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68% of Voters: Illegal Immigration ‘Major Problem,’ Feds Not Doing Enough

A Rasmussen Reports poll shows a majority of American voters — 68 percent — believe that illegal immigration is a “major problem” and that the federal government is not doing enough to fix it.

The poll also shows that 43 percent of voters consider illegal immigration to be a “very serious” problem.

A minority of respondents to the telephone and online survey, only 32 percent, said illegal immigration is “not a serious problem,” and nine percent said it is “not at all serious.”

In July, a Morning Consult poll revealed that American voters who say they are independents are divided almost evenly on whether Republicans or Democrats can be trusted to handle immigration issues — 35 percent said Democrats versus 34 percent who said Republicans are better suited to deal with it.

The Rasmussen Reports poll is the result of a survey of 1,000 likely voters and was conducted on August 26-27, 2018. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence.

In Morning Consult poll was conducted in mid-July and asked 936 registered independent voters about 14 attributes and whether they associated those qualities more with the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.

“On the question of which party ‘is a bigger supporter of immigrants coming to the United States,’ 69 percent of Independents chose the Democratic Party, compared with seven percent who chose the GOP,” the Morning Consult wrote about its poll.

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