Jesus' Coming Back

ILLEGAL Immigrant Shoots Gun, Claims He’s Protected By The Second Amendment

An illegal alien is claiming that his right to self-defense is protected under the Second Amendment of the constitution.

Javier Perez, a Mexican national, was charged after he fired a round into the air in Brooklyn in order to ward off rival gang members in 2016, reported The New York Daily News. Perez is now claiming in a Brooklyn federal court that his right to bear arms is guaranteed under the constitution despite not being a United States citizen.

“The Framers were clear: if they meant citizens, they would have said citizens. But they didn’t,” Samuel Jacobson, Perez’s lawyer, argued. “There is no suggestion that there was a concept of ‘illegal alien’ and no suggestion that if you were from a foreign country, you couldn’t bear arms.”

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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