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Donald Trump Jr.: Big Tech and Democrats Want to Kill News Outlets Like Breitbart News

Donald Trump Jr. warned conservatives on Tuesday that Democrat activists together with Silicon Vally tech companies would move against news websites like Breitbart News.

President Donald Trump’s oldest son commented on the issue after Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut advocated for Facebook and YouTube to take down the “iceberg of hate and lies” like Alex Jones’s news outlet Infowars.

“A Democrat Senator openly admitting that Big Tech’s censorship campaign is really about purging all conservative media,” Trump Jr. wrote. “How long before Big Tech and their Democrat friends move to censor and purge Breitbart News, Daily Caller and other conservatives voices from their platforms?”

Facebook, Apple, Spotify, and YouTube all moved to strike Alex Jones and Infowars content from their platforms on Monday, prompting concerns from free speech activists.

Jesus Christ is King

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