Jesus' Coming Back

How E-Verify and Immigration Enforcement Can Prevent More Murders

Another American dreamer has lost her life, allegedly killed by an illegal alien who was only in the country because of the open-borders agenda.

Cristhian Bahena Rivera is a 24-year-old Mexican who came here illegally between four and seven years ago and allegedly murdered University of Iowa student Molly Tibbetts. In a twist of tragic irony, he was employed by a business owned by the family of a prominent Republican open-borders activist.

While the investigation is still ongoing and the details are still being learned, Yarrabee Farms, a dairy farm owned by the brother and son of open-borders supporter Craig Lang, put out statement admitting that Rivera had been employed by the farm for a number of years. Lang is a prominent Republican who once headed the Iowa Farm Bureau and the Iowa Board of Regents, and he was a candidate for Iowa secretary of agriculture. He was part of one of the most prominent lobbies advocating for open borders, endless magnets, and no interior enforcement against people like Rivera.

E-Verify plus fighting identity theft would end illegal immigration

Yarrabee Farms initially said in a statement that Rivera passed an E-Verify check when he sought employment with the company. Defenders of open borders immediately used this to discredit E-Verify. Later on Wednesday, the owners said at a press conference that Rivera was really known to them by a fake alias from a stolen out-of-state document he provided, along with a matching Social Security card, and that they did not use E-Verify. They claim to have used the Social Security Number Verification Service (SSNVS), which checks the legitimacy of Social Security numbers without any immigration verification. He worked there for four years.

We can debate the merits of SSNVS vs. E-Verify, but open-borders advocates are missing the forest for the trees. The illegal alien only passed the background check (assuming they are telling the truth) because he had a stolen identity. The open-borders lobby has forever stopped the government from prosecuting identity theft. They view identity theft, along with drunk driving, as a “low-level offenses” and don’t treat the overwhelming majority of illegals who engage in identity theft or fraud as criminal aliens. Every version of amnesty plus the existing illegal DACA program not only forgives identity theft, but shields the aliens from any exposure. And Americans suffer for it.

Read the rest from Daniel Horowitz HERE.

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