Evil Mexican Drug Cartel Terrorists Attack Church During Baptism, Execute Two People In Church

In the famous film The Godfather, the evil gangster Michael Corleone is attends his son’s baptism at the same time when he ordered a series of assassinations of his enemies.
However, the reality is far worse, where in Mexico drug cartel terrorists attacked San Felipe de Jesus Church in Mazatlan, Sinaloa during a baptism and executed two people:
A group of armed men traveling in at least one vehicle shot a 17-year-old boy and his 38-year-old uncle after the end of a girl’s baptism.
Another man was wounded, the attack provoked panic among the neighbors and the baptism guests who could not believe what had happened in just one second the celebration turned into tragedy. Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- A baptismal mass ended in tragedy this Saturday afternoon, after two of the assistants were executed outside the church of the colony Adolfo López Mateos.
The armed attack occurred a few meters from the Municipal Police booth that is located in that housing sector. The neighbors were incredulous and fearful of the bloody fact, because they had never experienced a similar situation outside the religious site. The information obtained with police sources indicates that one of the victims is a minor.
This was called Alan Alejandro, who was 17 years old. The deceased adult was identified by his family with the name of Francisco Javier, 38 years old, resident of the community of El Palmito, Concordia.
Another 41-year-old was injured by bullet splinters in his left knee. Paramedics of Veteran Firefighters went to the emergency call, and upon their arrival, they confirmed that the adult and the child were killed by gunshots. They presented bullet wounds to the chest, face and head.
The victims were shot to death.
Some testimonies agreed that this moment was of terror. Minutes after 18:00 hours, the baptism of a girl had ended and the parents, compadres and guests were preparing to leave the church of San Felipe de Jesus, located in private Philip Riveros almost corner with Gabriel Leyva, in the aforementioned colony .
They were preparing to take photos of the memory when a series of gun detonations caused alarm and those present panicked. Children, youth and adults ran in all directions to get safe. Then they heard the sound of the engine of a car retreating at full speed. On the private Felipe Riveros, on one side of a white car, were lying the bodies of two men, who were said to be uncle and nephew.
Municipal, military and federal police arrived at the site of the double homicide to cordon off the area and wait for personnel from the Deputy Prosecutor’s Office to conduct the field investigation and collect firearm casings as evidence. (source)
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