasks of most operatives in manufacturing. As industrial robots are becoming more advanced, with enhanced senses and dexterity, they will be able to perform a wider scope of non-routine manual tasks. From a technological capabilities point of view, the vast remainder of employment in production occupations is thus likely to diminish over the next decades. (source)

The Oxford report reinforces the conclusions of previous Industrial Revolutions. What A.I. is expected to bring is a continuation of the enriching of the service class while pressing down on the industrial class to the point of eliminating the human presence from it in near totality.

Economic Impacts

To understand the significance of A.I. and how it will impact the labor supply, one can consider a labor pool of 100 jobs. For all of the talk about “increasing jobs”, while jobs available can increase, they generally grow in relation to the size and needs of a population, as they are a response to work needed to be done. If there is no work, there are no jobs. As such, unless fundamental changes happen in a system, the labor market itself does not significantly change in size.

These 100 jobs mentioned above exist within a society of 160 people, split evenly between men and women. All of the men work and all of the women stay at home. This means that 80 men are employed in 80 jobs, and there are 20 jobs available that still need to be filled. This is the case of America during the middle part of the 20th century, where jobs were plentiful and laborers were in demand. While employers need positions filled, there is always work to be done and wages remain constant.

While women have always been in the labor force, the introduction of women in large numbers into the labor force effectively doubled the market of potential workers but without increasing the actual amount of work available. In this example, there still are 100 jobs but now 80 men + 80 women, or 160 people in competition for work. The employers now have all their jobs full and the people are fighting for a position to find work. Because of the abundance of workers, some people out of desperation will offer to do the same task for less simply so they can earn a living. This naturally drives down the price of wages, split usually between the genders, effectively making all persons in the labor force continue to perform the same tasks as before but at half of the pay rate that they received previously. Because there are more people working, businesses have also raised their prices as there are more people asking for the same goods and services. Likewise, there is also the problem of the remaining 60 people who do not have a job and, with the lowered wages and increased cost of living now may need to consider finding work in order to survive.

If this situation was not difficult enough, laws were passed which subsidized women’s hiring over those of men, and credentials over experience. This has not eliminated men from the work force, but has valued the favoring of women over men for tax breaks, giving a woman and advantage over a man in an even hiring competition by the fact of her gender and not ability to perform the task required. As one 2017 study from Movemeon, which analyses the job market noted:

Not only did women view 20% fewer jobs than men, they also appeared less likely to apply after viewing a job: on average women would view 25% more jobs before making an application than a man.

Having made these applications, the conversion to interview was 12% higher for women: in short, their applications were better.

Even more pronounced is the difference in success after an interview. Women are an astounding 24% more likely to be offered a job after having been interviewed.

The end result is that after having made an application, women are 36% more likely to land the job than men. In essence, men are competing more but winning less. (source)

According to the Department of Labor, women make up 51.7%, or just over half of all employed positions in the USA. In the case of our example, this means that about 48 men and 52 women are employed, meaning that while 28 women do not have jobs, 32 men were put out of work in order to make room for the 52 women to be employed. Numerically speaking, this adds up to 20% of all the society.

The Oxford Study said that 47% of jobs were at risk of being lost to A.I. If these numbers remain consistent, then then of the 100 jobs in the society, 47 will be given to computers while at the same time maintaining the basic gender ratio discussed earlier. This leaves 53 jobs left for people, split between 25 jobs for men and 27 jobs for women. Now, the 28 women earlier who were added to the labor force still cannot find jobs, and not only are the 32 men who were forced out or unable to enter the work force to make room for women still unemployed, but 25 more men have been added making their numbers now stand at 57 men and 27 women made unemployed. Statistically speaking, 71% of men are now unemployed and 34% of women unemployed, not counting the women who could not get jobs to start.

This is a disastrous situation for any society. One can claim that a society needs more jobs as politicians declared in the years after the financial crisis of 2007, but one cannot increase the labor market without increasing the need for labor, and the need for man’s labor is being replaced in the name of profit and efficiency by machines that while legitimately simplifying and making efficient already existing processes are treating man as an impediment to the generation of profit whose purpose exists to turn over what value he has but without affording him the ability to generate value to spend, effectively bleeding him of what he has with no means to replace what he has given up.

Justifying Eugenics

The introduction of AI and its spread into economy will affect politics and government, for as economy goes, its changes in turn modify culture and society. This is particularly acute when it comes to A.I., because by allowing for the robots and computers attached to them to be able to perform the tasks of humans, they become surrogate humans in themselves, and therefore humans are no longer needed to do them.

So what then happens with man?

In 1920, the German Jurist Karl Binding and Pyschiatrist Alfred Hoche formulated the term “Lebensunwertes Leben” in his book Allowing the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life. In it they argued that people with permanent conditions for which they cannot be helped, such as physical or mental problems be they inherited or acquired, can be a cause in the name of preventing a life of misery and paid for putting such a person to death:

In the case of the killing of a mentally dead man, who, by the state of things, by virtue of his brain state, is unable to raise subjective claims to anything, including, therefore, to life, no subjective claim is violated.

It follows from what was to be said about the inner spiritual state of the mentally dead, even without further ado that it is wrong to assert the viewpoint of compassion towards them; it is based on the pity of the unfortunate lives of the ineradicable errors of reason or better lack of thought, by means of which the majority of people in foreign living structures projected their own thinking and feeling, a mistake that also represents one of the sources of the excesses of animal culture in European man , “Compassion” is, in the life and death of the mentally dead, the last resort of sentiment; Where there is no suffering, there is no such thing as = suffering. (source)

Binding and Hoche’s analysis in combination with the work of eugenicist Eugen Fischer, who was famous for his genetic experiments on the peoples of Namibia in what was the first genocide of the 20th century in 1904, was the basis for the German T4 program of eugenics.

The simple question that A.I. raises is, should so many people be put out of work because they no longer have jobs owing to the industrialization of society, what becomes of man, as Smithsonian Magazine writes about:

But once we walk through this particular door, there’s a good chance we won’t be able to come back. Even without running into the apocalypse, we’ll be changed in so many ways that every previous generation of humans wouldn’t recognize us.

And once it comes, artificial general intelligence will be so smart and so widely dispersed—on thousands and thousands of computers—that it’s not going to leave. That will be a good thing, probably, or even a wonderful thing. It’s possible that humans, just before the singularity, will hedge their bets, and Elon Musk or some other tech billionaire will dream up a Plan B, perhaps a secret colony under the surface of Mars, 200 men and women with 20,000 fertilized human embryos, so humanity has a chance of surviving if the AIs go awry. (Of course, just by publishing these words, we guarantee that the AIs will know about such a possibility. Sorry, Elon.)

I don’t really fear zombie AIs. I worry about humans who have nothing left to do in the universe except play awesome video games. And who know it. (source)

This question of “what to do with people” is one of the major issues of discussion concerning A.I. today which the same scientists who are developing the A.I. machines themselves are trying to answer.

Governments and A.I.

The question is not to dispute whether or not A.I. is going to play a major role in the future. As far as scientists, governments, and technology-industrial companies are thinking, it is the next step and its coming is inevitable. The issue is the human race itself.

Daniela Rus is a leading A.I. scientist at MIT. In her speech, she says that “everyone stands to benefit from A.I.”, emphasizing that it is a tool that is going to make life “better” for everybody. She speaks of her work in the transportation sector, which as the Oxford report noted is going to be oneof the first major areas impacted by the technology. She lauds a future with a more efficient quality of life, better administered and cleaner cities, and overall improved quality. However, in all of her examples, she brushes off quickly the idea that the people who would be put out of work, which she says in the case of the automation of taxi cabs alone would be at least 14,000 people, will not have to worry about their job losses because A.I. would bring about new jobs, saying that in the cooperation between me and A.I. (7:15), errors would be reduced to virtually nothing, such as in the example of a doctor working with an A.I. system scanning for illnesses in a patient.

This concept of human and A.I. collusion that Dr. Rus speaks of is something that futurists call “augmented humanity.” In 2016, futurist for Paramount Film Ted Schilowitz gave a TedX talk in which using the example of the smart phone, noted that the phone itself is a small robot who facilitates all aspects of daily life for the modern man. As he notes, this is already a form of “augmented humanity” which bridges to other forms of technological overlap that will come with more advanced forms of A.I and in time will be such a common part of life that one cannot expect to live without it just as people speak the same of their smart phones today.

The concept of an augmented humanity in a work capacity presumes, as Rus and Schilowitz both allude to, a level of intelligence that one needs by virtue of the trade being practiced and to operate in a symbiotic way with said machine. If either of these are lacking, the augmentation cannot take place and both would fall on the onus of the human to realize. The latter would be an issue with older people who were exposed to the technology and did not grow up with it, and so does not affect those who are younger. The problem is with the former, which is the virtue of the trades being practiced themselves, for as the Oxford Study notes, up to 47% of all jobs and a minimum of 19% do not need any human presence whatsoever in order for them to be realized. Burger flipping, for example, rarely needs a human there to work with an A.I. system except for small tasks in keeping the machine working as well as dealing with issues of maintenance and breakdown in the case of function and as would be expected.

While augmentation of A.I. to humans through simple collaboration will likely be effective in making better products, it only works for those in certain job fields. An engineer will benefit working with A.I. to build a better car. A doctor, as Rus noted, will benefit from being able to analyze illnesses more comprehensively. A lawyer will be able to cross-reference and build stronger cases. A professors will be able to research books quicker and more comprehensively than before. However, the majority of society are not engineers, doctors, lawyers, and professors, but average men whose silent toil keeps the gears of life turning and, while in simple roles, are the ones who make life function for all. It is these people whose jobs are being replaced with maintenance positions for the new machines, and while some will be able to attain such roles in the coming economy, it is still the absolute majority who will be forced out of work and often times owing to their situation, through no fault of their own, have no other skills because the lack the mental capacity, fortitude, or ability to acquire skill sets in order to accomplish a task significantly different than the ones they already know and likely have done for some time. Even for those who are born into such a “new” economy and grow up surrounded by A.I., there are some, a veritable majority, who simply do not have the ability to learn such skills through no fault of their own.

During the first and second industrial revolutions, the economic changes brought about by the factory system forced people to leave their farms and trades, some of which had been involved in them for centuries, to leave their homes and go to work in factories. While the skills were lost between the first and second generations that they previously held, by the third generation such life was normal, yet owing to the nature of the work some people were naturally more inclined to it than others, and those who were not were forced to fit into the new system whether or not they actually were able to. This resulted in the continual and systemic disenfranchisement of millions of people that precipitated generational poverty, the gradual dissolution of the family, and the malaise of purposelessness that has befallen the western world and only continues to increase with the greater isolation brought about by technology.

The third revolution brought about by the internet, while continuing the above pattern, has less of a material impact in the western world and more so in the second and third world because it forced the transition that the west went through in the first and second industrial revolutions into their economies. The fourth revolution, however, is going to impact the entire world because man, who has been viewed as an expendable, replaceable, difficult gear in the machine of profit can now be replaced with a machine that has most of the capacities of a man but without the humanity and the organic nature of man. The machine of industry will be fully mechanized except for small parts and man himself, while theoretically partaking of the goods of the machines’ production, will be outstripped in his capacity to compete with the machine and owing to its efficiency will be able to only garner a small profit from its functions.

A man works at a job in order that he can provide for himself and his family. But when the machines that he used to work at have taken over their own functions and he is no longer needed, what becomes of him? He still needs to perform the same functions of life such as eating, sleeping, drinking, and paying his bills for utilities and transportation, and he cannot pay his bills without a job, yet if the jobs are highly limited because those which used to be done by people are now being done by machines, how can he live?

This is another problem that A.I. scientists are attempting to resolve, because just as during the Industrial Revolutions of the past, massive advances in technology that come abruptly result in a sharp change to the employment environment that causes a massive reduction in available work. One such way being proposed is that governments need to stop thinking about how people will find work because work will not be available, and owing to the assumed productivity of said machines, that all people must be guaranteed a basic income funded by the government themselves. This concept, called the “Universal Basic Income,” is now being actively proposed for a test in Chicago:

If one local politician gets his way, Chicago could become the largest city in the U.S. to trial a universal basic income program.

Chicago lawmaker Ameya Pawar has thus far received support from 36 co-sponsors on a bill to introduce the pilot program. If the bill receives adequate support, it will be voted on by City Council. If the bill passes, it could then be enacted, so long as Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel doesn’t veto the approval.

The proposal entails giving $500 a month—no strings attached—to 1,000 families in Chicago. The bill also calls for a change to the Earned Income Tax Credit program for these same families, to enable them to receive tax credits on a monthly, rather than annual, basis.

Pawar explained to The Intercept that automation has the potential to threaten millions of jobs, which in turn could serve to foment or perpetuate racial and social divisions. “We have to start talking about race and class and geography,” he explained, “but also start talking about the future of work as it relates to automation. All of this stuff is intertwined.”

“We need to start having a conversation about automation and a regulatory framework,” Pawar argued, because if jobs “simply go away…divisions are going to grow and, in many ways, we’re sitting on a powder keg.”

He therefore hopes that padding families’ incomes, thereby offsetting some financial need, could help avoid resentment.

“Nearly 70% of Americans don’t have $1,000 in the bank for an emergency,” Pawar said. “It’s time to start thinking about direct cash transfers to people so that they can start making plans about how they’re going to get by.”

Alaska already has a similar program in place, and Michael Tubbs, the mayor of Stockton, Calif., plans to begin an 18-month universal basic income trial next year. (source)

Universal Basic Income is a euphemism for welfare but given under the guise of different assumptions, and in its case is said to ease the burden of poverty. It is inherently socialist in nature as the money would have to come from some source, and unless it was printed (which would then in turn devalue what remains of value in the American fiat currency dollar), it would have to come from businesses and individuals paying taxes into the government who then makes out such welfare checks to the individual members of society. Because of the amount of people, even a small amount of money would force higher taxes simply to be able to pay for the services requested. A business who has invested in A.I. and placed humans out of work is not going to want to pay more taxes that they have already been trying to legally and understandably reduce. It also does not answer the question of price, for if an income level is fixed, businesses will raise the prices of their goods and services in order to align with income levels, meaning that prices will not decrease, but increase because there will be an assumed amount of money that all people have access to whether or not they have a job, meaning that the poor will still remain poor and unable to pay for what they previously could not afford except now with increased prices and more difficult to acquire. It does not solve the problem of mass disenfranchisement, but only makes it more difficult to handle.

The people of the Appalachian mountains are too often mocked in American culture, especially by those in urban areas and on the coastal regions. Considered poor, backwards, “uneducated,” or just “stupid,” the peoples of Appalachia, ranging from southwestern Pennsylvania through all of West Virginia, southwestern Virginia, western North Carolina, East Tennessee and into northwestern Georgia and northeastern Alabama are a case study in the mass disenfranchisement of a people following industrial changes that reshaped society.

Appalachia has some of the world’s largest deposits of coal in the world and continues to produce at least half of all of the coal in the United States. Mining in the region, which dates from the 19th century and was one of the centers of labor union activity and fights against corporations who hired mercenary companies to harass, terrorize, and kill coal workers who objected to the harsh conditions the workers were subjected to as a part of regular life, defines the entire mountain range. Almost all people who have family in the region have somebody or know somebody who works or worked in the coal mines, as it was often times the only form of employment in the area.

As the documentary above notes, the Federal government began imposing stricter regulations on the coal industry as well as introducing large industrial equipment to work in the mines during the 1960s. The result of this was the consolidation of coal companies into larger ones and the closing down of many smaller companies already in operation so that in combination with the machines being used reduced the need for mine workers. While Appalachia was already known for poverty, the rates and breadth of poverty exploded as people no longer could find a job and the only employers had limited spots that were often full by people already scared of losing their jobs and falling into the same hard times their neighbors were experiencing.

Misery and Crime

The closing of the coal mines destroyed entire towns and brought about a situation of long-term unemployment and poverty, where people with experience could not find work and the youth being raised in these societies had no jobs to get. Some turned to the trucking industry and were able to find better paying jobs, but most simply did not, either lacking the skills, knowledge, or capacity to adapt, found themselves without work or with work in positions that did not pay a wage one could live on. In order to survive, many of these people turned to welfare for assistance with food, income, and bills.

The idleness of these people owing to the economic situation also brought about a rise in crime and other forms of illegal or antisocial behavior, such as the manufacture and dealing in drugs, which while there had been problems of this nature in the region before was significantly worsened by the decline. With nothing to do, lots of time on their hands, and no future to look forward to, many of these town began to shrink and turn on themselves, descending into country ghettos where there is no past and no future but only a weary present time, and where some people try to escape but cannot because they have no skills and nowhere else to go.

It is easy to insult and belittle the peoples of Appalachia for their plight and to say they have a responsibility to make themselves better, but to do so is to ignore the reality of how their situation came to pass and the dangers of the economic destruction of any people. While the people of Appalachia have their struggles, what happened to them is now being threatened to happen to the entire nation with the advent of A.I. that just as the laws and machine advances placed the coal miners out of business, so will the average office worker and laborer be found in the same situation through no faults of his own doing.

To understand the seriousness of the Appalachian poverty, it is noted that major companies who sell blood plasma are going into Appalachian regions and setting up businesses where people can sell their plasma for money because it is for some the only source of income they have outside of welfare:

It’s a survival strategy, one of many operating well outside the low-wage job market.

In Johnson City, Tennessee, we met a 21-year-old who donates plasma as often as 10 times a month—as frequently as the law allows. (The terms of our research prevent us from revealing her identity.) She is able to donate only when her husband has time to keep an eye on their two young daughters. When we met him in February, he could do that pretty frequently because he’d been out of work since the beginning of December, when McDonald’s reduced his hours to zero in response to slow foot traffic. Six months ago, walking his wife to the plasma clinic and back, kids in tow, was the most important job he had.

The first thing the 21-year-old does when she gets to the donation center is check in, and as a regular donor, she can bypass the initial, time-consuming health screening. She proceeds to a kiosk, rhythmically clicking the mouse to answer the required questions about her health. “When you get there, they have you fill out … 22 questions…They ask you about your health and, like, if you’ve had any recent tattoos or been in jail or had any piercings lately.” Her husband has too many tattoos and doesn’t remember the exact times and places he acquired all of them, details that the plasma center requires. He says he has been told he “need not come by” to donate.

After completing these initial steps, she sits in the waiting room, listening for her name to be called. She describes what happens after that: “They take your blood pressure and your temp. And then if everything is okay, you wait and get your finger pricked to test for your iron and your protein and stuff…Usually, it be during my time of the month that my iron really goes down.” Lately, the iron pills she has tried haven’t been working. This terrifies her, because “donating” is the bedrock of the family’s finances right now. The phlebotomist in charge of the finger pricking has told her that “if the iron pills don’t help, [it means] I could be, like, anemic.” Anemics are barred from donating.

Today, like other days, she’s nervous—what will happen if she is not allowed to give plasma? The family desperately needs the $30. They’re now nearly three months behind on the rent. Once she passes all the tests, she proceeds to the back room, where she’s directed to a recliner. Today she has brought along a Nicholas Sparks novel she checked out of the library. “I always bring a book with me,” she says. (source)

The issue is not that people are unwilling to work, but that the work which is there does not pay for even the most basic of needs to survive. These people are not selling their bodily fluids for money to enjoy themselves, but out of desperation because they have no other way of providing for themselves legally, and if there was a desire to do more, they do not have enough money to be able to purchase the basic materials they need to start or surpass legal barriers that have been established to entering into a marketplace.

The situation described above is not currently limited to Appalachia. It is found in many poor Afro-American communities in the USA, particularly in Mississippi and Louisiana, as well as in poor Hispanic communities predominately in California and Texas. The issue of a lack of work and ensuing crime, drug abuse, and social degeneracy that comes with it crosses all racial lines.

This creates a scenario for an interesting future where overpopulation becomes both a myth as well as a reality.

Population Control

It is a proven fact that the concept of overpopulation itself is an absolute myth and has been for some time. There is never a need to “get rid” of people as though they were animals on a farm because there are many resources (both discovered and undiscovered), enough arable and workable land, and enough water to feed many more people than what already exist for a long time. The problem that faces the human race is an issue of the serial abuse and serial mismanagement of current and potentially future resources in combination with the desires of original sin that seek power over the humanity of one’s fellow man that leads to the creation of systems which further waste said resources and through legal means in attempting to control one’s fellow man further forces said inefficient systems to be used and thereby opposing organic remedies that would naturally develop in response.

Using the example of Appalachia, it was a combination of machines and overregulation which eviscerated the coal industry as far as the common man’s employment is generally concerned in it. In order to survive, if people did not go on welfare or barely survive on meager wages, many left for urban areas to seek other forms of employment, which in turn contributed to the growth of major cities but also the death of local cultures and the amalgamation of vast populations into a faceless, shapeless, formless mass of humanity to serve what are merely roles as more gears in a soulless machine of industry and corporate culture. As far as population is concerned, the cities became overpopulated and their resources stressed because they did not grow organically, but had waves of migrants crashing into them seeking many times out of desperation a means to help themselves. This in combination with the general greed and lack of concern for one’s fellow man that is embedded into America society in the name of the pursuit of wealth and power only aggravated the already dire conditions.

In that sense, the cities indeed are overpopulated and continue to become overpopulated. According to the United Nations, by 2050 over two-thirds of the world will live in urban areas, and thus the issue of overpopulation is real in so far as it concerns a certain model of urbanziation driven by forced economic changes mostly stemming from greed and collectivization at the absolute expense of the rest of society. However, overpopulation is objectively false in the reality of human sustainability and world resources, and to that the world is in fact suffering a lack of population that is going to have adverse affects that will continue for generations.

However, because of the hyperconcentration of masses of humanity into specific urban centers beyond their capacity that has been taking place for decades, the idea of overpopulation continues to percolate in the minds of the masses. This is going to become an even bigger issue with A.I. because with A.I. putting many people out of work, what are the masses of humanity, based now in cities, going to do when they are for the greater part unemployed?

In the words of Jack Ma, the founder of the Chinese mega trading platform Alibaba, he said that unless people “adapt”, they will “have a very hard time surviving” in the 21st century (see 00:45):

But what does Ma mean when he says “adapt?” The word can have several meanings.

In the sense of “economic adaptation,” which is the most benign sense, it may mean that man must begin to work in jobs and at tasks that he normally would not. A doctor, for example, made very little money in the Soviet Union, and so those who did not feel to the Western world would get jobs working in construction, as taxi drivers, and for the women, too often as prostitutes for wealthy men.

However, it would seem strange that Ma would say this because economic adaptation is what many people have been doing for the last ten years since the financial collapse of 2007. The millennial generation, which was hit particularly hard as the first millennials graduated into the collapsing economy, have been plagued with lower rates of employment and compensation than those of previous generations. While it is true that some have done very well and that there has been a temporary improvement under Trump to economic circumstances, most of this is but a dead-cat-bounce phenomenon of longer-term decline due to systemic changes in the system of economics itself, and a large percentage of them have been vastly unemployed and underemployed for over a decade, and the situation does not seem to be improving for the upcoming GenZers. The millennials who have adapted to this “new economy” have done so my delaying or abandoning the ideas of marriage, family, and home purchasing, and have taken up doing small tasks for low pay in order to create a hedge or pay their bills in what some have called the “gig economy.” Others have taken a YOLO attitude and in combination with the two aforementioned issues are spending what paltry funds they possess on travel, food, and small hedonistic pleasures to add meaning to what has become a dreary existence defined by debt and poverty.

A.I. is not going to improve the situation of the millennials, and with it preparing to take between 19% to 47% of jobs in the economy is going to directly impact millennials and GenZ the hardest. They are barely able to support themselves even with the “gig economy,” and in the event that their jobs are turned over to an A.I. system, it will be both harder for them to go out and get a new job due to the diminishing marketplace offering and the lower end jobs that many people turn to in hard times such as warehouse work and factory work through a temporary agency are also being given over to A.I. There is no way to “adapt” to a new economic system whose purpose is to extract value from the consumer without giving the consumer any potential to, in a meaningful way, replenish the value extracted so he can continue to live. Instead of being a symbiotic relationship between the worker/consumer and the merchant, the merchant has become a parasite that views the consumer as a host and sucks his value until he has nothing left to give and drops out of the economic system because he has nothing left to offer before moving on to the next host.

“Evolve” or Die

This leads to the second, and malignant, meaning of “adapt” that Ma uses, which is in the darwinian sense of “natural selection” and the “survival of the fittest.” In an economy where jobs are scarce and many are unemployed, those unemployed become viewed as, through a variety of reasons, been chosen to be “unfit” for unemployment in comparison with the unemployed or already wealthy, who are regarded as the “fit” members of society. The “unfit” may have been put out of work by the business adaptation of A.I. systems, but it will be those made unemployed who will be blamed for their unemployment by being told they did not make themselves valuable enough to their employers and so not only needed, but also “deserved” to be laid off.

Such a concept of the “worthiness” of a man being laid off from his job already is a factor is the collection of unemployment benefits from an employer. If a man was “fired,” depending on the state he lives in, he may or may not be allowed to collect such benefits. A.I. has the potential to make this worse because, frankly stated, is terminating an employee whose skills are no longer considered “viable” and exchanging him with a computer a reason to deny paying him unemployment? To the unemployment issue is that given that society is facing the potential of long-term unemployment for a majority of people, does a majority of society have a right to collect welfare? If so, what are the conditions for collecting welfare, and given that “overpopulation” will be cited and juxtaposed against the diminishing labor market and massive unemployment, what “benefits” will a person be allowed to take and for how long? More importantly, will this lead to for the same reasons mentioned previously a bar on the number of children that one can have, or the amount of food benefit payments one can receive? Could it lead to China-like impositions on family size, that if a person has “too many” children such a person loses state benefits, or even has to pay a tax in order for their family to have the “privelage” to exist in society because they will be regarded as “consuming too many resources” in a society with great masses unemployed and where the average man is dependent on welfare payouts for survival?

Could this also be a gateway to eugenics, that if a person receives benefits and he is deemed “too sick” or “too old” that a state authority can order him put to death in the name of preserving socioeconomic welfare? Or could even a person deemed “too poor” be placed on such a list and, in the name of “mercy” he could be murdered because, to use Binding and Hoche’s term, they would have to “suffer’ a “life unworthy of life?” There is nothing to say that any of these options could not potentially happen because they have already taken place, albeit in a time that in spite of its disorder did not possess the extent and development of darwinistic thought over such a scale of humanity with tools to quickly disseminate and indoctrinate the masses and then use said modern tools to execute the same conclusions with ruthless and calculated efficiency unparalleled in history.

Seeking Eden

There is also a third use of the word “adapt” that is even more insidious than the direct eugenics of the aforemention usage. It is something that would be as though it came straight out of the Bible itself, and is the oldest sin known to man. This adaptation, while darwinistic in its base, is oriented towards the final perfection of man through super technologies that, believing they are already “chosen” by virtue of their wealth and power which they have, is to merge with the tools they have created so to given themselves superhuman powers. They view this as something which is also taking place today, as another step in the process of darwinian evolution itself where they will rise “above” the human race and, stepping out of their humanity will make the final transition into that beyond human, accepting the fruit of Eden offered by the ancient serpent who deceives the world to attempt to make for themselves a seat by the throne of the Almighty Himself and even may seek to usurp it and install themselves in His place.

They speak of nothing less than attempting to become God.

This concept is known in technology circles as a form of “singularity.” The term “singularity is not necessarily defined by a human attempt to become God, but describes a point at which the intelligence of machines surpasses that of humans and upon this happening will grow at an exponential rate so much that all of the knowledge that has ever existed would be known and more beyond by a computer system. It would be that A.I. would then become the teachers and humans the students, effectively stepping out of control from humans and stepping into control on their own.

In the 1999 film Bicentennial Man, Robin Williams played a robot named “Andrew Martin” who after “living” with humans for many years, embarks on a 200 year long quest to become a human. Towards the end of the film, he goes before the council of the “United World,” as at this point there is a one-world government, and he says that he wants to be recognized as a human being. The Chancellor grants his hearing and offers to think about the matter, saying it has profound implications. By the end of the film, Martin is “dying” with his aged human lover, and over the television the Chancellor broadcasts to the entire world that Andrew has been “granted” the title human being, at which point both the woman and robot die peacefully.

While Robin Williams’ character “died” in the film, his quest to “become” a human being, which was “granted” by the government, reflects a darwinian idea about how life is defined. If man is nothing more than an animal, life is defined by a series of electric and chemical reactions that take place within a living organism so to render it endowed with a degree of thought and independent movement. The complexity of the reactions is the distinction between man and animals, with animals having simpler reactions and man having more complex ones owing to the fact that he is more “evolved.” This is likewise why, as a darwinist would argue, that some “humans” are “more evolved” than others, because they would be regarded has having simpler reactions. This is one reason why “I.Q.” is so often mentioned by a darwinist, because as I.Q. is a measure of associations which one makes in one’s brain, and if man is nothing more than a combination of chemicals and electrical impulses, then one’s I.Q. is a measurement of said associations which is an indication of the extent that helps to measure a man’s evolution in comparison with that of other men.

When appied to an A.I. context, the reason for supporting the Kurzweilian concept of singularity becomes apparent. If machines are going to reach a point where, owing to electric and chemical work will reach the capacity of a human and then surpass it, then the next phase of a man’s “evolution” is going to be to merge his living organism with his created machine to increase his processing capability to the level of the machine. This “merger” will transition man from a mere creature to a creature who has merged with his creation into a separate being distinct from the human species itself and superior to it. Just as the darwinians say that man evolved from previously lower forms of monkeys and human-monkey combinations, so do they believe that in the future, they will look back upon the men of today as man today looks back on his “ancestors” from the jungles and savannahs of the world.

Now these people who support this “evolution” naturally see themselves as evolved, lest they would not be having a discussion about the next phase of human evolution without partaking of it should it come to pass. This naturally means that there are “lower” forms of humans, as they already believe, who naturally are going to be “left behind” when this transition takes place.

Likewise, for the sake of the following discussion about A.I., it is going to be assumed that there will be no major negative changes that the A.I. systems are going to bring about in that they will cause direct harm to humans by their own volition or human interference. The concept of “malevolent A.I.” has already been discussed by Dr. Roman Yampolskiy at the World Government Summit, where he argues that given the capacities with which A.I. potentially can have and what it already has, that it will be a target for people with malicious intentions in addition to the possibility that system failures within the A.I. itself could yield disastrous consequences, such as resulting in war and the deaths of countless people. The assumption that these potential and realistic scenarios will not happen is not to deny their seriousness, but to allow for focus to be placed on how the evolutionary philosophy that fuels the technological obsession with A.I.

Pearl Jam’s “do the evolution” music video shows the “evolution” of man from the darwinian “primal ooze” to the current day, where man in the height of all of his technology and accomplishments uses his knowledge to finally destroy himself and all life on earth. Given the large population of the world, modern weapons, and the human tendency towards self-destruction that the Catholic Faith explains through the theology of Original Sin, the potential for intentional or unintentional suicide has never been greater.

But is there a way out of this conundrum? As the darwinist naturally believes in evolution and by extension that at the very least, he is counted among some other men as being more “evolved,” there is a tendency not to see the problem as one common to all man but one caused by the obstructions to evolution from less evolved men. This is perceived as both a direct harm to the “evolved” members of the human race as well as to the species itself because their existence is preventing the betterment of the human species. These men, which constitute the majority of the human race, could also be considered as “life unworthy of life” since they, in the view of the darwinists, are stumbling blocks on the road to evolutionary “perfection,” preferring to remain has said blocks than take attempts to further their advancement and the advancement of the species itself.

Evolutionary biologist Steven Pinker, who is a supporter of evolutionary philosophy, reflected this in a speech given three months ago where he said that the European “enlightenment” was defined by four themes of reason, science, humanism, and progress where through man’s own capabilities he raises himself up in a process that continues today. He states that man’s humanity is on account of him being a “sentient” creature that is capable of “empathy” towards his fellow man, and that is also includes animals, as it would naturally have to assuming a standpoint of evolution. While Pinker does not argue this in the clip, the assumption would be that if a human being lacked or was deficient in said characteristics, it would proportionately affect his humanity since these are core metrics by which a man’s humanity is defined.

The Long NoOw F

If one looks closely at the video, Pinker gave this talk for a group called the “Long Now Foundation.” The Long Now Foundation is a group based in San Francisco which says that its purpose is to “foster long-term thinking” over the next ten thousand years and in the process has been developing a massive clock that move one second every year, rings once every century, and has the cuckoo emerge once every thousand years as it operates on a ten thousand year time cycle (more about the clock later).

The Long Now Foundation began in 1996 (or 01996 as they write it) appearing as a project of the Thoreau Center for Sustainability, which remains a part of the Tides Foundation that was started by Drummond Pike working with Jane Lehman, heiress of the R. J. Reynolds tobacco empire to support liberal causes. One such cause they were heavily involved with support of was ACORN, which was an activist group that helped elect Obama to the Presidency. Tides remains one of the key network hubs for supporting both financially and logistically liberal causes in the USA.

In H.G. Wells novel made into film The Time Machine, the protagonist  watches as he travels 800,000 years into the future, seeing the evolution of society all around him and the return of the world to a state of nature before civilization. While the Long Now Foundation does not speak of such a return to nature, from their earliest stories they speak of the changing nature of man in relation to technology as an evolutionary process where man’s merging with his technology is a part of this, and that those who refuse to do so are “relics” who will be “left behind,” and using the analogy of a butterfly from a caterpillar, that such a transformation may seem strange or painful but must take place:

Increasingly we fragment our activities into pure components. We either work or play, exercise or relax, teach or learn. We divide our art, our science, our politics and our religion into carefully separated spheres. There was an older kind of human that kept these things together, a kind a person who worked and played and taught and learned all at the same time. That kind of person is becoming obsolete. Integration demands standardization. Just as a single cell in our body is adapted to a specific function and a specific time, we too must focus our roles. An earlier kind of cell could sense, move, digest, and reproduce continuously, but such a self-sufficient unit cannot function as a part of a complex whole.

I cannot help but feel ambivalent at the prospect of this brave new world, in which I will be a small part of a symbiotic organism that I can barely comprehend. But then, I am a product of another kind of society, one that celebrates the individual. My sense of identity, my very sense of survival, is based on a resistance to becoming something else. Just as one of my hunting-gathering ancestors would surely reject my modern city life, so do I feel myself rebelling at this metamorphosis. This is natural. I imagine that caterpillars are skeptical of butterflies. (source)

Back in 1999, the Long Now Foundation identified seven guidelines for “long-term” successs:

1. Serve the long view (and the long viewer).

2. Foster responsibility.

3. Reward patience.

4. Mind mythic depth.

5. Ally with competition.

6. Take no sides.

7. Leverage longevity. (source)

Such “guidelines” would seem almost dogmatic in their presenation, and this become clear when one asks the founder of the Long Now Foundation, Stewart Brand, about his vision, which he states is to build a giant clock that not only spans all of known human history, but is set to document the time moving foward to the next ten thousand years. He says that he will not live forever, but information does, and this clock is part of his contribution to preserving his memory for future generations:

I want to build a clock that ticks once a year. The century hand advances once every hundred years and the cuckoo comes out on the millennium. I want the cuckoo to come out every millennium for the next ten thousand years. If I hurry I should finish the clock in time to see the cuckoo come out for the first time.

When I tell my friends about the millennium clock they either get it or they don’t. Nothing in between. Most of them assume I’m not serious or if I am, that I must be having some kind of mid-life crisis. “That’s nice, Danny, but why can’t you just write a computer program to do the same thing?” or “Maybe you should start another company instead”. My friends who get it all have ideas, but each focuses on a different aspect of the clock. My engineer friends mostly worry about the power source: solar, water, nuclear, geothermal, diffusion, or tides? Stewart Brand starts thinking about the organization that takes care of the clock. My entrepreneurial friends muse about how to make it financially self-sustaining. It’s a kind of Rorschacht test, of time. Peter Gabriel thinks maybe the clock should be alive, like a garden, counting the seasons with short-lived flowers , counting the years with sequoias and bristle cone pines. Brian Eno gives it a name: The Clock of the Long Now.

Ten thousand years is about as long as the history of human technology. We have fragments of pots that are that old. Geologically, it is just a blink of an eye. When you really start thinking about building something that lasts that long, the real problem is not decay and corrosion, or even the power source. The real problem is people. If something becomes unimportant to people it gets salvaged for parts; if it becomes important then it becomes a symbol and eventually it must be destroyed. The only way to survive over the long run is either to be made of something large and worthless, like Stonehenge and the Pyramids, or to become lost. The Dead Sea scrolls managed to survive by remaining unfound for a few millennia. Now that they are located and preserved in a museum they are probably doomed. I would give them two centuries, tops.

This leads to a line thinking that says the clock should be copied and hidden. The idea of hiding the clock to preserve it has a natural corollary, but it takes Teller, a professional magician, to suggest it without shame: “The important thing is to make a very convincing documentary about building the clock and hiding it. Don’t actually build one. That would spoil the myth if it was ever found.” I know that in a way Teller is right. The only clocks that have ever really survived over the long run, like the Su Sung’s Heavenly Clockworks, or the giant hourglass of Uqbar, have survived in books, drawings and stories. The longest lived thing in the universe pure information. Bits last. …..

Just before Jonas Salk died, I was lucky enough to sit next to him at dinner. I didn’t know him well, but in past conversations he had always encouraged my more mystical lines of thought. I was sure he would like the millennium clock. I was disappointed by his response: “Think about what problem are you really trying to solve. What question are you really trying to ask?” I had never really thought of the clock as a question. For me it was more of an answer, although I wasn’t sure to what. I talked more, about the shrinking future, about the oak trees. “Oh I see”, Salk said, “you want to preserve something of yourself, just as I am preserving something of my self by having this conversation with you.” I remembered this a few weeks later, when he died. “Be sure you think carefully about exactly what you want to preserve,” he said.

O.K. Jonas, and People of the Future, here is a part of me that I want to preserve, and maybe the clock is my way of preserving it: I cannot imagine the future, but I care about it. I sense I am a part of a story that starts long before I can remember and continues long beyond the time when anyone will remember me. I sense that I am alive at the time of an important change, and I feel a responsibility to make sure that the change comes out well. I plant my acorns knowing full well that I will never live to harvest the oaks. I have hope for the future. (source)

The Long Now Foundation has multiple projects it administers dedicated to preserving information. While their most public focus has been on time management, it is in the concept of “long term” information preservation that much of their focus lies for the “next” ten thousand years of the human race. They have created projects to make bets for future trendbets for future trends, to revive animals and plants from extinction, to preserve the world’s languages and then to connect the worlds languages all to each other, and to provide for the creation of a “Manual for civilization” to lead humanity over the next ten thousand years comprised of books from “great authors” whose works have impacted the human race.

The “Manual For Civilization” project is telling because there are no books on it which mention anything of Christian teaching at all, not even the Bible. Perhaps this is because of a hidden disdain for religion that one will notice in the talk by Steven Pinker earlier, that “religion” in all forms is an example of something that “less evolved” people believe in that is included in this definition, and this derisive attitude towards religion permeates throughout the Long Now Foundation.

The Georgia Guidestones

These “projects” and “long term view” in combination with the self-stated guidelines for the Long Now Foundation bear a striking semblance to the words on the Georgia Guidestones. Erected in 1980 by an anonymous donor, the Guidestones are set up to coordinate with phases of the sun and moon, including a time capsule, placed by “A small groupvof Americans who seek the Age of Reason” with the words “Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason” on it and, after inscriptions in Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Ancient Egyptian and Babylonian Cuneiform, give the following “instructions” in Arabic, Chinese, English, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, and Swahili:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

Sacrificing the “weak” for the New World Government

In a talk sponsored by the Long Now Foundation in 2011, Jewish evolutionist Jared Diamond in a discussion about his 2005 book Collapse: How Societies Choose To Fail Or Succeed says that in addition to many “failures,” there are also “success stories” and he specifically cites Iceland and Japan (9:15) as examples of this, reflecting the words of the contemporary nationalists who laud both nations for having been able to maintain ‘genetic purity’ in combination with environmental sustainability and of which both are predominately pagan in their religious beliefs. Diamond cites overpopuation and environmental “unsustainability” that must be addressed, but if in combination with “long-term thinking” were addressed could be resolved.

Curiously, Diamond provides a more direct answer Jack Ma’s response that man will have to “adapt” or else find it “difficult to survive”. Diamond notes (10:35) that the nation of Rwanda “solved” its “problem” of overpopulation and environmental threats through the 1994 genocide in what he calls the “worst case” scenario of Thomas Malthus, the eugenicist who first proposed the idea of overpopulation.

The Long Now Foundation’s apparent disdain of religion, however strong it is, does not shy away from embracing pagan spirituality. In a series of highlights from a talk given by Larry Harvey, the founder of the Burning Man festival in the California desert that is one of the largest neo-pagan events in the USA, he explains that the Burning Man is a “radical” festival in that it connects to the “radical”, or “root,” of what it means to be a human being. He notes this includes marking days of birth, the passing of time, and culturally “sacred” rituals for a people, and that to do such is deeply ingrained into the nature of man.

So, returning to the clock, the defining project of the Long Now Foundation, is this not just a time device for future generations, but like the Georgia Guidestones and the Burning Man festival, a religious symbol to a future generations to celebrate the technological and eventually, humanistic evolution of man?

Alexander Rose of the Long Now Foundation spoke in 2011 at Singularity University, a project founded by transhumanist Ray Kurzweil and aerospace multimillionaire Peter Diamandis. Singularity University, which receives its funding from the Ewing Kaufmann Foundation, Google, Deloitte, and genetic research company Genentech among others, supports the idea of “exponential growth” caused by technology and what answers are for this. According to Kurzweil’s statements on A.I., the world is moving closer toward such singularity where machine surpasses man in his capabilities, and the natural and following step of man’s evolution is to blend with machine to achieve superhuman abilities through which he will transcend his humanity into eventually a new species itself.

The Clock

Rose’s talk speaks of the practical matters for constructing a clock that could last ten thousand years, noting that the greatest dangers to such a structure, as with any structure, is human perception of it being perceived as too valuable or an obstruction that has value which can be taken away, or in a geographic area subject to consistent and notable human upheaval. He confirms twice (27:15) that the clock project is being funded and is taking place on land owned by Jeff Bezos of in Van Horn, TX and that it was Bezos who approached them to support their work (36:35) even after they has purchased a piece of land in Nevada. He also speaks (30:00) about the preservation of human language that is going to accompany the clock and has already been launched into space through the European space agency as part of their language preservation program. Rose speaks of the project as something “mythic” (42:45) to be left behind for coming generations.

The Return Of Titans

Something that one notices between Ray Kurzweil, Peter Diamandis, Jeff Bezos, and other men associated with projects and groups such as the Long Now Foundation, and even the re-emerging ethnonationalism in movements on the political right is a focus on long-term thinking in combination with space travel or the support of space travel in a way reminiscent of the science fiction works of the 1950s. They speak of the colonization of space and a time when humans will travel to the stars just as the men of Europe conquered the sands and jungles of the world in the past.

But who are the men who will go out and do this conquering? What do they look like, what are their characteristics? That is not always described in detail, but whether or not these men agree on what this future will look like, if it is even possible, there is a term that consistently arises, which one will note is “synthetic biology”, as Long Now Foundation member Brian Eno, who is central to the creation of the great clock refers to:

Hillis talked about the long-term stories we live by and how our expectations of the future shape the future, such as our hopes about space travel. Eno said that Mars is too difficult to live on, so what’s the point, and Hillis said, “That’s short-term thinking. There are three big game-changers going on: globalization, computers, and synthetic biology. (If I were a grad student now, I wouldn’t study computer science, I’d study synthetic biology.) I probably wouldn’t want to live on Mars in this body, but I could imagine adapting myself so I would want to live on Mars. To me it’s pretty inevitable that Earth is just our starting point.” (source)

Andrew Hessel is the Chair of Bioinformatics and Biotechnology at Kurzweil and Diamandis’ Singularity University. He is deeply tied to the genetics and biotech industry of San Francisco including Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Amgen, Humane Genomics, and the Center for Excellence in Biological Engineering. As his biography notes:

Andrew has continually worked at the forefront of genomics, first to read and comprehend bacterial, human, and other genomes and more recently to write them. He believes the technology that makes this possible, called synthetic biology, is revolutionary and that it will eventually surpass information technology (IT) as an economic engine and driver of societal change. He speaks widely on topics that include cells as living computers, life science as an emerging IT industry, and biological safety and security. (source)

In the above talk that was delivered in 2017 in Germany, he argues that the future of biology is in the union with technology because as genes act like a code for a computer program, it will be between the integration of biology with technology that will be the future of Information Technology and eventually human evolution itself. He speaks of biotechnology being integrated into all aspects of life, and imagines a world where every baby that is born will, using future tools, be screened for cancer and other diseases at birth (10:05), and where all humans could be scanned instantly for illnesses in a cheap and mass scalable way, and says that the Chinese are already attempting to do this using A.I. (12:27). As he goes on, he says that in the future man will be able to edit his own genetics, and citing the CRISPR program as a starting program that “Just popped out of nowhere,” (20:00) is a contemporary verison of what will come in the future to select and amplify desirable genes while removing or killing undesirable genes in order to “design intentional creatures” (21:10), and he references a company named Twist that is working on “printing DNA.”

The statements being made appear to be extreme as to suggests that man is on the cusp of a massive evolutionary presupice and he will leap, as the darwinists say that man did in the past, to the next stage of evolution, which will come in the form of synthetic biology upon the realization of singularity through the merger of man with A.I. At that point, man’s evolution, having reached the next stage of progress from the time of the apes on the savannahs of Africa, will transcend humanity and ascend to the stars becoming an intergalactic species that will have the ability to leave behind earth as he travels to the ends of the universe bringing his power, progress, and prowess to worlds yet unknown.

Man Become An “Interplanetary Species”

It sounds about a ridiculous as the Edgar Rice Borroughs early 20th century novel A Princess of Mars, which for its time was regarded as literary softcore pornography for teenage boys yet to experience their first kiss from a woman. However, Kurzweil, Diamandis, and their supporters in the Long Now Foundation and fellow evolutionists take this seriously for as it was recently reported in Singularity University’s 2018 conference in the Czech Republic introducing Singularity University founder Peter Diamandis (00:00 to 00:33):

We are about to see the transformation of the human race, in education, in governance, in human-to-human connections, in employment, commerce, and entertainment, and we will become a multi-planetary species, and all of that in our lifetime, says founder of singularity university, a man who works with Elon Musk, or for example, Richard Branson, and is joining life from California, Peter Diamandis.

The world which Diamandis speaks of could have come out a science fiction TV show of the 1950s. At one point, he even says that he envisions A.I. to come to such a point (44:30 in the previous video) that the world is going to come to the point of a “star trek” future and how it is during this time that the human race will become a “multi-planetary species” where man will “crawl out of the earth and into the universe” (51:50 in the previous video).

Diamandis’ comments about humans becoming an “interplanetary species” are not to be regarded as outlandish. As Juan Enriquez notes in his talk at the 2018 World Government Summit, he talks about the evolution of human beings and science taking part in the creation of life and rapidly changing the evolutionary process in a fundamental (4:40), saying that what has changed with technology is man’s ability to edit with tools such as CRISPR mentioned by Andrew Hessel with Singularity University, and to do so in a fast and efficient way (9:00). He speaks of being editing human body parts to be able to do things such as have infrared skin or be resistant to raditation with such tools, and then being able to do with the brain, being able to insert, delete, and re-organize memories (19:00). He says this has the potential to change every aspect of society including “religious systems” (22:20), and alluding to Diamandis’ statements, says that while human beings are not able to do explore space in debt due to biological limitations and “no natural selection or evolutionary pressure to adapt to space,” that the human body itself will be able to be redesigned in order to allow man to “take control” of the evolutionary process to “design an interplanetary species,” which he says is “when things get exciting” and “will be a very, very cool thing for humans to do” (27:00 to the end).

Clearly there is an idea that between biotechnology, A.I., and developing technologies man will merge with machines, and this is a step in an evolutionary process. But who is to say who will be “chosen” for this next step of “evolution?” For if man must merge with machines because it is the next step of his “evolution” through synthetic biology, it presumes the advancement of the species as a whole that will eventually leave behind “lower forms” of humanity just as how the apes and homonid-type creatures that darwinists speak of were abandoned and eventually went extinct. This would naturally recall the question of “life unworthy of life” but recontextualized to fit into a paradigm of technological progress, where the “untermenschen”, which are those who are “not evolved” and either “refuse” to “evolve” or cannot “evolve”. Are such people to be viewed as a lower species that is eventually going to die out, and how are they to be treated in light of the “advanced” human specieis. Likewise, are such people by their very existence serving as an obstruction to the evolution of the further evolved, and would it be in the “interest” of the “greater good” for the “evolution” of the race to simply dispose of them in the future?

Forcing The Hand Of The Future

Refer back to Jack Ma’s statements about the survival of the human race in the 21st century, where man has to “adapt” or perish. Here we see another level of development where the coming economic disenfranchisement of the masses leads to the stripping of their rights as human beings and in the name of bettering the human race justifies their mass destruction before the idols of technology and progress to the evolutionary system of belief.

If one takes the evolutionary position regarding work, then as stated before, those who will be put out of work by the coming A.I. revolution deserved to lose their jobs as either they lack the ability or drive to acquire news skills to survive, or they refuse to accept the fact of “change.” In either case, their economic plight will be blamed on their failure to “evolve” with the “progress” and thus a form of natural selection.

Crime is going to rise, because it always does when people are put out of work in large numbers. Desperate people do desperate things, and when the government steps in with large amounts of welfare, which it is planning to do with the introduction of the Universal Basic Income in order for people to survive in the changing economic climate, it is going to precipitate a massive wave of crime. This is already seen with the situation of the “refugees” in Europe, because in addition to bringing in large numbers of people without any means of judging if they are suitable for being able to integrate and find employment in their new society, let alone having a criminal record, they are being bombarded with ample welfare, creating a situation of a permanent underclass that cannot find work, cannot integrate, and yet having all their needs fulfilled for them, has nothing to do and so begins to consume themselves. This same scenario is what those in power are attempting to replicate, except with the common man, for regardless of the crime increases or other forms of antisocial behavior that will emerge from this, they will only reinforce the already assumed conclusion that such people are untermenschen who are living miserable lives not worthy of being lived.

There will be an exception to this, and that is the emergence of the equivalent of the “middle class” albeit greatly reduced. These are the people who will serve in roles that either for the moment cannot or will not be mechanized, which most likely will entail a variety of jobs but will involve on some level collaboration with A.I. However, they will still be far removed from the “elites”, who will constitute the wealthy, the powerful, and to a lesser extent the highly intelligent with some money earned from working with the said wealthy elites who have a financial or other interest in continuing to serve as the owners and administrators of the machines.

Comfortable in their “ivory towers” or pacified by gratitude for being “not one of those unemployed people,” the majority swaths of the human race, forced to deal with the consequences of economic changes imposed on them and then blamed for their situation, will be looked at as being too large, too unmanageable, and too costly to support. As the wealthy will be partaking in biosynthesis and ofther forms of man-machine integration, these will be strugging for their mere sustenance. They will be seen as cockroaches in the rice, stealing and polluting what they view as their meal and contributing nothing in return because they already have machines to do most of the work for them.

They will seek to exterminate them. Or perhaps, before this point is reached, those in power will seek to set up the conditions which would precipitate a mass extermination before economic conditions reach this point, and in doing so to undercut future negative effects that would come from the direct integration of A.I. into society leading to mass disenfranchisement. After all, if lots of people are dead, what could be a better excuse to place a robot to fill his place and then leave it there permanently?

Mass Murder Is Praised

Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute, which studies A.I. and the effects of technology on the future, says that the destruction of the human race, while problematic, could result in a “eucatastrophe,” where a disaster gives way to unexpected benefits that result in a happy ending. Citing evolution and the destruction of the “lower” species, it gave rise to the human race, and notes that such a scenario may happen in the future and that for the benefit of the human race, man should actively seek out eucatastrophes:

This concept is quite natural. We saw it in the context of escape from a regime which threatened the existence of a prosperous future. Our world has probably already seen at least one existential eucatastrophe: the origin of life. When life first arose, the expected value of the planet’s future may have become much bigger. To the extent that they were not inevitable, the rise of multicellular life and intelligence may also have represented existential eucatastrophes.

In general successfully passing any ‘great filter’3 is an existential eucatastrophe, since beforehand the probability of passing it is small, so the expected value is much smaller than after the filter is dealt with.

Armed with this concept, we can draw a new lesson. Just as we should strive to avoid existential catastrophes, we should also seek existential eucatastrophes.

In some ways, this isn’t a new lesson at all. Under Bostrom’s definition we are comparing ourselves to the most optimistic potential we could reach, so failing to achieve a eucatastrophe is itself a catastrophe. However we think more naturally in terms of events than non-events. If life fails to arise on a planet where it might have, it’s much clearer to think of a failure to achieve a eucatastrophe than of an existential catastrophe stretching out over the billions of years in which life did not arise.

Just as we tend to talk about the existential risk rather than existential catastrophe, we want to be able to refer to the chance of an existential eucatastrophe; upside risk on a large scale. We could call such a chance an existential hope.

In fact, there are already people following both of the strategies this suggests. Some people are trying to identify and avert specific threats to our future – reducing existential risk. Others are trying to steer us towards a world where we are robustly well-prepared to face whatever obstacles come – they are seeking to increase existential hope (source)

This “existential hope” is the death of billions of people in the name of “resetting” the state of affairs on planet earth towards a new, “reasonable” future, just as was reflected in the Georgia Guidestones.

Ragnarok Rising

When Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, he brought with his National Socialist movement an entire philosophy of life that was effectively a religious revival of ancient pagan racial religion. For the Nazis, they viewed their mission on earth as one of a cosmic struggle to create a system of perfect order for the nobility of their race while battling against and eventually vanquishing the hordes of lower men who would destroy it and return the world to barbarism. This ideas, author Goodrick Clarke argues was a driving force behind Germany’s actions to set up the conditions for and eventually start the First World War that was carried over into the Second World War:

These battles are consistent with the apocalyptic model. An enormous revolt, redolent of the twilight of the gods or the barbarian migrations, will smash the infernal enemy to create a righteous and pan-German order. This prognostication of a German war of aggression against the non-German world was rooted in List’s desire for apocalyptic vengeance.

He recognized that an international war could satisfy his demand for a more visible, tangible, and anti-German enemy than the imaginary Great International Party. This translation of millenarian struggle into a war of nations also spared List the hopeless and undesirable revolt against the domestic establishment, the traditional features of which he was anxious to conserve. This conjunction of chiliastic bellicosity and a disinclination towards authentic social revolution is corroborated by the predilection for national wars on the part of many conservative revolutionaries and fascists in Europe. (source)

The further one goes back in history, the more one will notice that the same concept of the “ordered German” seeking to bring control from chaos on the European continent is a continual theme of her history and her drives for imperialism that was present since the days of Rome. The coming of the Catholic Faith to Germany did not stop her from having these views, but gave a outlet through which to channel them so that Germany became a major vessel through which the Faith was spread to the rest of the continent. This was reversed by Martin Luther, which author Peter Wiener in his book Luther: Hitler’s Spiritual Ancestor, argues that Martin Luther harnessed these feelings of nationalism and racialism in order to incite his rebellion with the religious abuses of the times being the excuse. Luther’s creation of a “German God for a German Volk” and association of religious piety with nationalist sentiment re-energized the latent tendencies brought under control by the missionaries and, while allowing for the gradual decline of religion since it was now just another form of expressing one’s dedication to the Vaterland, a return to the ways of Germania in the twilight of the Roman Empire as the tribal hordes plundered the ancient cities of the Mediterranean.

Germany today is doing the exact same actions that she did in the days leading up to her militarist explosions in the 20th century. With the help and active consent and assistance of the United States, Germany is re-building her army and weapons industry. She is seeking alliances with Japan and Turkey, her historical partners in imperialism, and has been going out across the world seeking resources with which to rebuild her economy. She has said that she does not need the USA any more, and that Germany must take on a “more active role” in European policing. She has been interfering in the Balkan peninsula, which historically she uses in order to generate social instability to justify militarism.

Given the destruction of the last century and the massive death that resulted, it would seem foolish for Germany to attempt to start another major war. However, the evidence indicates to the contrary that she is actively attempting to do so. If the above economic and political actions are not enough, then the “refugee crisis” is certain evidence of this. Contrary to what many say, there is no “refugee crisis” taking place but rather an active population transfer. The people coming into Germany need to cross multiple national boundaries and given that the average income of many of them, whose origins are in sub-saharan africa and the middle east, is less than a dollar a day. It is materially impossible for them to cross without being funded by another person, and with that it has also been proven twice now that the movement of massive numbers of people is being sponsored by Germany and the US government on taxpayer money distributed through a network of charities, corporations, and NGOs who are working with human traffickers and the active collusion of the European governments to bring these people into Europe. The consequences of mass migration are significant and with the formation of a growing permanent, unemployed and welfare subsidized underclass defined by crime and violence, has the potential to destabilize a whole nation. It would not make sense that Germany or any nation would actively seek to do this unless they had an ulterior motive.

On the eve of the Second World War, German historian Oswald Spengler in his book The Decline of the West writes about how the vital energy of Western civilization has been spent, that faith in God is dead and the people are entering into the “winter” of their existence, after which they will perish and with them their accomplishments as have many great civilization of the past. Blood ties, he argues, is the bounds of comraderie from which society is born, and that barring a return to such ties, there is no hope for a revitalization of Western man.

In Nordic mythology, which was heavily borrowed from by the National Socialists, is the concept of Ragnarok. Sometimes called the “Fate of the Gods,” it is a mythic battle in which the gods of the nordic pantheon fight in a massive war against the other beings who invade the realm of earth, and in which all of the gods are destroyed and all humans killed except for two named Lif and Lifthrasr, who repopulate the earth, and Odin’s son Hodr and Baldr are resurrected in the new earth and life continues on and is reborn once again.

In a German context, the idea of such a war, which would involve A.I. and biotechnolgy and in which Germany has been central to helping develop through a network of institutions, including the infamous Max Planck Institute, is the perfect eucatastrophe of the Aryan race. Germany, seeing herself as the bearer of culture and a light to the human race, beseiged and ripped apart from within by “migrants” and problems created with her neighbors, uses this to go to war against them and Europe itself as she has done in the past, expecting the worst of consequences to happen but knowing that once the destruction has settled, just as Lif and Lifthrasr emerged from the rubble to repopulate the new earth and the gods Hodr and Baldr returned to rule the world and the human race, so will the annihilation of the masses of humanity and the current order precipitate a new and enlightened age of the human race with a sustainable population ruled by the “gods among men” who have perfected their evolution by merging with new technologies to realize the dream of eternity.

The difference in views between those who would see man as a collection of cockroaches needing extermination to create an earthly playground or those who see a pagan spirituality of a new humanism to their actions is the difference between the Sadducees and the Pharisees of Jesus’ time. The sadducees did not care about the eternal as they believed this life was all that mattered, and hte pharisees saw themselves as spritually superior to all other men. Both valued their race and social positions over the grace of God and the humanity of their fellow man and a jsutification for their license to power over others without being held accountable themselves. The godless eugenicists of many in movements such as the Long Now versus the spiritualism of the National Socialism are just imperfect reflections of the old evils that Jesus face.

Wisdom 2 And The Muslims

But wait, where do the Muslims fit into this picture?

Islam has a major role to play in all of these coming events. Recall that in 2017, Walid wrote an article in which he spoke of a coming massacre of Christians and, drawing on clues given in Wisdom 2, that Muslims would ally with the eugenicists to destroy Christians:

In 1871, Germany became an officially unified nation, and soon after its successful unification, Germany formed an alliance with the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman elites — statesmen, students, officers and bureaucrats — were the ones who had formed the alliance between Germany and the Ottoman Empire. They had lived in Germany where they studied medicine, military science and engineering, and took a strong interest in German philosophy and ideology. One aspect of German thought that the Ottomans dug into enthusiastically, especially after 1909, was the ideology of the racial nation, the “blood and soil” religion (See Worringer, Ottomans Imagining Japan, ch. 3, p. 50) that would be enacted in Nazi Germany.

The Ottomans learned this ideology through the teachings of both Haeckel and Herbert Spencer, the one who actually termed the phrase, “survival of the fittest.” Haeckel, alongside his fellow German Darwinists, Max Weber and Paul Von Lilienfeld, applied Social Darwinism to economics, praising the principle of economic competition as the force behind Social Darwinism. From this ideology, militarism and the extinction of those considered as “weaker, primitive races”, was justified in the Social Darwinist construct. This eugenist ideology seeped into Ottoman thought, and greatly inspired the annihilation of the Armenians, alongside the Greek and Assyrian Christians.

In 1871, Germany became an officially unified nation, and soon after its successful unification, Germany formed an alliance with the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman elites — statesmen, students, officers and bureaucrats — were the ones who had formed the alliance between Germany and the Ottoman Empire. They had lived in Germany where they studied medicine, military science and engineering, and took a strong interest in German philosophy and ideology. One aspect of German thought that the Ottomans dug into enthusiastically, especially after 1909, was the ideology of the racial nation, the “blood and soil” religion (See Worringer, Ottomans Imagining Japan, ch. 3, p. 50) that would be enacted in Nazi Germany. The Ottomans learned this ideology through the teachings of both Haeckel and Herbert Spencer, the one who actually termed the phrase, “survival of the fittest.” Haeckel, alongside his fellow German Darwinists, Max Weber and Paul Von Lilienfeld, applied Social Darwinism to economics, praising the principle of economic competition as the force behind Social Darwinism. From this ideology, militarism and the extinction of those considered as “weaker, primitive races”, was justified in the Social Darwinist construct. This eugenist ideology seeped into Ottoman thought, and greatly inspired the annihilation of the Armenians, alongside the Greek and Assyrian Christians. (source)

The initial and tangible clue to this is in World Government Summit 2018 itself, as it was held in Dubai with major funding coming from Saudi Arabia. While Saudi Arabia is thought of as a backward land dotted with camels, oases, deserts and Islamic terrorists, Saudi Arabia would be offended at this. While united firmly to her Islamic beliefs, she also considers herself a modern nation who has attempted to show the world her new and evolving face. It was at the Summit that she announced a formal change in policy direction to make entertainment a central focus of her economy, going so far as to establish a ministry of entertainment and attempt to attract major performers to Saudi Arabia in so to draw in the world market. has analysed this and we remain consistent in our position that this is an attempt by Saudi Arabia to maintain control over her nation as the nation of Turkey, the historical protector and world imperial power of Islam, threatens to reestablish control over the Islamic sites of Mecca and Medina. However, this is not a land of camels, date-palms, and terrorists, but a thriving series of metropoli scattered throughout the Arabian deserts built on crude oil and using her money is setting herself up to be a center of value and attraction for the entire world to see. It is why she has liberalized her laws concerning women, toned down her rhetoric of strict Hanbali Islam, and kept silent in global matters of religion where normally she would speak out.

The ideas of the World Government Summit and the Long Now Foundation’s colleague in philosophy, Singularity University, has a notable presence in the Islamic world, with two groups set up in Pakistan, and one group each in the nations of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt and Indonesia. This is because, as Walid noted, Islam does not opposed eugenics, for it regards man’s spirit as a creation from smoke, and because man is but a mere creation with no connection to his creator, bearing nothing of the image of God in his being, there is a potential for him to “evolve” just like an animal:

In the Book of Wisdom, when we read Wisdom 2, we puzzle at the verses since to us they describe religious leaders, the pharisaic scholars and the Jewish crowd mocking at the foot of the Cross hailing some bizarre insults that hardly match a first century setting in Jerusalem. Why would religious pharisees ever say: “We came into being by chance”?

Only atheists and evolutionists believe that “we came into being by chance”. So was the text describing pharisees in the first century or evolutionists in the 21st century?

And what are all these phrases where the mockers say: “breath in our nostrils is smoke” and “spark moving our heart” and that spirits are “driven away by the beams of the sun”?

These are no Pharisees mocking Christ, these are the crowds of Antichrist mocking during the great genocide of Christians.

It is Islam (not Christianity) which teaches that everything in the cosmos started from “smoke”:

“. . .[Allah] turned to the sky, and it had been (as) smoke. He said to it and to the earth: ‘Come together, willingly or unwillingly.’ They said: ‘We come (together) in willing obedience’ Quran 41:11.”

Muslims today by large are moving towards the Big Bang:

“when describing the creation of the “heavens and the earth,” the Quran does not discount the theory of a ‘Big Bang’ explosion at the start of it all. In fact, the Quran says that: “. . . the heavens and the earth were joined together as one unit, before We clove them asunder” (Quran 21:30).

And so from “smoke” Muslims believe is the origin of the earth which man was made via the evolutionary process and not the biblical account of creation. This is crucial.

But Wisdom 2 was ahead of their game. It predicted the rise of theistic evolutionists who say “the breath in our nostrils is smoke”.

Again,Islam teaches that the cosmos was “(as) smoke. He [Allah] said to it and to the earth: ‘Come together” (Q41:11) to the very dirt from which Allah created man, but not in God’s image.

And so from the Quran’s narrative, Muslims, to prove the Quran is miraculous in matters of science, they extracted and stretched the meaning of their Quran to sound scientific and in order to be up to date they hopped on the evolution bandwagon. This is why they avoid the Christian’s account on creation since Christians are taunted by scoffers as passé and is why Wisdom 2 says:

“Let us therefore lie in wait for the just, because he is not for our turn [he is passé]”


The Biblical wisdom given in the Book of Wisdom herself, that in the end, those who seek to turn against Christians will use the language of race, eugenics, and the material world to justify the murder of the innocent in the same way that the Sadducees and the Pharisees justified the murder of Christ in the name of the Jewish race and nation out of fear of the destruction of their people:

Many of the Jews therefore, who had come with Mary and had seen what Jesus did, believed in him. But some of them went to the Pharisees and told them what he had done. So the chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting of the council, and said, ‘What are we to do? This man is performing many signs. If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and the Romans will come and destroy both our holy place and our nation.’ But one of them, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them, ‘You know nothing at all! You do not understand that it is better for you to have one man die for the people than to have the whole nation destroyed.’ He did not say this on his own, but being high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus was about to die for the nation, and not for the nation only, but to gather into one the dispersed children of God. So from that day on they planned to put him to death.

Jesus therefore no longer walked about openly among the Jews, but went from there to a town called Ephraim in the region near the wilderness; and he remained there with the disciples. (John 11:45-54)

When God came to His creation to redeem them, he was put to death in the name of racism and nationalism by men who would rather see God destroyed than endanger the illusion of power they had. In the same way, so it would be in the final days, that the children of God, who are children as John says by adoption through Faith and possess the spark of divinity not by any natural affinity or evolution, but by the reception of the flesh and blood of God in the Holy Eucharist are encircled by the masses who, while possessing different philosophies and end beliefs are united in their obstinancy and hatred of truth just as the Muslims united over their divisions to persecute the Christians and just as the nationalist revolutionaries of Europe encircled and persecuted the Church. Their motivations differ but their ends are the same, which is the perfection of their power and, using economics, technology, and science as as vehicles, seek to suppress other men in order to elevate themselves so to justify their war against man and truth, and as man is made in God’s image, it is but a reflection of their war against God as they wish to become God just as Ray Kurzweil said man would become through technology when he merges with it.

Christ vs. The World

The economic struggles are not an accident. Neither is the technology, the science, or the philosophies and their fruits. They are different aspects of a mighty tree of self-divination that has been carefully planted, watered, and nurtured by many. It is the same struggle of the Bible, which in the ancient world culminated in the crucifixion and will be made final in the final days, when the Gospel, having reached the ends of the Earth but is rejected by the world revolts against God and, seeking to create a Heaven on Earth, persecutes the chosen people by Faith in the final passion of the bride of Christ, His holy Church and those who abide under her wings.

The evolutionists of the day seek to elevate themselves to the next stage of their existence through machines, power, and force, and say those who oppose them on the reason of principle are an uncomfortable obstruction to their pursuits (Wisdom 2:10-12). They have many allies, even across different religions and beliefs who would place value in the idea that man can transform himself by his own power to a higher state of being, a claim which the Christian outright denies because the only transformation of the self which man has ever done is to bring about his descent into sin, and were it not for God coming to save man he would only wallow further into misery. But whether it is the agnostic and atheist who believe man is monkey on the edge of the next step of evolution, the pagan who seeks a spirituality of evolution to a renewed being, the scientist who believes that man will be able to download himself into a machine, or the Muslim and Buddhist who says that as man is but a mere creation with no connection to his creator, he is but a mass of cells who can likewise evolve by the will of the divine allegedly implanted into him, all of them say with unified voice to the Christian, who places his faith in the mercy of God, the same condemnation of “obsolete”:

But then what is to be said about evolution? Surely there is a higher state of being that man must become because the world today cannot be all that there is, as the Bible itself teaches.

St. Athanasius said that God became man in order that man might become God. This process, called theosis, which Ted has written about extensively in his book on Christian warfare, is that as a man follows God he does not do so as a mere slave obeying commands as the Muslims teach, but as an adopted son who is brought deeper into the family and life of God. His closeness is a factor of obedience, mercy, and grace all in love, which are all by human choice and transcend race and class. As Wisdom 2 states:

For God formed us to be imperishable; the image of his own nature he made us (Wisdom 2:23)

Ham, Shem, and Japheth are all brothers, the sons of Noah from whom all men descend, a little bit above the animals and a little lower than the angels. The spark of the divine in not innate to man, but as man was created to reflect the glory of God being formed in His image and likeness and which was defaced through original sin, the spark of life that gives way to the true evolution of man is the entering of God into a man through his free will and blending into his very physical person. As a man feeds on food for his corporeal sustenance, so must man feed on God in the spiritual and literal sense if there is to be life within him, and is why Jesus said to the disbelief of the Jewish crowds:

I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”

The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” So Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like that which your ancestors ate, and they died. But the one who eats this bread will live forever.” (John 6:51-58)

The reception of the spirit of God by grace and the flesh of God in the Eucharist, when received righteously, exists to precipitate the true evolution of man by theosis, binding his soul to God ever closer and more perfectly.  This evolution penetrates to his soul and body, for as the Bible teaches, at the resurrection man will be reunited with his body and raised up to Him in new creation. This is the true Ragnarok that the pagan heathens seek in the world, but it is not an earthly heaven, but the true heaven of God for the children by Faith through adoption. For as St. Paul writes:

However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God [c]ordained before the ages for our glory which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (source)

St. John also writes in Revelations:

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying,

‘See, the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell[b] with them; they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away.’

And the one who was seated on the throne said, ‘See, I am making all things new.’ Also he said, ‘Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.’ Then he said to me, ‘It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give water as a gift from the spring of the water of life. Those who conquer will inherit these things, and I will be their God and they will be my children. (Revelations 21:1-7)

There is another wave of evolution coming. It is the wave that all must meet at the end of their lives and at the Last Judgment. It is the evolution of man either through theosis into the adopted children of God who God calls him to be and is the reason for which God came into the world to save humanity, or it is the final devolution of man into his most animalistic state, banished from the Kingdom of God and condemned to misery.

Jesus warned that those who would seek to save their lives will lose them, while those who lose their lives for His sake will find them. Those who seek to “evolve” in this life to become “gods” among men are repeating the error of Eden and will suffer the same fate.

So what is a man to do with these coming changes? He still will have to provide for his economic needs, and the job market decline, which is directly tied to technocratic eugenics, will directly affect him. How is he to stop this?

The answer is that he cannot stop it because this is being driven by forces from outside of him that he cannot control because he does not have the power to.

What a man does have control over is how he lives and believes in the moment, and what steps he can do to get himself ready.  Walid wrote about this last year in his piece Only Homophobes Get To Heaven, where he warned:

So what must a Christian do? Christians who live in major cities should start preparing in the next few years to move out. It is best to stay away and move out of all major cities especially if it has a history of rioting and civil unrest. Selections should not be drawn based on right versus left divide, for it matters not. So right off the top, Christians should avoid and move out of Detroit Michigan, Miami Florida, Cleveland Ohio, Memphis Tennessee, New Orleans Louisiana, Buffalo New York, Milwaukee, Wisconsin,  St. Louis Missouri, Baltimore, Atlanta Georgia, Cincinnati Ohio. All major cities in Brazil, Venezuela, South Africa, Mexico, Jamaica, Guatemala, Paris, Copenhagen, Saint-Quentin-Fallavier in France, Brussels, all major cities in Germany should be avoided.

In Isaiah 19, scriptures mentions “idols” and people hiding in caves and even the Antichrist, Daniel says, he has “intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant” and “many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other” (Matthew 24:10) and with the “increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold” (v.12).

“The love of most will grow cold” means exactly what it says, that most who were loving will begin to wax cold. This is not some phenomenon where the millennial generation is born loveless, but that many who were loving will begin to turn sour. (source)

Likewise, one must prepare oneself economically as best as one can. Learn additional skills, and reduce dependency on utilities. Learn how to grow food, raise animals, and to make more with less as people of the not distant past had to. Prepare economically to survive the changes because the economic changes will precipitate political upheaval, all being directed towards a eugenic end.

Bust most importantly will be to prepare the soul, for if the body dies but the soul is ready, there is nothing to fear, but one have everything to fear if the case is the other way around.

The “wisdom” of the world is that the strong have power over the weak, and that truth comes by force from the “advanced” to the weaker. This is the teaching of the darwinists and the National Socialists, who God does not believe so. Wisdom is revealed from God and is not rooted in the will to power, but in the love one has for his fellow man. It is garbage to the Sadducees, foolishness to the Pharisees, weakness to others, and condemned by all.

Proverbs 1 says that Wisdom cries out in the streets to those who will listen, to bring enlightenment to those who will listen, and to those who refuse will destroyed because of their follow for refusing to heed knowledge when it came to them. Hosea (4:6) lamented that his people perish for lack of knowledge, and most today are very unaware of what is coming in their future. The prophecies and warnings of old creep ever closer to being culminated as Christ promised they would, having the form of modern times but the same philosophical errors as they had in the ancient world.

The future is coming. It will be days of darkness and trial. It will lead to death. But keep one’s lantern ready, stocked with oil and extra too. Be ready to persevere to the end. Because at the end, there is the resurrection.

As Christ promised, “I have conquered the world.”

Jesus Christ is King

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