Jesus' Coming Back

Right Speak Posts (from JULY 6 through JULY 31): A Heads-Up

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to give everyone a heads-up. Beginning JULY 6 through JULY 31, I won’t be posting much in the Facebook Groups. I’m going to be busy with a project in NORTHERN AFRICA and EUROPE and my articles will be limited to a few per-day when I can squeeze them in.

I’ll try to post the few that I’m able to do in 2 of my larger groups. Although in the past, FB has blocked me while trying to sign-in while out of the U.S.. Hopefully, that won’t happen again. Everything should be back to normal by AUGUST 1 when the posts from me (Right Speak) will begin again each day in all my groups and those other groups I belong to.

In the mean time, if you’d like to see the fewer Right Speak posts that are posted each day, you can find them Here:


2. Networked Blogs:


3. At the following open FaceBook page and groups where Network Blogs posts them automatically for me each day: (the RIGHT SPEAK Fan Page) (Us General Election Central) (Three Percenters (III%ers) for Constitutional Troops and Law Enforcement)

BTW, If you find an article you like at one of the above links and are feeling charitable, perhaps you could post them in your group(s) until I get back in 3 to 4 Weeks.

Thanks ahead of time.

Right Speak (Bosman)

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Jesus Christ is King

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