Jesus' Coming Back

Pedophile Defender And Conservative Personality Ben Shapiro Has Twitter Meltdown After Trump Says He Wants To Talk To Iran Like A Human Being, Even Shapiro’s Own Acolytes Are Turning Against Him

Defender of pedophile supporter James Gunn and “conservative” personality Ben Shapiro recently had a Twitter meltdown where he erupted into a rage after President Trump said that he would meet with the leaders of Iran if they wanted to:

Most interesting is to watch the responses of his own followers to said tweets:

Last month, we reported that there was a conservative “war of words” that appears to have taken place with Ben Shapiro and possibly his funders. You can read our analysis here.

There are few people in media who persist for a long time. Many leave or, in the case of the “conservative” movement, burn out quickly and are replaced by others.

Is this happening to Ben Shapiro? Time and public response will yield the answer. However, what is becoming clear is that there is a brewing “rebellion” to Shapiro taking place, especially his attitude about pushing for war.

America has been at war for a large part of her history. Since 2001, America has been in prolonged wars in the Middle East and parts of Africa. There are many people who support them, but even many of these supporters are tired of what is nearing two decades of involvement.

Likewise, Americans and especially, those with family members in the military are tired of watching their families and friends risk death for what many are even saying are wars with no clearly defined targets for victory.

During the Second World War, about 400,000 American soldiers were killed in the conflict. 36,000 died in Korea, and 58,000 in Vietnam. By comparison, in Operation Enduring Freedom, the official name for the US involvement in the Middle East, just over 2,300 have been killed.

If Americans today respond with such anger, frustration, and distress at 2,300 killed, how would they respond at casualty levels closer to previous generations?

They would not tolerate it. They would likely demand for an end to the conflict.

A war with Iran would be a serious matter. Iran is a large country and while its military is not among the top militaries in the world, they would fight vigorously and it would be complicated by the situation of the terrain, which is mountainous. A conflict with Iran could also risk drawing Russia and China in, which could precipitate a greater war.

Americans don’t want more death. They voted for Trump because they wanted isolation as they have in the past. They want to leave many of the greater world conflicts to their own mess. This, of course, is being used to justify permitting the remilitarizing Germany and Japan, both with the consent of the US Government.

That is why Ben is losing his audience. There is a growing isolation and a desire to end the wars that the USA is currently embroiled in. Ben’s pushing for war with Iran is fighting against public opinion, which would not matter if his show were more independent or if he was not so directly associated with mainstream “conservative” politics and relies on them for support.

But that is not the case. Like many of the “conservative” media personalities before him, if he is not careful he may find himself reduced to selling herbal supplements on the Alex Jones show.

Jesus Christ is King

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