Jesus' Coming Back

Watch The Video As Narcoterrorists Are Vanquished In Shootout With Mexican Soldiers

The drug war in Mexico is a complex situation, a story of overlapping interests, betrayal, and geopolitics in a modern day wild west type scenario, with the Mexican people stuck in the middle. The violence of the narco cartels is heinous, making Mexico into one of the most dangerous places in the world and reflecting the state of Central America before the conquistadores came and defeated the Aztec heathens.

While most of the videos produced involve gory executions, there are some hopeful ones. Such was a video that recently emerged showing a firefight between a narco cartel and soldiers in the Mexican army. The soldiers prevailed and put the drug terrorists in chains, and some permanently out of business:

Here is the full text of the message that military forces posted on the video: “This is reality and it is not a science fiction movie. Heavy confrontation between personnel of the Mexican army and a criminal group, where criminals surrender to the Mexican army personnel.

Medical attention is provided to alleged criminals of organized crime, the Mexican Army attends to them according to the protocols of action, always respecting the rights and individual guarantees of the people in detention, we can not act in any other way since the CNDH is a threw up”. (source)

In 2016, Ted did a video entitled Hell Across the Border, which was about the situation with the cartels. If you have not watched it, you need to watch it because it details the situation with the cartels and what Mexico endures on a daily basis.

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