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Jerry Falwell Jr. to Pen Political Book With ‘Gay Marriage’ Advocate, Evolution Adherent Jimmy Carter

LYNCHBURG, Va. — Jerry Falwell, Jr., the president of Liberty University, which hails itself as the world’s largest Christian university, says that he is writing a book with former Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the specifics of which have not yet been announced. Carter, who has publicly expressed his support for “gay marriage” and says that he believes in evolution, claims to be a born again Christian and teaches Sunday School in Georgia.

According to The Hill, Falwell announced that he was joining forces with Carter to write the book during the Washington premiere of Dinesh D’Souza’s film “Death of a Nation.”

“We just started working on it,” he said. “It’ll take a year, I bet.”

Falwell also shared the report on social media, writing, “I believe a political revolution is underway in our great nation. Instead of conservative v. liberal, the future will be progressive elites (think Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger, ⁦@HillaryClinton⁩, Hitler, Soros) v. freedom loving average Americans!”

As previously reported, Carter has raised eyebrows several times in recent years over his statements about Christianity, such as in 2015, when he told the Huffington Post that he believes Jesus would approve of same-sex “marriage,” and really, “any love affair.”

“I believe Jesus would. I don’t have any verse in Scripture,” he said. “I believe Jesus would approve gay marriage, but that’s just my own personal belief. I think Jesus would encourage any love affair if it was honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else, and I don’t see that gay marriage damages anyone else.”

“The earth is four billion years old, … but I don’t see a conflict there,” Carter also told reporters in 2016 during a visit to Ken Ham’s Ark Encounter, referring to the conflict between Christianity and evolution. “And as a scientist, I believe in evolution.”

Last year, he advised liberal op-ed columnist Nicholas Kristof that he can’t judge whether or not someone is a Christian despite their doubts about Christ’s virgin birth and resurrection.

“One of my problems with evangelicalism is that it normally argues that one can be saved only through a personal relationship with Jesus, which seems to consign Gandhi to Hell. Do you believe that?” Kristoff also asked.

“I do not feel qualified to make a judgment. I am inclined to give him (or others) the benefit of any doubt,” Carter replied.

Despite his beliefs, Carter still refers to himself as a born-again Christian and teaches Sunday School at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia. He spoke at a Liberty University Commencement in May, sharing his thoughts about global concerns such as human trafficking and the threat of nuclear war.

As previously reported, Falwell has been a vocal supporter of President Trump since January 2016, repeatedly asserting throughout Trump’s presidential campaign that the then-candidate bears the fruit of one being born again because of his characteristic good deeds.

“I’ve seen his generosity to strangers, to his employees, his warm relationship with his children,” he said on CNN’s “Legal View With Ashleigh Banfield” in February 2016. “I’m convinced he’s a Christian. I believe he has faith in Jesus Christ.”

Falwell contended that those who expressed concerns about Trump’s behavior were violating the “judge not” clause in Matthew 7:1.

“Jesus said, ‘Judge not, lest ye be judged. Let’s stop trying to choose the political leaders who we believe are the most godly because, in reality, only God knows people’s hearts. You and I don’t, and we are all sinners,” he said in an interview with the Liberty University newspaper in March 2016.

In October 2016, when some Liberty University students denounced Trump as being antithetical to Christianity after sexually-charged remarks surfaced from 2005, Falwell asserted that, in their immaturity of youth, they were wrongfully “ignoring” the teachings of Jesus on judging.

“Donald Trump does not represent our values and we want nothing to do with him,” one student had written in a circulated statement that generated over 1,000 signatures of support from students, faculty and alumni. “… He has made his name by maligning others and bragging about his sins. Not only is Donald Trump a bad candidate for president, he is actively promoting the very things that we as Christians ought to oppose. … We don’t want to champion Donald Trump; we want only to be champions for Christ.”

“This student statement seems to ignore the teachings of Jesus not to judge others, but they are young and still learning,” Falwell stated, in part, in response.

Falwell’s twitter account is predominantly filled with political posts, and on July 21, he retweeted the following remark from vloggers Diamond and Silk regarding allegations that Trump once had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels: “We don’t give a freakin’ frying flipping fish about something that happened over 10 years ago. We didn’t vote for the pope, a priest or a pastor; we voted for a president. Our president did nothing wrong so leave him D [expletive] alone!”

John Jay, the first chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, once said, “Providence has given our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as privilege and interest, of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”

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