2020: Kamala Harris: Sept. 4 Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing ‘Outrageous’

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) said on Friday that it is “outrageous” that Senate Republicans scheduled confirmations hearings for President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh for the first week of September.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) announced on Friday that the Judiciary Committee will hold the confirmation hearings September 4-7. Senators are scheduled to question Kavanaugh on September 5.
“Republicans just announced that they are scheduling a hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh starting on September 4,” Harris said. “This is outrageous. No one will be able to look at his full record before the hearing – not me, not you, not anyone. It won’t have been made public.”
Breitbart News’ Ken Klukowski has pointed out that Kavanaugh’s opinions have been in the public domain for years and Kavanaugh “returned the most comprehensive, bipartisan Senate questionnaire in the history of the Judiciary Committee.”
But Democrats like Harris are trying to claim that they have not had enough time to go on a fishing expedition to examine everything Kavanaugh may have ever written to find something they can use to derail his nomination before the Supreme Court begins its new term on October 1.
Harris, the potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidate who sits on the Judiciary Committee, will likely use the confirmation hearing—and the huge national klieg lights that come with it—to elevate her profile with left-wing primary voters ahead of a potential presidential campaign.
The California Democrat has already indicated on multiple occasions that she will vote against Kavanaugh, tweeting just minutues after his nomination was announced that she “will oppose his nomination to the Supreme Court” because Kavanaugh “represents a direct and fundamental threat to the rights and health care of hundreds of millions of Americans.”
Trump’s Supreme Court Justice nominee, Judge Kavanaugh, represents a direct and fundamental threat to the rights and health care of hundreds of millions of Americans. I will oppose his nomination to the Supreme Court. #SCOTUSpick
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) July 10, 2018
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