Jesus' Coming Back

Catholic Journalist Who Criticized The LGBT Prevented From Entering Into Church Headed By Major Pro-Homosexual Cardinal Who Hid Child Sexual Abuse

While there has been much rightly needed criticism of the Church on the issue of homosexual abuse, it is critical to emphasize that the problem is not because the “Church promotes homosexuality.” A simple reading of the Catholic Faith makes it absolutely clear that the Church is completely against homosexuality because of theological reasons rooted in divine revelation and always has been so, and will never be able to change.

As we and many others have said before, the only things that can happen are either a denial of divinely revealed truth (heresy), or giving the impression that truth has changed when it has not (deceit).

Heresy and deceit are the only means to oppose it. Both are lies, and for that much damnable lies.

The problem is that there has been a silent coup at the Vatican where homosexuals have infiltrated into the highest ranks of the priesthood and hierarchy. The reasons for this are many, but the entire basis is that they have come to try to destroy the Church from within. Having entrenched themselves, they are viciously resisting all attempts to be removed.

However, the Church is not of human origin, having been founded by Christ on the see of Saint Peter, and over which the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail. God will see to it that the homosexual infestation will be cleansed from her hallways and ranks and there are many good Catholic people among the laity who are standing up against it.

In one example illustrating this conflict, Catholic journalist George Neumayr who has criticized the LGBT was barred from entering into Our Lady Queen of the America’s Church in Washington, D.C. where Cardinal Wuerl, a major supporter of homosexuality and who also helped to cover up child sexual abuse, at his current residency:

This afternoon a group of faithful Catholics gathered on the sidewalk in front of Our Lady Queen of the Americas Church. It’s located on Embassy Row in Washington DC. They interceded for the resignation of Cardinal Wuerl and for a general cleansing of Holy Mother Church from all the sexual perversion and impurity that seems to have gripped a large number of our clergy, both priests and bishops. Why was that church chosen? Because Cardinal Wuerl resides in a penthouse atop the Church.

George Neumayr, Catholic investigative journalist and author of “The Political Pope”, joined in that effort. He then attempted to attend the 5pm Mass inside that church – and was prevented from entering by the pastor, Father Alejandro Diaz. Neumayr recorded that encounter on his cell phone and posted it to Facebook. As Neumayr recorded it, he was quite astute in enunciating the various issues at play – with one exception. I’ll point that out after you watch this encounter.

Notice that at the 0:56 mark, as Neumayr is talking, Diaz’s lips are moving, as though he is muttering. Why? Is he praying? To whom or what is he praying? I cannot see how he’s praying to God while acting in blatant disobedience to Church law and basic justice. What is going on? This is utterly bizarre, if not downright ominous.

There are those who might be frightened by occurrences such as this. While these do show the depths to which the evil gnomes in the clergy will sink, it also displays how frightened they are at the prospects that their gig is up. Please continue to pray your Rosaries and speak out. We can speak out against this miscarriage of justice by calling and/or emailing Diaz and letting him know that we are watching. (source)

What you are witnessing here is the “lavender mafia” defending its own against the very people that they are supposed to represent and protect from those like them.

More of these kinds of exposes need to happen. The group which has taken control over the Church needs to be exposed for what they are and removed because they are violating the trust of the Faith they are charged to care for. The Catholic Faith is not something made by man- it comes from God and it is entrusted to the care of men as guardians. They can neither add to nor subtract from the deposit of faith, and no amount of sophistry can be employed for this end.

The laity should also be encouraged by this, because if the Church is not cleaned out by them, then as the Church belongs to God, he will see to it that the Church will be cleaned out, and the justice of God is a frightening thing to behold, for it is perfect, holy, and final.

Jesus Christ is King

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