The United States Marine Core Declares That They Will Continue To Train Kurdish Fighters. America Is Only Training People Who Hate Christianity And Want To Slaughter Christians

By Theodore Shoebat
The United States Marine Core has recently announced that they will be continuing to train the Peshmerga. Who are they going to be training? Kurdish nationalists who, not unlike other Islamist entities, hate Christians. As we read in one report from Kurdistan 24:
Brig. Gen. Austin Renforth, of the US Marine Corps, visited Erbil last week, and while he was there, he spoke with Kurdish media.
Renforth has recently arrived in theater as Deputy Commanding General-Operations (Iraq) and Director of Joint Operations-Iraq for CJFTF-OIR (Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve), the formal name of the US-led coalition against the Islamic State (IS.)
One of Renforth’s purposes in coming to Erbil was to meet Gen. Sirwan Barzani, the Marine Corps officer explained, and when Kurdistan 24 caught up with him, Renforth was with Barzani, who had been showing him around.
“I want to thank Gen. Barzani for his hospitality and showing me the history of the Peshmerga forces, and, really, the history of his grandfather,” Renforth began the interview, referring to the legendary Mullah Mustafa Barzani.
“It’s important to understand the history of Kurdistan,” he added.
That may seem incontrovertible, but there is a strong tendency within US institutions, including the military, to rely on technology—think of Donald Rumsfeld’s “shock and awe,” the approach with which the US launched Operation Iraqi Freedom—while ignoring factors like history and culture.
In speaking with us, Renforth emphasized that the CJTF-OIR will continue its support for the Peshmerga.
“We just had an allocation to give training dollars for the Peshmerga forces, so we’re going to enable the Peshmerga through our training,” he said.
Over half of the Kurds voted in favor for an Erdogan dictatorship. According to one report on the Kurdish vote for the referendum
Overall results nationally stand at 51.41 percent “Yes” and 48.59 percent “No.”
What this report proves is that this very frequently made assumption that the Kurds are against Erdogan, is really not true. Yes there are many Kurds that are nationalists and don’t want an Islamist authoritarian government, but there are still over 50% of the Kurds who do desire a revived Ottoman Empire, which is what Erdogan wants to establish.
The Kurds, back in the 20th century, were the killing squads for the Young Turks when they were systematically exterminating Christians in the Armenian Genocide. As one eyewitness account records:
The gendarmes went ahead, informing the half-savage tribes of the mountains that several thousand Armenian women and girls were approaching. The Arabs and Kurds began to carry off the girls, the mountaineers fell upon them repeatedly, violating and killing the women, and the gendarmes themselves joined in the orgy. One by one the few men who accompanied the convoy were killed. The women had succeeded in secreting money from their persecutors, keeping it in their mouths and hair; with this they would buy horses, only to have them repeatedly stolen by the Kurdish tribesmen. Finally the gendarmes, having robbed and beaten and violated and killed their charges for thirteen days, abandoned them altogether.
Two days afterward the Kurds went through the party and rounded up all the males who still remained alive. They found about 150, their ages varying from 15 to 90 years, and these, they promptly took away and butchered to the last man. But that same day another convoy from Sivas joined – this one from Harpoot, increasing the numbers of the whole caravan to 18,000 people.
. . . On the seventieth day a few creatures reached Aleppo. Out of the combined convoy of 18,000 souls just 150 women and children reached their destination. A few of the rest, the most attractive, were still living as captives of the Kurds and Turks; all the rest were dead.
. Let me show you an account, documented by Sir Robert Anderson, of the brutality of the Turk, and you will see just how frenzied the Muslim can be at the smell of Christian blood, to the point of even mockingly selling Christian flesh:
Over 60,000 Armenians have been butchered. In Trebizond, Ezeroum, Erzinghian, Hassankaleh, and numberless other places the Christians were crushed like grapes during the vintage. The frantic mob, seething and surging in the streets of the cities, swept down upon the defenseless Armenians, plundered their shops, gutted their houses and jested with the terrified victims, as cats play with mice. The rivulets were choked up with corpses; the streams ran red with human blood; the forest glades and rocky caves were peopled with the dead and dying; among the black ruins of once prosperous villages lay roasted infants by their mangled mothers’ corpses; pits were dug at night by the wretches destined to fill them, many of whom, flung in when but lightly wounded, awoke underneath a mountain of clammy corpses, and vainly wrestled with with death and with the dead, who shut them out from light and life for ever.
A man in Ezeroum, hearing a tumult, and fearing for his children, who were playing in the street, went out to seek and save them. He was borne down upon by the mob. He pleaded for his life, protesting that he had always lived in peace with his Moslem neighbours, and sincerely loved them. The statement may have represented a fact, or it may have been put a plea for pity. The ringleader, however, told him that that was the proper spirit, and would be condignly rewarded. The man was then stripped, and a chunk of his flesh cut out of his body, and jestingly offered for sale: “Good fresh meat, and dirt cheap, exclaimed some of the crowed. “Who’ll buy fine dog’s meat?” echoed the amused bystanders. (In Sir Robert Anderson, The Silence of God, ch. 1, p. 3)
The genocide is coming, mountains of corpses will be made under the Ottoman Empire, alongside its German allies. Lets not forget, that while the Kurds and Turks worked together to slaughter the Christians, Germany played a very significant role in the genocide.
In 1917, the Bolsheviks, the Germans, the Austrians, Hungarians, Bulgarians, and the Ottomans, had a meeting in Brest, in which one of the most significant agreements in modern history would be made: The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. In this meeting, the Germans demanded for a huge chunk of the former Russian empire of the now murdered Czar, a demand that the Bolsheviks would acquiesce to without any serious resistance. In the same meeting, Turkey demanded Armenia, which had been under Russian rule. This demand, as well, was satisfied. The Ottomans began their brutal slaughter of the Armenian population, and it was because of Germany’s support for the Bolshevik take over of Russia, and its role in commencing the meeting in Brest. The Germans, in order to supposedly make sure that Turkey did not get too sanguinary, commissioned General Hans von Seeckt, the future leader of the Weimar Republic’s Reichswehr, to be an observer on the Caucasus front line. But Seeckt didn’t do anything to help the Armenians. On the contrary, he supported the genocide of the Armenians that was conducted by the Young Turks, writing to Berlin in July of 1918:
“It is an impossible state of affairs to be allied with the Turks and to stand up for the Armenians. In my view, any consideration, Christian, sentimental or political, must be eclipsed by its clear necessity for the war effort.”
Seeckt supported the Social Darwinist Young Turks who, after taking control of the Ottoman regime, sought to secularize and modernize Turkey as a way to advance the empire into a more formidable force. The Germans used the Ottoman’s massacring of the Armenians to take control of Georgia. The Georgians, seeing the horrors being inflicted upon their Armenian neighbors, were terrified that they too would suffer the same ruthlessness of Ottoman imperialism. Germany told the Georgians that if they would allow Germany to control their country, that that would protect them from the Turkish warpath. The Georgians accepted without hesitation, with a Georgian delegation telling the Armenians that “we cannot drown with you … Our people want to save what they can. You too are obligated to seek an avenue for agreement with the Turks. There is no other way.”
The Armenians were essentially human sacrifices for German imperialism. The Germans helped enable Turkey to control Armenia and slaughter the Christian inhabitants, and used the massacres to instill fear into the Georgians so as to make them give Germany control over their nation. The same nation that would do the Holocaust, contributed significantly to the first genocide of the twentieth century: the Armenian Genocide. If the Germans did such evils in the twentieth century, what makes us think that they are not working on a violent comeback in the twenty-first century? If they could use the Marxists and the holocaust of the Armenians to fulfill their expansionist aspirations, then what makes us think that the same evil intention is not behind the immigration crises?
Kurdish soldiers opened fire on Christian fighters, commencing a shootout in which both Kurds and Christians were killed. The story proves one thing: the Kurds are not our friends and are not the defenders of Christians at all. According to the report:
Several people have been killed in a clash between Assyrian Christians and Kurds in north-eastern Syria, as tensions rise between the two groups.
Fighting broke out at an Assyrian check-point in the city of Qamishli in the al-Hasakah province; an area divided and controlled in parts by ISIS, Kurds and Assyrian forces.
“The city of Qamishli is controlled by Assyrians, but surrounded by Kurdish fighters. The Assyrians were trying to set up checkpoints and were fired at by the Kurds,” Afram Yakoub, the chairman of the Assyrian Federation of Sweden, told Al Jazeera.
The outbreak of violence was also confirmed by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) as being because of the checkpoints, however the two sources have conflicting accounts of the casualties.
Yakoub said at least one Assyrian and eight Kurdish fighters were killed, while Taj Kordsh, a Kurd from the SDF, said “two Assyrian fighters were killed in the clashes and five others were injured.”
He also said that a civilian had been killed.
This is the first known instance of a clash between Assyrians and Kurds over the duration of Syria’s civil war, which began in 2011.
It comes less that a month after three separate attacks in Qamishli increased tensions in the area. The attacks, which targeted two Christian restaurants and killed 18 people, were claimed by ISIS.
I am more worried about the Kurds than I am about ISIS. The Kurds are smarter, they are very well armed, crueler, they have a very deep history of slaughtering Christians (read about the Armenian Genocide), and they have Western backing which makes their evil intentions hidden by a guise of American and European validation. This is not the first time the Kurds have attacked Christian militia fighters.
Five Muslim Kurds, all members of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces (YPG), attacked two major Christian militia leaders, David Antar Gindo and Elias Naser. They first used trickery. They arrived unexpectedly to David’s home, having friendly conversation over tea. The Kurds then invited the two Christian commanders to a secret location. The Christians agreed and in the middle of the journey the Kurds said that the place is so secretive that they would have to be blind folded. They blind folded them.
As they were traveling, the Kurds ambushed them, tied them with rope and commenced torturing them. They executed David at point blank range and shot Elias in the throat. The bullet did not hit a vital area, and Elias didn’t die. The Kurds left him for dead and he was eventually discovered by some good samaritans as he was crawling for dear life.
Assyrian Federation of Germany and the Assyrian Federation of Sweden released this statement on the murder:
On the night of April 22 two local Assyrian leaders from the Khabur area in Syria were taken from their homes and attacked by members of the Kurdish militia known as YPG.
David Gindo and Elias Naser were important leaders for the Assyrians of Khabur with Naser being the leader of the Assyrian militia in the area. It is through his miraculous survival from the attack the perpetrators of the heinous act have been identified.On the morning of Wednesday April 22nd YPG gunmen ambushed David Antar Gindo and Elias Naser. Tragically, David was killed in the attack, and Elias was in critical condition in hospital at Qameshli, Syria. Days after he was admitted to hospital, Elias Naser wrote out the details of the attack (he was wounded in the throat and unable to speak). From Elias Naser’s testimony, the attack occurred as follows:
On April 22nd, shortly after 23:00, Mr. Elias Naser and Mr. David Gindo arrived at Mr. Naser’s home where they were confronted by five individuals from YPG demanding to speak with them. All five used pseudonyms, three of which were Kamal, Hamza and Dlovan.
The uninvited Kurdish guests sat with the two Assyrian leaders and drank tea, informing them that YPG leaders wished to speak with them about the looting, and that their colleague Riadh Gabriel was already at a secret location for a meeting concerning the matter. Trusting in what they were told, Mr. Elias Naser and Mr. David Gindo agreed to go with the YPG men. On route to the destination they were told that they must be blindfolded because the location of the meeting must remain a secret.
Once they arrived at the location they were tied with ropes and David Antar Gindo was tortured and beaten. The YPG men falsely accused Mr. Elias Naser and Mr. David Gindo of collaborating with ISIS and the Assad regime. These baseless accusations were a pretext to take control of the Khabour Assyrian Council of Guardians, starting with the elimination of its leadership.
After the YPG gunmen badly beat David Gindo, they took him and Elias Naser to an off road spot near the village of Jumayla, adjacent to the Euphrates damn (also called the Assad damn). The YPG men first executed point blank and in cold blood, David Antar Gindo, and then they turned their guns on Elias Naser. The time was, recalls Elias, around 2:30 am.
Fortunately for Elias Naser, the fatal shot intended to kill him struck him in the throat, and he fell forward as if dead. Though the YPG gunmen shot and kicked him in the body, Elias Naser remained motionless and was left for dead. Passing in and out of consciousness, Elias Naser waited until his attackers had left, freed his hands from the cords that bound him and crawled a distance of 500 meters to a main road where he was taken by a passing car to hospital.
The YPG gunmen also stole a sum of 750,000 Syrian Pounds, 35 AK47s and few PKC machine guns from Mr. Naser’s home.
Presently, Elias Naser is recuperating in a secret location, thankful to be alive but nonetheless mourning the loss of his friend David Antar Gindo.
The Assyrian Federation of Sweden and the Assyrian Federation of Germany condemn the heinous act by the armed wing of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) which is the Syrian arm of the PKK. The decision to eliminate the two Assyrians is political and aimed at further weakening the Assyrian presence in the area.
It is becoming evident that the Assyrians are squeezed between ISIL and Kurdish political groups eager to occupy Assyrian villages and land. We also call upon Western governments to send direct aid and support to Assyrians in Syria and Iraq.
Assyrian Federation of Germany
Assyrian Federation of Sweden
The Kurds stole 750,000 Syrian pounds, 35 AK47s and several machine guns from David’s home. Why are they stealing the guns of Christians? Because the Kurdish Peshmerga does not want the Christians to be armed. They are using the Christians to help fight ISIS, but once ISIS’ domination is gone, and Syria and Iraq are under the power of Turkey and Iran, the Kurds will side with both of these Muslim powers and conduct a holocaust on the Christian population.
Before Cain killed Abel, “Cain talked with Abel his brother” “in the field” (Genesis 4:8). And thats exactly what these Kurds did before ambushing these two Christian commanders. They came in peaceably, and with false peace deceived the Christians to come with them so that they could kill him. And thats exactly what the Kurds are doing to the Christian people, by making them think that they are their friends, when they are just using the Christians.
The problem with the people in the West who are trusting the Kurds is that they ignore history; they ignore the historical fact that the Kurds were instrumental in the Genocide of the Armenians, the Assyrians, and the Syriac Christians under the Ottoman Empire. They were worked with the Turks to butcher millions of Christians. Never forget what the Kurds did to the Christians.
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