Report: Local Father Has Been Driving Around Church Lot Looking For Good Parking Space Since 1996

CLEVELAND, OH—After arriving at Valley Community Church one fine Sunday morning in the fall of ’96, local father Brent Sterling has reportedly spent the rest of his life so far driving around the parking lot looking for a good parking spot.
His wife and kids suggested he just park in the remote lot and walk the extra 100 yards, but Sterling refused, and to this day is steering his family’s Dodge Caravan around the lot looking for a good spot up close by the sanctuary doors. His family bailed out of the vehicle 15 minutes into his search and just walked into the church as Sterling continued to look for a space.
“I’ll tell you what the problem is: it’s these darned visitor spots,” Sterling told reporters as he turned his blinker on to try to park in a spot near the entrance before he saw it was a handicapped space. “They took away the best spots and just handed them over to the visitors back in ’95, and I haven’t been able to find a good place to park since then.” He states he’s not going to give up anytime soon.
His wife and kids, now grown, wave to him every Sunday morning and Wednesday night as they attend church functions.
At publishing time, Sterling had tried to sneak into the first-time visitors’ lot, but was caught by parking lot attendees once again.
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