Jesus' Coming Back

Just As We Predicted: After Trump Snub, Erdogan Tells Merkel That Turkey And Germany Must Help Each Other

In August 2018, warned that Turkey was going to attempt to unite with Germany as she has done in the past using the “controversy” between Trump and Erdogan as an excuse. Just as we predicted, Erdogan is now reaching out to Merkel for assistance and asking to build closer German-Turkish ties:

Before Turkey’s president got caught into a growing feud with Donald Trump, Erdogan’s arch-nemesis was Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel following a spat of the treatment of Europe-headed migrants which culminated with Germany pulling its troops from NATO bases in Turkey, while Erdogan urged Germans not to vote for Merkel.

Well, may not anymore, because in a clear example of why the “enemy of my enemy is my friend”, Bloomberg reports that the two leaders broke the diplomatic ice and during a phone call today, Merkel said that the “Turkish economy’s strength is important for Germany.” They also discussed the current situation and agreed on a meeting between Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak and the German ministers of economy and finance.

Before Turkey’s president got caught into a growing feud with Donald Trump, Erdogan’s arch-nemesis was Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel following a spat of the treatment of Europe-headed migrants which culminated with Germany pulling its troops from NATO bases in Turkey, while Erdogan urged Germans not to vote for Merkel.

Well, may not anymore, because in a clear example of why the “enemy of my enemy is my friend”, Bloomberg reports that the two leaders broke the diplomatic ice and during a phone call today, Merkel said that the “Turkish economy’s strength is important for Germany.” They also discussed the current situation and agreed on a meeting between Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak and the German ministers of economy and finance. (source)

As the Daily Sabah reports, Erdogan told Merkel that Turkey’s economic strength is important for Germany.

This is exactly what we said Turkey was going to do.

Germany and Turkey are allies. They were allies for centuries under different names, but possessed the same relationship. They have been contemporary allies since 1453, when the Turks conquered Constantinople and annihilated the Byzantine Empire. The Turco-Teutonic Alliance in this explicit form pre-dates Luther’s revolution by almost 65 years.

If one wants to go back to ancient times, the Goths were allies of the Byzantine Empire in the time of Justinian. Justinian died in 565 AD. Mohammed was not even born until at least 570 AD, and he would not start preaching until 610 AD. The same alliance under a different name predates the existence of Islam.

It does not matter what argument, disagreement, fight or other conflict that Turkey and Germany have because this alliance has endured for fifteen centuries.

It is not going to disappear.

It is going to stay.

What Trump did by insulting Merkel in the previous month and now creating a “controversy” with Turkey was intentional. Remember too that both Germany and Turkey are US allies, and it was the US who worked with Germany to make Turkey’s military. To the US, Turkey is an investment, and she is going to make sure that she gets her full return from her investment. That is why Trump attacked them both, because now Turkey and Germany have an excuse to say “We cannot trust Trump, we must ally as we have in the past.”

Trump is giving them both the gift that Germany and Turkey always wanted- an excuse to unite and remilitarize.

This is what we have been saying consistently.

It’s not a superior form of introspection or knowledge. It is a pattern of history that is repeating, and it is the reason we refuse to forget, for if one fails to remember what Germany and Turkey have done in the past when they were allowed to work together they will certainly find an excuse to commit the same evils again.

Jesus Christ is King

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