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German Protestant “Evangelists” Terrorize Spanish Subway Train While Preaching, Scream “We Are All Going To Die, We Will All Burn In Hell”

German Protestant Evangelists terrorized a Spanish subway train, who began preaching inside the subway with bullhorns while screaming phrases including “We are all going to die” and “We are all going to burn in hell.”:

Nine evangelists from Germany were arrested Saturday in the Spanish city of Valencia after they allegedly caused panic on a subway train by shouting phrases like “we will all burn in Hell.”

The La Vanguardia newspaper reported that the nine men, who are all German citizens, were taken to court on Sunday and left in custody with a set bail of roughly $13,900.

The Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community said that the nine men are being investigated for the crime of public disorder, as their speech led to a stampede in which a young woman was slightly injured.

RT added that the woman injured her leg as people pushed into each other trying to leave the station. People were reportedly concerned that the preachers, who carried a large cross and backpacks, were a threat.

Videos of the incident were uploaded on YouTube. Witnesses said the evangelists shouted phrases such as “we are sinners,” “we are going to die” or “we will burn in Hell,” and accused passengers of being “full of alcohol, drugs and sin.”

The commotion stirred among the passengers forced the subway conductor to stop the train. Police officers said that the nine Germans, all aged between 19 to 37, refused to leave the convoy at the request of security guards, after which they were arrested.

It was not made clear to which specific church, if any, the men belong to.

Despite the general decline in religious belief, there has been a rise in evangelical places of worship in Spain, the semiannual report of the Observatory of Religious Pluralism noted earlier this year.

It found that there are 4,045 evangelical places of worship throughout the country, which is the highest number reported since records have been kept.

“A church-and-a-half is being planted in Spain every week, six churches a month, that is, 82 churches a year. The figures keep growing thanks to initiatives of church planting that are being carried out by churches and denominations,” Máximo Álvarez, head of In Depth Evangelism in Spain, said earlier this year.

Álvarez added that the growth trend is “not only sustained, but on the rise” in the nation, which used to be heavily Roman Catholic.

The growth has come despite the continued economic crisis in Spain, and despite obstacles when it comes to obtaining construction permits that many congregations have faced. (source)

To look a video such as this in the context of modern times is to gain a historical insight into how revolutions take place.

Who are these “evangelists?” What “church” are they a part of? Why did they decide to do something that would clearly cause chaos and disorder? What “purpose” would this serve?

It is a known fact that Protestantism is a form of Christianity where the religion is subjected to the power of the state, and by extension Protestantism is a form of nationalism or conveying nationalism to other peoples and culture. In a revolutionary context, it is a way to destabilize societies by stirring up social disorder and then presenting at a later point a “solution” to the crisis.

The Hussite Revolution in Moravia during the early 15th century was directly tied to the rise of nationalism, and one of the famous events that took place during it was the “defenstration of Prague.” The same event took place at the time of the Thirty Years war, which again was about nationalism with religious as a cover, and a likewise same defenstration.

It is a coincidence that two defenstrations happened in connection with two major nationalist events? Most certainly not, for they were both planned political signs meant to rile up public anger in order to leverage a greater conflict. This is also not new in Germanic history, for going back all the way to Amalasuntha, a famous Ostrogothic queen during the 6th century, was believed to have been executed by her own people in a plot to allow her ally, Emperor Justinian of the Byzantine Empire, to go to war against Italy with the aid of her Teutonic ally.

For those who have not made the connection, Ostrogoths + Byzantines circa 535 AD = Germany + Turkey circa 2000 AD.

Nothing has ever changed, and the same revolutionary pairings and allies of the past are just as relevant today.

Now consider these “Christian evangelists” who made the scene on the train. Where did they come from in Germany, and who were they affiliated with?

According to another source, these people were not even “German” in the ethnic sense. They are allegedly “former Muslims” whose backgrounds include people from Turkey, Czechia (formerly Czech Republic), Iraq, and Kyrgyzstan.

Turkey is a historical German geopolitical ally.

Czechia is a German ally and a place where Germany often starts revolutions that spread across Europe.

Iraq has many migrants that have come to Germany, and is a place where Germany has been working with the USA and Turkey to build up a large railway system leading into Central Asia as a part of militarist planning for a coming third world war.

Kyrgyzstan is the closest ally of all of the Central Asian states to Russia. However, she has a large German diaspora owing to deportation of Germanic people from Western Russia into Siberia and Central Asia. It is a known fact that Germany allied with her diaspora populations in the Volga and Caucasus regions of Russia during the First and Second World Wars in her wars against Russia, and according to our analysis at, it appears that she is attempting to do this again using the plight of the Boers and their attempts at resettling them in large numbers into the Volga-Caucasus region. Given this pattern, it is curious that a Kyrgyz man is at this even on the train.

The group, which was composed of “Christians” aged from 19 to 42, is part of a “church” called Werde-Licht, and the website is small, poorly assembled, and put together. If that was not enough, this sect appears to profess open heresy about the nature of Christ while having a “church” that looks like little more than an auditorium at a high school. They claim to have events in “Germany” and “Spain,” but very little detail is given. Additionally, according to, the site has an average of only 10 visitors per day.

There is something wrong here with this “church”, and how they are presenting themselves to the world and what their actions indicate. While one cannot know definitively what exactly happened, the lessons of German history and her repeated, documented patterns of behavior leading up to major wars indicate that there may be more to this incident than what appears.

Jesus Christ is King

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