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Trump: CNN’s Trump Tower Story Source ‘Doesn’t Exist,’ ‘Credibility Is Now Gone’

President Donald Trump mocked CNN and Carl Bernstein Thursday claiming their “credibility is now gone” and there is no “source” for the far-left network’s Trump Tower story, a story that collapsed into a pile of fake news this week.

“CNN is working frantically to find their ‘source.’ Look hard because it doesn’t exist,” Trump tweeted. “Whatever was left of CNN’s credibility is now gone!”

On July 27, CNN’s Carl Bernstein and Jim Sciutto were two of three bylined reporters behind a bombshell report that claimed Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney, would testify Trump knew in advance of a meeting at Trump Tower that took place during the 2016 election between Trump’s campaign senior staff and a Russian lawyer.

The story also said that Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, refused comment on the story.

As has been the case with CNN “bombshells” too many times before, nothing published by CNN ended up being true.

Not only has Lanny Davis said Cohen knows nothing about Trump having any foreknowledge of the meeting, Davis also admits he was a CNN source. This, of course, means Bernstein intentionally misled the public when he reported Davis was not a source for the story.

Nevertheless, even though the story has imploded, CNN has not only refused to correct or retract the false report but continues to stand by it, as does the now-disgraced Bernstein.

With Davis admitting he was the source, CNN has been claiming it has a another source, which is what Trump means when he is mocking their search for that “source.”

Even so, even if CNN has another source, that source should be outed by CNN as a liar. If that source even exists, he or she is guilty of giving CNN bad information. Back in the good old days, when the media was somewhat concerned about its credibility and deterring “sources” from lying, sources guilty of lying were named and shamed.

This Trump Tower story was CNN’s biggest of the year and the biggest story the hapless Bernstein has had since he and Bob Woodward parted ways 40 years ago. To have something like this implode is a massive humiliation, even for a shameless outlet like CNN.

CNN is obviously hoping the scandal will run out steam. It certainly helps that no one else in the establishment media is making an issue of a scandal that hurts the credibility of the media at large.

Trump, however, who has tweeted numerous times about CNN’s latest very fake news scandal, has no intention of letting it go.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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