Report Shows How A Woman Was Bought By A Muslim Terrorist For $100, and when she escapes to Germany, her buyer tracks her down

Spokeswoman Frauke Koehler told the Associated Press that the woman’s statement to authorities “wasn’t precise enough” and when they tried to follow up, she had left Germany.
Koehler said prosecutors want to speak to her again if she returns to Germany.
ISIS fighters took thousands of Yazidi woman as sex slaves, including Ashwaq, the BBCreported.
Raped and beaten, she managed to escape three months later and then went to Germany with her mother and one brother, according to the BBC.
It is Germany that she says she encounter Humam, outside a supermarket in February.
“On the way back to school a car pulled up next to me,” she said. “He was sitting in the front seat. He talked to me in German and asked: ‘Are you Ashwaq?’ I was so scared I was shaking. I said: ‘No, who are you?’”
She said he then replied: “I know you are Ashwaq, and I am Abu Humam.”
Ashwaq said he then started to talk to her in Arabic and told her not to lie to him.
“I know you, he said. And where you live and who you live with. He knew everything about my life in Germany.”
She said: “I left my family and my country and went to Germany to forget the beating and the pain. The last thing I expected was to meet my IS captor and that he would know everything about me.”
Düzen Tekkal, an activist and the founder of Hawar.Help, a Berlin-based organization which campaigns for Yazidi rights, told the BBC she has heard of other cases where female Yazidi refugees recognized ISIS fighters in Germany.
Ashwaq is now living in a Yazidi camp in Kurdistan, the BBC reported. Her family is now applying to live in Australia as part of a special program for women abducted by ISIS.
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