CNN’s Toobin: Trump’s Talk of Violence After Midterms Is a Warning About ‘Scary Black People’

Tuesday on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” network legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin commented on President Donald Trump‘s reported warning that the left would “overturn” everything that we’ve done “violently” if Republicans lose control of the House in the 2018 midterm election.
According to a CNN transcript, during a meeting with evangelical leaders at the White House event Monday, Trump said if the Democrats win control, “They will overturn everything that we’ve done and they’ll do it quickly and violently, and violently. There’s violence when you look at Antifa — these are violent people.”
Toobin said, “Let’s be clear also about what’s going on here. The theme here is, ‘I’m Donald Trump and I’ll protect you from the scary black people.’ Antifa is widely perceived as an African-American organization, and this is just part of the same story of LeBron James and Don Lemon and Maxine Waters and the NFL players and the UCLA basketball players. This is about black versus white. This is about Donald Trump’s appeal to racism and it just happens all the time. And we never say it. We don’t say it enough for what it is, but that’s what’s going on here.”
He added. “Let’s not forget Donald Trump became a politician by making up a racist lie about the first African-American President of the United States.”
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