Jesus' Coming Back

New Evidence Shows How France Is Involved In The Plan To Destabilize Europe

By Theodore Shoebat

New evidence shows that the ballot papers used in the illegal Catalonia election to secede from Spain came from France. It further shows how France is involved in the Catalonian revolt, and thus in the plan to destabilize Europe. The report comes from a journalist writing for the BBC, who states:

This time last year the Catalan government was busily preparing for a vote on independence, even though the parliament had yet to give its final approval. One puzzle was how to obtain ballot papers and ballot boxes – and how to prevent them being seized in advance. The BBC’s Niall O’Gallagher visited France to discover how the problem was solved.

The authorities in Madrid had taken control of the region’s finances so the Catalan government couldn’t buy ballot boxes or print voting papers. Somehow, despite a heavy police presence, the polls opened as planned. But how?

The BBC journalist met with a Catalonian rebel named Jaume who admitted to him:

“I drove ballot papers from France across the border with Spain in a lorry …There was always the danger that some information would be leaked, which would jeopardise the whole operation. …But I wasn’t afraid. All I did was transport paper – and as far as I know, transporting paper from one EU state to another isn’t a crime.”

The report goes on to read:

While the voting papers were being printed in Elna, the ballot boxes had travelled all the way from a factory in China, via Marseille, before being hidden in the French-Catalan countryside. They were then taken south ahead of the referendum – a day that ended with hundreds injured at the hands of the Spanish police.

The story further confirms what we wrote last year: Part of the Catalonian conspiracy involves France. Before Carles Puigdemont declared Catalonian independence from Spain, he signed an agreement with the French on pharmaceuticals. The agreement, as one report states, “will cover five areas of priority for both institutions, including: biomedical innovation and the pharmaceutical industry, education, urban waste management, the videogames industry and research.” The agreement between Catalonia and the French is interesting given the fact that Carles Puigdemont, after declaring Catalonia independent from Spain, fled from Barcelona to Marseille, in France, from where he then flew to Brussels where he took refuge from Spanish authorities. 

That Puigdemont fled to France from where he escaped to Belgium, shows that the French are helping him. Brussels is the headquarters of the EU, which indicates that there is help coming from powerful elites within the European Union who are conspiring to break Europe apart, which will only help Germany who would use the chaos of fragmentation to revive German militarism under the guise of ‘restoring order.’ This could explain why Germany, when holding Puigdemont, declared that Spain could not try him for rebellion, thus protecting the rebel.  Moreover, that Puigdemont fled to France shows a conspiracy by both France and Germanic elites to support the break down of Spain and accelerate chaos in Europe.

Furthermore, that Puigdemont made an agreement with the French on pharmaceuticals, and that Catalonia is the center of pharmaceuticals in Spain (and one of the centers of the world for pharmaceuticals), may indicate some sort of conspiracy on the part of pharmaceutical companies to push an agenda.

Lets look at the scale of the pharmaceutical industry to put things in perspective. With a population of over seven million, Catalonia only makes 1.5% of Europe’s population, and yet 42,100 Catalans work in the science industry (34% of that are in pharmaceutical companies) and these produce 1% of the world’s scientific production, and they produce 3.15% of Europe’s scientific production. According to one report,

“Catalonia has attracted 43 foreign investment projects from life sciences sector companies, creating 2,350 jobs and representing an investment of 750 million euros. These have mainly come from companies from Germany, USA, France, Switzerland and India. With 50% of the life science projects, the pharmaceutical sector is showing the highest level of investment in this industry in Catalonia.”

The Catalonian secessionist movement is huge, with over seven hundred thousand Catalonian separatists taking to the streets in its most recent demonstration. With such immense mobilization and organization, and with something so significant as the wealthiest region of Spain, and one of the wealthiest regions in Europe, wanting to split from its country, it would not be far fetched to say that elites within big industry have a say so in such movements. Lets not forget that it was indeed major German industrialists who pushed for Hitler to become chancellor. Corporations and industrialists have major leverage over the political happenings of the world. 

Moreover, with Catalonia being so wealthy, the wealthiest region in Spain, it would not be adventuresome to say that this nationalist movement is being favored by wealthy Catalonians who want to split from a poor and depressed Spain, to get wealthier.

The pharmaceutical industry is the major conglomerate behind the current day eugenist movement. And, given the fact that Nazi Germany contracted with pharmaceutical companies to conduct human experiments, and that Nazi scientists would work with pharmaceutical companies after the Second World War, it would not be far fetched to say that there is a eugenist conspiracy behind the destabilization of Europe.

For, by breaking down the established order of the European Union, the euro will fragment, and since the idea behind the euro was to maintain peace through financial unity, such a chaotic situation will remove the incentive to be peaceful, and Germany, being the most powerful nation in Europe, and seeing the opportunity for conflict, will return to the warpath and conduct imperialism in the name of order.

The eugenist component in this makes perfect sense, since if Germany goes back to the warpath, it will also revive its social darwinist agenda for genocide, which would consist of human experimentation, and here is where the pharmaceutical companies come in.

To add to this observation, we cannot ignore the fact that the most prestigious scientific establishment in Germany, the Max Planck Institute, conducts human experiments on unborn children (as we have shown here, here, and here) and was being directed by Nazi scientists after the war. This fact indicates a continuation of Germany’s agenda of eugenics after the war, and it would not be adventuresome to affirm that Germany wants to expand this agenda to more lands, and to more atrociousness.

But, in order to do this, Germany needs an opportunity for war, and this is where the destabilization of Western Europe comes in. The breakdown of Western Europe, just as what happened when Yugoslavia broke down, will only lead to war, and in war, morality is overtaken by anarchy.

Let us see what pharmaceutical companies are stationed in Catalonia, and if they have any Nazi connection or eugenist activities.

One of the major companies in Catalonia is Boehringer Ingelheim, a German biotech company and one of the world’s top 20 leading pharmaceutical companies. In 2014, Boehringer Ingelheim stationed its global information technology centre in Catalonia.

The center was not just a single place for Catalonia, or even Spain, but, as one report says, it was built to “serve all of Europe from its location in Sant Cugat del Valles in the Technological Valley just outside of Barcelona”. The center was opened by Artur Mas, the former governor of Catalonia and a leading member of the Democratic Convergence of Catalonia, the very party of Carles Puigdemont, his successor.

Boehringer Ingelheim has Nazi connections. In 1954, Boehringer Ingelheim hired to be one of their scientists, Fritz Fischer, a Nazi scientist who conducted human experiments on Polish women at the horrific Ravensbruck Concentration Camp. In one experiment, Fischer amputated a man’s arm off, and then surgically attached it to a German man named Ladisch.

A medicine developed by Boehringer Ingelheim, Pradaxa, led to thousands of deaths and injuries in 2011, as we read in one medical report:

“Most recently, Boehringer has been embroiled in controversy after its blockbuster anticoagulant drug Pradaxa was linked to thousands of injuries and deaths from uncontrollable internal bleeding.

On December 7, 2011, the FDA announced an investigation into Pradaxa after receiving reports of 3,781 side effects and 542 deaths among users, the most of any drug in 2011.”

Another major pharmaceutical company that is in Catalonia is Hoffman-La Roche, a Swiss biotech company that has a central hub in Barcelona, as we read in its website:

“Situated in the trendy area of Barcelona, our hub in Sant Cugat hosts the majority of our Digital Solutions and IT management teams and is at the heart of shaping our organization’s digital solutions strategy.”

Like Boehringer Ingelheim, Hoffman-La Roche is a major company with Nazi roots, working directly with and supplying the Third Reich. As we read in one Swiss report:

“…several leading Swiss chemical firms – including JR Geigy, Ciba, Sandoz and Hoffmann-La Roche – put their own interests ahead of humanitarian concerns in their dealing with the Nazis.

The ICE concluded that the chemical firms’ bosses in Switzerland ‘possessed a high level of detailed knowledge about the political and economic situation in Nazi Germany… [and] incorporated their knowledge… into their economic planning and used it as a basis for decision-making’.

All the companies concerned owned factories in Germany between 1933 and 1945, as well as in wartime-occupied Poland, and were important suppliers of chemicals, dyes and pharmaceuticals for the Third Reich.


The report also singled out Geigy and Roche for using forced labour at their plants in Germany. It said at least 33 Dutch and French labourers were forced to work for Geigy between 1943 and 1945, while at least 61 prisoners-of-war and 150 foreign labourers were forced to work at the Roche plant.

Today, the spirit of Nazism still possesses the soul of this company, as it is involved in human experimentation. One of the members of the board of directors for Hoffman-La Roche is Richard P. Lifton, an American biochemist and the president of the Rockefeller University in Manhattan. Which is not surprising given the very long history of the Rockefeller family of supporting eugenics.

In 2010, Lifton partook in an experiment together with western and Asian scientists, alongside numerous Turkish scientists such as Ali Kemal Öztürk and Mehmet Bakircioğlu. In the experiment was used the brains of aborted babies that were 19 and 20 weeks in development. According to a document from the scientists:

“Human fetal brains at 19 and 20 weeks of gestation were obtained under the guidelines approved by the Yale Institutional Review Board … from the Human Fetal Tissue Repository at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine”

Photo taken of the document on the experiment on murdered babies’ brains

Another big pharmaceutical company in Catalonia with Nazi roots is Bayer, which was once called IG Farben, the biggest pharmaceutical establishment that supported and aided the Nazis in their atrocities. Just to show how significant Catalonia is to Bayer, in 2013, Bayer decided to expand into Catalonia to control 25% of its global sales from Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia. As we read in one 2013 Catalonian report:

“The German chemical and pharmaceutical company has picked Barcelona to provide shared services to its subsidiaries in Greece, Turkey and Latin America, which account for 25% of the total group sales. … Bayer’s Shared Service Centre in Barcelona will expand its tasks and responsibilities by taking over the accounting, controlling and IT services for subsidiaries in Greece, Turkey, and Latin America. Bayer’s Barcelona offices will expand their geographical sphere of influence from 11 to 22 countries and manage the services of over 50 Bayer subsidiaries, representing 25% of the total group sales. The Catalan capital’s centre will take over the new tasks over 2014. Barcelona hosts one of Bayer’s 5 global headquarters, together with Berlin (where the company is based), Gdansk (Poland), Shanghai (China) and Manila (Philippines).”   

According to a 2009 report, “German chemical group Bayer has opened a new line of production of MDI drums (isocyanate), a product used to produce polyurethane. The line, installed at the Tarragona plant, is part of Bayer MaterialScience unit (BMS) and will provide MBI in drums for both the Spanish and international markets.”

Keep your eyes on Europe. Whatever happens to her, effects the whole world. If she crumbles, then the whole earth will crumble.

Jesus Christ is King

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