Media Fail: 59% Believe John Brennan Should Have Lost Security Clearance

A Harvard CAPS/Harris poll shows that a full 59 percent of registered voters believe former CIA Director John Brennan should have lost his security clearance.
Nearly two-thirds, 64 percent, believe disgraced former FBI Director James Comey should lose his security clearance. The same number would like to see everyone fired or demoted at the FBI lose their security clearances, as well.
What is more, 60 percent of voters believe “former national security officials who become consultants and TV news contributors should give up their national security clearances.”
“An overwhelming majority of the public thinks that former officials should lose their security clearance, and believe that former officials like Brennan and Coney should no longer have any clearance,” the poll’s co-director Mark Penn told the Hill.
“There would definitely be support for a wholesale policy revoking their clearances,” he added.
The poll’s findings, which are overwhelming, serve as more proof of the establishment media’s fall from grace in the eyes of the public. The media’s inability to either gauge, capture, or sway public opinion can be found in other polls, most especially Trump’s healthy job approval rating. But this poll, which comes about a week after the media collectively argued against revoking these security clearances, can only serve as a total repudiation of the media’s waning power and prestige.
After President Donald Trump yanked Brennan’s security clearance, the media literally spent days attacking Trump’s decision as un-American, an assault on the First Amendment, and even dictatorial.
This full-fledged media attack against Trump — this, at times, hysterical crusade to make the revocation of security clearances of those no longer serving in government a free speech issue — has clearly failed.
Democrats have announced their intent to pass a law preventing Trump from revoking security clearances.
Harvard-Harris also released its monthly number gauging Trump’s approval rating. The president currently enjoys the relatively healthy support of 46 percent of the public, with 54 percent disapproving.
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