Jesus' Coming Back

Congolese People Displaced by Violence Embrace the Gospel in Refugee Camp

Photo Credit: Mission Aviation Fellowship

DR Congo (Mission Network News/Mission Aviation Fellowship) As the refugee crisis drags on in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), it is making fewer and fewer headlines. However, the crisis is far from over.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the DRC are displaced because of terrible violence in the east. Some of it is tribal, some of it is political, but either way, the outcome is the same.

In the city of Bunia, thousands of internally displaced people (IDPs) live in tarp tents with little to go home to. Most have lost their homes, livelihoods, and even loved ones in the fighting.

Jon Cadd, program manager with Christian organization Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in eastern DRC, says, “There was a lot of violence between a couple of tribal groups to the north of us about 50 miles. Really, really violent things. People had their arms cut off and hacked with machetes across the back of the neck and across the face. Numerous people [were] killed and it just sparked a refugee crisis. Everybody … ran out of that area and thousands of people ended up in Bunia in various refugee camps.”

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