Maxine Waters Hit with FEC Complaint over Campaign Mailers

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), the California congresswoman known for being an outspoken member of the “resistance” against President Donald Trump, is getting slammed with an ethics complaint from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) over money raised from her campaign mailers.
The FEC complaint filed by the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) in July claimed that Waters broke federal election law for reportedly making a $35,000 payment to her campaign fund from the Democratic State Central Committee of California (DSCCC).
The FEC claims that the DSCCC made the payment during the California Democrat’s last re-election campaign to get Waters to include then-Senate candidate Kamala Harris on her campaign’s slate mailer.
“The Democratic State Central Committee of California’s $35,000 contribution to Citizens for Waters violated campaign finance limits,” the complaint states.
Water’s slate mailers have been controversial for years. The California congresswoman reportedly paid her daughter, Karen Waters, and her public relations firm Progressive Connections $750,000 since 2004 to produce sample ballots included in campaign mailers.
“Maxine Waters found an old provision and turned it into a cottage industry,” Anderson told Fox News.
The NLPC is in the process of drafting a second complaint focusing on the amount campaign money flowing to Waters’ daughter and how accurate the campaign reports are, according to Tom Anderson — who directs the NLPC’s government integrity project.
Although Waters has been known for fundraising tactics in slate mailers for years, she has recently made headlines for her outlandish claims bashing President Trump.
Waters told attendees of the First AME Church in Los Angeles on July 22 that God sent her to take down Donald Trump and encouraged people at a rally the day before her appearance at the church to harass members of the Trump administration in public places.
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